Hey I am sorry it has took a while to get this out but I have been busy with school, and working on my house. Also I still would like to see how you guys want Natsu and Wendy end up together. And this is for starting the year off with continuing my story, because I have been lazy. Anyways on to the story. Please comment and review.

"Who do you think you are, to come in here and blow apart our Guild's door?" Asked a member.

"We are FairyTail. And we are here to destroy you." Natsu said.

Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Wendy all started charging up their attacks and attacked the guild. Natsu let out a Fire Dragon's Roar, Wendy let out a Sky Dragon's Roar, Erza Requipped into her Heaven's Wheel armor, Lucy summoned Taurus, and Gray cast Ice Make: Geyser. The attacks landed and destroyed most of the members but quite a bit were still standing. Team Natsu split up to finish the rest of the guild.

With Natsu.

Natsu ran up to the bulk of the guild and started punching people, throwing them. Everyone was weak compared to him so he took it easy trying to not kill everyone with his power. After a few minutes the almost everyone was laying on the ground in pain or from being knocked out. After he wiped the floor with the cannon fodder, a stronger member of the guild came to stop him.

"So who is next huh, cause this is not as fun as it used to be?" Natsu said/ asked.

"Well I think it would be me, and don't expect me to be anything like the rest of them." Someone said.

"Well if you wish to fight me I see no reason not to. And who are you?" Natsu said.

"I am Tregon the ace of this guild." The now named Tregon said.

"Well then let's see how you hold up against me." Natsu said.

Tregon lunged at Natsu with his fist coated in black ice. Black ice particles swirled around his hand as he was lunging at Natsu.

"Ice god Freezing Impact." Tregon yelled as he launched his fist forward.

Natsu saw him coming and dodged to the right. Natsu counter attacked and used Fire Dragon Iron Fist to hit him in the gut as he went by. Changing the direction that Tregon was going. Natsu followed up with a Fire Dragon Roar sending Tregon Farther into the air. Natsu waited a bit and did not see Tregon coming back down, Natsu started to look around and as he turned he saw Tregon's fist in his face.

"Ice god Freezing fist." Tregon called out as he punched Natsu.

Natsu stumbled back a few feet and his head was frozen in a cube of ice. Natsu melted the ice in seconds before Tregon could get the upper hand.

"Well that was unexpected, it was actually kinda cold." Natsu said.

"I have to say you are stronger than I thought you were. But no matter once I am finished with you I think I will have fun with one of the pretty ladies that came with you." Tregon said.

"You think you can touch them huh. They may have broken my trust but I will still protect them." Natsu asked.

"You think you you can stop me." Tregon said.

Tregon started to power up and his magic was reaching levels equivalent to S-class wizards as he entered into god Force. (Completely made that up.) The amount of magic power Tregon was putting out put him on about Erza's level. Natsu looked surprised but he laughed at his attempt to scare him with his power.

"Not to bad but I don't think that is nearly enough to stop me." Natsu said as he powered up to his full base power which easily matched Tregon's power. "You see I am not as weak as you think I may be so let's have some fun."

"Hm seems like you can match me so let's get this over with." Tregon said.

Natsu leaned back and sucked in some flames that were around from fighting and launched a Fire Dragon Roar at Tregon. Tregon saw the fire coming at him and he unleashed his Ice god Bellow to counter Natsu's attack. The Ice and Flames mixed together and quickly and violently exploded into steam.

Natsu jumped back and lunged forward towards Tregon and punched him in the face with his Fire Dragon Iron Fist. The punch sent Tregon flying back into one of the guilds wall and through it.

Natsu jumped after him to not give him time to recover. Tregon landed about 50 feet from the guildhall and made a good sized crater. Natsu rapidly approached him before he could get up and kicked while he was laying down.

"Fire Dragon Talon." Natsu yelled. The hit landed and sent Tregon further into the ground causing a bigger crater to form from the impact. Tregon did not seem to make a move to get up after that hit

"I know you got more than that in ya. So why don't you get up and fight me." Natsu said. Tregon started to stand up and dust himself off.

"Well you are smarter than you seem. But that attack did hurt just not enough to take me out." Tregon said.

"Well you aren't the first person I have fought but, it is about time I end this fight." Natsu said as he powered up into dragon force. "You see you are not a strong as you think you are because you have not faced true power. And I hold the power of a true dragonslayer."

Tregon was completely shocked by the power that started coming off of Natsu. It easily doubled his power from where it was before. He was actually starting to be afraid.

"You can't think that you will beat me with that do you." Tregon said trying to act tough. Tregon charged at Natsu to try to take him out quickly. "Ice god's Judgment."

Natsu saw this coming and ended up dodging the punch and hit Tregon in the gut. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist." Natsu yelled. The hit effectively knocked Tregon out and sent him flying back into the guild hall. When Natsu looked around the whole landscape was either on fire or covered in ice, and there were a few craters around from all the impacts. Natsu ran back into the guild hall and saw it was an absolute mess inside. Tables were smashed, chairs lay scattered around, and holes in the walls and ceiling, knocked out dark wizards lay all around the room.

Natsu saw that the rest of them have finished their fights. He grabbed Tregon and put him on his shoulder and carried him over to where his friends were regrouping at. "Well this guy here was a decent challenge. I just want to find strong people to fight because it is not as fun destroying everyone you fight all the time." Natsu said.

"Oh hey Natsu." Gray said.

"He is not dead right Natsu?" Erza asks.

"WHAT you think I am a killer still Erza. I was starting to forgive you but it seems like you just don't want me to huh. He is not dead and the next time you think I am a killer I will show you why even Dragons are afraid of me now. " Natsu yell absolutely furious that Erza still did not trust him.

I am so sorry that it took so long to get this out but here it is I hope you enjoyed it. And see you next time. Please comment and review.