I know I should be writing on my other story Dragon Slayer's pain but currently I am having some writers block so I am writing this in hopes of continuing on my other story. But please comment and review.

- x784 After the tower of Heaven

At the Fairy Tail Guild hall everyone is calm and drinking until the doors were thrown open. Everyone look over to see who opened the doors and they saw Natsu.

"I'm here." Natsu said.

"Hey Natsu." The guild says.

"Well it is about time I take another job." Natsu said to himself but little did he notice Lucy walked over and heard him.

"Can I join, I really need the money for rent?" Lucy asked.

Erza then join into there little group.

"Yeah if your taking a job we as your team shall join you." Erza said.

"I was wanting to do this job by myself." Natsu said.

"If that is what you want to do then there is no reason to stop you from doing so." Erza said.

"But I need the money." Lucy said.

"You should let him do this by himself he has had no chance to do jobs by himself since we formed a team." Gray said startling Lucy.

"Thanks Gray." Natsu said.

And with that Natsu walked over to the request board to find a job. The board was mostly filled with monster elimination quests and dark guild elimination quests.

"Well what is with all of these elimination quests, not that I don't mind." Natsu said. "Hm this one sounds good a dark guild is terrorizing a town and they are paying 1 million jewels."

Natsu grabs the paper and walks over to Mirajane.

"Hey Mira I am taking this job." Natsu says.

"Okay what job is it so I can notify the client?" Mira asked.

"It is the dark guild terrorizing a town." Natsu said.

"Okay I will notify them you are on the way." Mira said.

"Okay see you soon." Natsu said.

And with that Natsu left the Guild to go do his job. He decided to take the train despite his hate towards them, it was just quicker than walking to the town. When Natsu got on the train he found a booth that was not taken. He saw plenty of happy families riding the train and they remind him of his time with Igneel.

'Igneel I will find you even if it takes me decades to do so.' Natsu thought.

When the train started moving Natsu instantly turned green and his cheeks puffed up from trying to hold back the bile in his mouth. People looked over at Natsu and laughed at his comical state, but Natsu did not care about what they thought.

'Well if they think this is funny why don't they try it and see how fun it is.' Natsu thought.

After a while of riding on the train, or as Natsu would call it hell on Earth. They finally made it to the station, when they pulled in Natsu slowly stood up to get out of the train but he was trampled by all the passengers leaving the train. When he got up the train was about to leave so he shot up and ran out of the train before it started to move. When he made it out of the death trap he started kissing the ground saying how he would never ride the train again.

"Well time to find the client." Natsu said.

When he walked through the town he saw the streets were empty and open windows where closed when he walked by. All the people that were on the train just disappeared. So he looked at the paper and looked for the address of the client. When he reached the client's house he knocked on the door. When the door opened he saw a old man peeking through the gap between the door and the door frame to see who knocked.

"Who are you and why are you here?" The man asked.

"I am Natsu Dragneel and I am here for the request you sent out." Natsu said.

"Ah come in there is some things we must discuss." The man said.

Natsu then walked into the client's house and saw that there was two leather couches in the center of the room and a coffee table in between them. There was wood wall and a low ceiling, there was some pictures on the walls of who Natsu guessed was his family.

"Okay so you are a Fairy Tail mage correct." The man asked.

"Yes I am. So where is the Dark Guild at?" Natsu asked.

"It is located northeast of here." The man said. "But be careful their master's magic is unknown. No one has ever seen him fight or use his magic."

"Okay thanks." Natsu said as he was heading out the door.

Natsu started making his way towards the Dark Guild. When he was out of town he started walking down a path that was starting to overgrow with bushes and he was guessing this was the path to the Dark Guild. After a while of walking through the forest Natsu saw a building in the distance he saw letters hanging above the doors which said "Dark Light".

"Well looks like I found it." Natsu said.

Natsu walked up to the building and looked over the giant doors. After a while of listening to what is going on inside he kicked the doors open.

"Who is ready to get burned?" Natsu asked rhetorically.

"Who are you?" A mage asked from the inside.

"Well I am Natsu Dragneel from the Fairy Tail Guild." Natsu said.

"Fairy Tail huh we heard about you before but that does not change the fact that you just picked a fight with a Dark Guild by yourself. Be prepared to die." Another mage said.

"Oh I don't plan on dying today." Natsu said. "Fire Dragon Roar." Natsu let out a stream of fire from his mouth.

The stream of fire quickly took out most of the members but there was still a few who escaped its wrath. When the stream of fire ended they charged at Natsu with their magic ready to fight but Natsu was quicker then they were and he let out another attack on the closest ones.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist." Natsu yelled as he punched the closest mage to him. "Fire Dragon Wing Attack."

After he let out his last attack the remaining group was finished. He surveyed the damage and saw that the Guild hall had caught on fire and there was some craters from his attacks. He walked through the inside of the Guild hall and saw most of it was made up of dark wood. He looked over the main hall and saw tables flipped over mugs spread out all over and a pungent smell of beer.

"Well time to find the Master of this Guild." Natsu said to himself but he did not notice a figure looming behind him.

"Fire Make: Sword." The man called out and struck Natsu.

"Oh it looks like I don't have to find you after all you came to me." Natsu said.

"Who are you." The man asked.

"I am the salamander as I am sure you have heard of me. So you are the master of this Guild?" Natsu said.

"Ah salamander I did not know someone so formidable would come fight us. And yes I am the master." The man said.

"Well I am here to take you and you Guild out and arrest you." Natsu said.

"Ah so you think you can do that huh, well that is not going to happen." The master said. "Fire Make: Meteor."

Natsu saw a flaming fireball coming from the sky but it never hit them instead it was going for the town.

"No!" Natsu yelled.

He started running as fast as he could towards the town but by the time he got there it had already hit. Natsu saw people burning and dying in their houses. The whole city was on fire, everyone was trying to escape but before the could they died in the fires. He then turned around and saw the Guild master. Natsu's skin started to turn to scales and the temperature increased drastically.

"How dare you attack innocents! You will pay for their deaths!" Natsu yelled.

Natsu has red scales littering his body and his domiener was different.

"So you have entered dragon force huh, well that won't save you." The master said.

Natsu lunged at the Guild master and punched him back into a wall of a house. The wall broke and the Guild master went on through the house. The guild master got up and jumped through the house and hit Natsu with a flame coated fist. The punch sent Natsu skidding back a few feet.

"Okay it is time this ended." Natsu said. "Fire Dragon Secret Art: Crimson Lotus Exploding Flame Blade."

The spiral of fire launched across the distance between the two and hit the Guild master. The Guild master was sent flying back through buildings and when he landed he laid there, he was covered in blood and soot. When he heard Rune Knights coming he got up and left the town before he could be caught.

Back with Natsu.

Natsu heard the Rune Knights coming so he ran towards where the Guild master landed but when he arrived he was gone. The Rune Knights came upon Natsu and yelled at him.

"Natsu Dragneel you are under arrest for killing innocent people." A Rune Knight yelled.

"I killed no one the Dark Guild I came here to take care of killed them." Natsu said.

"No excuses you are under arrest." The Rune Knight said.

Natsu ran from them.. He was running through the forest back towards his Guild so they could help him with this mess. After a while of running the Rune Knights stopped following him. Natsu eventually found a place to set up camp and sleep for the night.

-The next morning

Natsu woke up and started making his way back to his Guild. Throughout the day he hunted for food and walked until he reached the Guild hall. He saw the big wooden doors on the Guild hall and like he normally does he kicked the doors open almost blowing them off their hinges.

"I am back!" Natsu yelled.

"Natsu how could you!" Erza yelled

"What do you mean?" Natsu asked.

"You killed an entire town. Your were meant to protect it but instead you killed them." Erza said.

"I did not it was the Guild Master of the Dark Guild." Natsu said.

"Natsu I hear by remove you as a member of this Guild!" Makarov yelled.

"What no." Natsu said.

"Okay everyone we need to apprehend him before he gets away." Gray said.

Everyone in the Guild started running at Natsu charging up their magic. Natsu saw this and prepared his own magic. The heat in the room increased drastically, everyone charging started to sweat from the heat but they pressed on.

"Guys stop I don't want to fight you." Natsu said.

"Well to bad, you have no choice or you could give in." Gray said.

"I won't give up you should know I don't do that." Natsu said.

When they made it to Natsu, Natsu started sending out attacks and knocking out members quickly, but before he knew it Erza was on him with her Flame Empress Armor, slashing him. Natsu was sent back into another group of members and they all attacked him with their magic. Natsu took hit after hit until he went down, everyone kept hitting him even when he was knocked down. After a while of releasing magical attacks on Natsu they let up. When the dust cleared from the crater that Natsu laid in they saw he passed out and was covered in his own blood and dirt.

"That is what he deserves for what he did." Erza said.

"I can't believe Natsu of all people would kill anyone, he just did not seem like the person that would." Lucy said.

"Call the Rune Knights for them to come apprehend him." Makarov said.

All of a sudden they saw a glow coming off of Natsu. Natsu all of a sudden woke up screaming in pain, the glow started to get brighter until a spiral of fire shot out of his body. The fire touched down on the ground and rapidly grew in size, and became brighter until they could not even look in the fire's direction.

That is it for the first chapter I hope you enjoyed. Please comment and review.