Many, many years later…

The lilting music of the flute sounded over the forest, weaving through the strong trunks as the sunlight beamed down in angelic rays upon the woodland floor. It rose high up into the clouds before slowly dwindling into silence, leaving an enchanting echo which caused all ears to pause and listen for more before continuing.

Smiling as I looked down at the ancient flute, I gave a chuckle. It's a wonder it's lasted so long, but still its music is just as sweet as when I first played it as a youngling. Lifting my head, I looked out over the ocean where a school of Lapras rested in peace, protected from the hungry eyes of poachers by my powerful Gyarados, who patrolled the ocean's water for me as the Lapras took refuge.

Above me a flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto flew through the sky towards the setting sun where I inhaled the warm scent of the air before exhaling. My greying hair fluttered on the breeze with my shawl, which I wrapped closer around me as I placed my cane firmly on the ground.

At the edge of the peaking cliff stood Aurora, greatly aged but still strong, meditating as we watched the sunset, which today seemed to be exceptionally magnificent. Perhaps it was because it knew that today was a very special day. Just then, two arms wrapped around me from behind, tenderly resting against my stomach in an intimate but loving way. "Happy anniversary my dear." Gary whispered to me as I chuckled.

"And the same to you too." I answered as he kissed my cheek, our weathered and rather wrinkled faces drastically different from when we were children. Fifty years I have been married to this man, and still he has somehow managed to survive all that time, though I'm not sure how. He drives me bonkers sometimes, but I love him still, and always shall.

As Gary turned me around and touched his brow against mine my mind filled with the memories we began to share with one another. Our wedding day with me dressed all in white floating down the aisle with red roses and blue forget-me-nots, looking to Gary like the most beautiful woman in the world. I blushed inwardly and he chuckled at me softly.

After that various moments in time appeared between us, such as moving into our first home where we brought home our first child, our son Samuel Blue Oak. He took after his father and great grandfather, becoming a renowned professor with a family of his own now, proudly helping children start their Pokémon journeys in Pallet Town. We saw him as a brown floppy haired boy with his father's eyes, riding his bike for the first time on his own, his school plays and all his achievements up until the age of four, when suddenly I was filled with the image of myself in my comfortable chair by the fire, Gary laying his head against my rounded belly where our daughter grew.

Little Angel, our precious baby girl. She had her father's looks, though she was as headstrong as I was, fully intent on going on her journey before she was ten years old. She chose a Charmander for her starter, wanting to follow in my footsteps as a contest master, whilst her younger brother, who came just two years after her, followed in our footsteps as a great Pokémon Master.

His name was Kieran Jett Oak, his starter was a Squirtle, but he took after me in looks and if I do say so myself, he was a very handsome young man. Together Gary and I remembered their battles and competitions, each of which we watched and cheered them on at the tops of our voices whilst glowing with pride.

After Kieran, there finally came Ashley-May, named after Ash which had made him laugh when we told him, humour written across our faces. Ashley was a little uncertain of what it was she wanted to do, looking up to her older siblings and for a long time, she remained uncertain until she heard Uncle Jett and Uncle Brock talking about their work as Pokémon doctors and then finally decided that that's the path she wanted to take, going to study in Johto where she obtained a Bulbasaur as her first Pokémon as a gift from us before she went.

Four gorgeous children and a long happy lifetime together with grandkids, and even great grandkids now. Time was just slipping away, but I was so happy that I had spent every moment of which with Gary, who I had only fallen deeper and deeper in love with every passing day. He smirk always remained and that mischievous twinkle in his eye had never left him, which is why I love him so much. "I love you too." He whispered to me, placing a chaste kiss on my face as Charizard landed behind us, growling protectively over me as he glared down at Gary. "Oh come on, surely by now you're used to sharing?" Charizard shot him a look which clearly stated no. I laughed.

"You know that you hold a very special place in my heart, Charizard, one that even Gary doesn't have access to, as he wasn't my very first Pokémon." I said, cooling down the situation and he softened, lowering his wizened face down to me and I chuckled as he nuzzled against me, my arms sliding around his face. Our Pokémon all filtered in through the trees and from the caves near the shore, coming to wish us a happy anniversary and to help us prepare for the coming of all our family, which no doubt would mean I should get baking my famous brownies very soon.

Vaporeon leaped at me carefully, still youthful on the inside though she was not as young as she once was. Umbreon was much slower beside her, his black coat streaked with grey. They lived together by the ocean, in a cliff cave so that Vaporeon was close to the water as she wished and Umbreon had his peaceful cave to relax in as she went visiting her best friend Dragonair, who was coiling around Gary and I to embrace us both.

We had had to say goodbye to many friends and loved ones over the years. My dearest Ivysaur, my beloved Pidgeot and also loyal Scyther, however they were all buried on our very own island, where we took care of abandoned Pokémon which were brought to our care and we protected and nursed them for as long as it took before they could set out on their own once more. A tear rose to my eye as I thought about losing others also. My parents, my father Sam, Professor Oak, Delia, even Fraiser and Agatha from the Safari, whom I had grown very close to in my work over the years.

As a tear slipped down my cheek, Gary reached up and brushed it away. "Is something wrong?" He asked me and I turned to face him, holding his hands to my face as I inhaled deeply then exhaled, wanting him close to me. We may be old now, but that wasn't to say that our deep bond with all our Pokémon and each other had faded. In fact, over time it had only grown stronger.

"No. I'm just reminiscing." I answered but then I lifted my head as I heard the sound of wing beats closing in on us. The Pokémon all moved back as a young, fresh faced Charizard landed, roaring rather proudly as a boy jumped off its back, a confident step in his gait as he strode forwards. I arched an eyebrow at his rudeness.

"Are you Pokémon Master Ruby Bates?" He demanded to know and I turned to face him, holding my cane tightly in my hands as I eyed him carefully. He wore a travelling jacket and muddy jeans, however his icy blue hair struck me rather notably, as did his sea green eyes.

"I am." I answered and a cocky smirk stretched across his face.

"My name is Henry Wilson, and I challenge you to a battle! If I win, then you have to take me on as your apprentice. A full six on six battle, let's see what you got, old lady!" He challenged and I couldn't help myself, I threw back my head and laughed as Gary chuckled behind me, his hand on my waist.

"My, my, quite the forward young man, aren't you?" I questioned before throwing my stick up into the air then caught it again in a new grip, holding it out to him as I drew myself up to my full height. Ordinarily I wouldn't accept field battles, as usually the challengers posed no real challenge, however I could sense a spark and fire in this one which reminded me very much of my old self. His eyes were keen and focused, if a little arrogant. He reminds me a little of Gary too. I chuckled at the thought. "Very well, prepare yourself, for looks can be deceiving. I may be old, but I am certainly not old fashioned!" Everyone cleared back and Charizard landed on the ground before me, a snarl rippling from his lips as he stretched out his wings which were broader than my entire house, giving them a firm flap which almost toppled Henry and his Charizard over.

"Go Charizard, use Flamethrower!"

"Charizard, counter with your own Flamethrower!" And the two fire attacks met halfway, exploding in a shower of embers before my Charizard's attack pushed easily through the barrier and with a rush of bright golden flames, consumed his opponent.

I had never felt more alive.

I want to personally thank everyone for all your support and kind comments about this series and I am glad that they have been enjoyable to you all, you are all amazing and I hope to hear from you in future! Sadly, I bring Ruby's story to an end, however do not worry, I will possibly be writing more of her in the future centring around the Pokemon Movies! Exciting stuff, but that might not be for a long time now, so please keep an eye out and I shall see you all again soon!