Hey everyone! This is the last chapter of this two-shot. I want to thank everyone who reviewed, favorited, and followed. You guys made my day:) I'm glad you guys are enjoying this. I hope everyone enjoys this as well:)

The video started playing, and revealed Peter sitting on his bed, wearing his Spiderman suit without the mask. He must be using the tripod Tony had gotten him. Peter took a deep breath. "Hey, Mr. Stark." Tony almost fell out of his chair at hearing Peter and seeing him again. Sure, his mind had been showing him images of Peter, and replaying his voice but this was...different.

He continued. "If you're watching this, I'm dead. Whether by some villain, lightning, or even a sharknado." He slapped a hand against his head. "Uh-sorry. That last one was a movie reference. I'll try to refrain from using them in this video. I know you don't like them." He suddenly remembered how Peter had helped defeat Ebony Maw using a movie reference. He never knew his little references would actually come in handy someday. He used to think they were annoying. Now? He missed them. They were a part of what made Peter...Peter. Peter cleared his throat, and grabbed Tony's attention. It was weird. It was as if he knew Tony had been lost in thought.

"Anyways, I made this video to tell you things I never have. Also, I guess it can be something of mine you can remember me by."

Tony scooted his chair closer to the screen, curious as to what he had to say. "Oh, and I forgot to mention, Aunt May won't be barging in anytime soon. She's at a friend's house until 6. She-uh still doesn't know I'm Spiderman. It would be better if she didn't know. I wouldn't want to put more worry on her." This video was obviously made before Aunt May found out. He remembered Peter had not seemed too happy to see Aunt May had called Tony over, and started yelling at him while he sat on the couch. It had taken a while to calm his Aunt down.

"Alright, so let me just start off by saying thank you, Mr. Stark. For everything. I haven't known you for that long, but I don't know what I'd do without you." He had found himself thinking the same thing not so long ago. "You are helping me become a better Spiderman. And, without you, I probably would never have met the Avengers. Even if I was fighting a half of the team." He ran a hand through his hair. "But, most importantly, you are like a father to me. And, I love you Mr. Stark. For years now, I've felt...a little lonely. Sure, I have Ned and Aunt May. But, ever since Uncle Ben died, I felt like I was missing something. When you came into my life, I realized it was a father figure. I don't know if you think of me as a son, or not but...I'll always think of you as a father." Tony felt tears threatening to come out. Of course he thought of him as a son. He always would. Peter chuckled. "You know, it's funny. When I was little, I dreamt of having Iron Man as a family member. Huh, I guess dreams can come true…" Now Tony couldn't stop the tears that fell. He never deserved Peter. Out of all the people Peter could look up to, it was him. He didn't exactly understand why. Sure, he was named as 'a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist,' but that didn't make up for the things he had done in his life. He guessed Peter saw something he didn't. That was Peter for ya. That kid saw the good in everyone.

"I'm also sorry if I've ever been a nuisance, or a burden."

Tony slammed his fist down on his desk. "Dammit, kid! Stop saying sorry!" Of course, there wasn't a point. Peter couldn't hear him. "Moving on, I'm sure Aunt May is in a lot of pain right now. You as well. I just want to ask if you could take care of her for me? Just check up on her once in a while? I know she isn't your biggest fan, but I think she would appreciate some help." He sighed, and Tony suddenly saw tears forming in the kid's eyes. He wiped at his eyes. "Sorry, this just isn't easy, you know? Talking about all of this. But, this has to be done. What they say is true. Someone could die any second. Especially if you're a superhero. That's why I'm filming this video."

He scratched behind his head. "We're almost done, I swear. Finally, grief. I don't want you, or anyone to forget me. But, I don't want you stuck for years in grief, unable to be happy. I know grief is not easy, believe me. But, I want you to move on and be happy. Don't be sad for the rest of your days because of me. And, especially you Mr. Stark? Please don't sink into drugs or drinking. It will only make things worse." Even when the kid was talking about his death he was selfless.

"And, don't worry about me. I'll be okay in heaven. I can see Uncle Ben, and maybe meet your parents Mr. Stark." He never had been a very religious person but he knew for certain this kid wouldn't go to hell. He also briefly wondered what his parents would think of this innocent, brave boy who had found his way into his life. "In conclusion, I love you Mr. Stark. I'll miss you. A lot. But, uh-hey I'll see you again someday." The kid seemed certain Tony was going to heaven, which made him smile.

"Please tell Aunt May I love her and tell her I appreciate everything she has done for me. Oh, and tell Ned he can have my legos and he was one of the best friends I ever had. I'm eventually going to tell Aunt May to give this to you if the situation presents itself. Alright, Peter Parker out." He shut off the camera, leaving Tony with his thoughts. He gently pulled the USB drive out, and gently set it down. He was definitely going to keep this. He could watch the video when he was missing him, and even look at the other pictures and videos. He smiled to himself. Peter had left him a part of himself behind for Tony. Always the selfless one.

He didn't know if they were going to be able to bring the dead back, but he was damn well sure they could avenge them.

RIP Peter Parker. May you come back to life in Avengers 4.

Also, fun fact while writing this second part, I was listening to my Spotify Release Radar, and a song came up and I can't remember the title, but at one point all the male singer says is "I don't wanna go," and I was basically crying and laughing about it at the same time.