Everytime she closed her eyes, she saw Pittsburgh or her father. This time, James was in his office in Vault 101 flipping through a medical textbook she'd been reading from. Though seventeen and fully independent, he insisted on making sure she was studying accurate information and not relying on propaganda or school textbooks used before the war. He was nodding as he flipped, allowing her the book back with a smile. It wasn't always nightmares. This time she felt at peace.

She woke up with dust in her lungs. A feeling not unfamiliar yet still unwelcome after all these years. Coughing, she groaned as the dryness pained her throat. It took a moment for her to finally open her eyes and see she was tied haphazardly to an office chair in what looked like a small meeting room. There was no light save for the sun filtering through a window too small for her to fit through.

As she struggled with the bindings, what felt like an old seatbelt, footsteps were heard. Her captors were likely alerted by the commotion she was making in her chair. The door opened and in stepped two soldiers in combat armor. She knew they were soldiers by their ramrod straight postures and grim faces. Both held laser rifles. The taller one, a brunette man, spoke first, "It's strongly recommended that you not try to do anything, Knight Carver. Our orders are to use deadly force if necessary to detain you."

At the use of the old title, her demeanor changed. She scowled at them both. Brotherhood . That meant Nate turned her in after the fight. The throbbing in her shoulder reminded her of the graze across her skin. She looked to see a large portion of her shirt covered in dried blood. That was, on the portions she wasn't covered in dried mud. Needless to say she was uncomfortable. She couldn't feel any swelling in her face, but she tasted a cut on her lip and just knew she had a black eye.

Watching the Brotherhood soldiers, she stayed silent as they exchanged a look. The taller one spoke again, "Once the Sentinel arrives your wounds will be treated. For the time being you are to be transferred to a secure holding cell now that you are awake."

She frowned, but said nothing. The Brotherhood soldier who stayed quiet was a short asian woman with slicked back hair in a ponytail. She was giving Scout her best glare, but the other woman paid her little heed. She knew what the soldier was thinking; Scout was an AWOL Knight, a cardinal sin in the Brotherhood.

The taller man turned to speak to the woman just as Scout slipped most of her hand out of the fabric bindings. Whoever thought tying her with anything but proper handcuffs was an idiot. They were going to get hell from theIr superiors, but it was to her advantage. She made as little noise as possible when the man approached. Since the back of the seat hid her hands, he didn't notice her loose bindings as he pulled her up by the arm. His grip was firm, but it slackened the moment she swiftly punched him in the jaw. He reeled back and she made a grab for his gun, kicking him in the stomach. Despite his combat armor, the kick was enough to at least disorient him since she wore steel-toed boots. Turning, she pointed the man's gun at the woman right as she scrambled to turn on her weapon. The exchange occurred in a matter of seconds, but the two women stared at each other for at least a minute.

The woman's eyes were filled with hate, but Scout could tell she was pale and new. A dangerous combination against a foe. Motioning, Scout waited until she dropped her weapon with a scowl.

The Brotherhood didn't know about her promise to Sarah. That when she left the Citadel for the last time in the middle of the night, the Elder made her promise not to kill any Brotherhood soldiers in her travels. She kept her promise, avoiding the faction as much as possible over the next eight years.

Now, she was at a disadvantage. Maneuvering through a pre-War airport office building was hard enough without a map. She probably should have taken the woman as a hostage, but she was already edging on breaking her promise to Sarah enough without causing some new recruit the mental anguish. The woman stayed to aid her comrade while Scout locked the door behind her. It wouldn't keep them back long, but it was another obstacle between them and an alarm.

Once she exited through the main doors, Scout snuck her way between shipping crates until she made a beeline for the open area that led to some sort of courtyard. She heard gunshots, but if she could sneak-

A giant airship loomed over the airport, stunning her. She watched it with awe, knowing before she even saw the painted name that it was the Prydwen. She knew it had been flying in the Capital Wasteland skies for the better part of six years, but in her efforts to avoid the Brotherhood she'd managed to never see it truly like this. Immediately, the attentions of at least thirty soldiers were focused on her. They knew immediately who she was and tension filled the air as they stopped working and training, turning to aim their weapons on her. Scout felt her heart rate begin to pick up. This was a bad situation and she had no means of escape without taking anyone down.

Knowing it was pointless to try to fight, she stopped moving and held up her hands in surrender. Still, in one hand she kept a hold of the laser rifle. Silence followed as Scout waited for any of them to speak. They didn't.

Through the crowd, Nate Morrison approached. He was armed with a laser weapon similar to hers and his presence commanded attention. It seemed that he was the Sentinel they were speaking of. An interesting bit of information considering this chapter hadn't had a Sentinel since Sarah.

He was dressed in officer fatigues, looking Brotherhood to the bone despite the dirt on his face and the welding goggles perched on his forehead. It was hard to believe he was once a vault dweller. Well, supposedly . His past was more mysterious to the wasteland than hers. He was glaring at her when he finally spoke, "You've caused enough trouble. Who are you?" She didn't answer, giving him a returning glare. He flipped the switch of his rifle to on before repeating, "Who are you?"

"Sentinel, stand down," an order came from behind Nate. The group parted as the Elder approached to stand next to his Sentinel. His arms were crossed.

When the realisation hit her, Scout nearly dropped her gun in shock. Her fingers kept a white-knuckle grip and she was sure her expression was a mixture of horror and confusion. This man, tall and broad and dressed in a battlecoat made of leather, was the Elder. But he couldn't be Arthur Maxson. Then she saw the scar and the blue eyes and she knew. She knew he was Arthur Maxson. In the eight years she'd been gone the Brotherhood took that sweet boy and changed him into a pariah. The bitterness settled in her stomach as she clenched her jaw, "Maxson."

He took a moment to look at her before he turned to Nate, "Was I unclear, Sentinel?"

Nate was looking between the two of them in confusion, but gradually lowered his rifle and flipped off the switch. The soldiers surrounding them did the same. Nate settled his gaze on Scout, trying to read her again with eyes deep and brown. It unnerved her.

Turning back to the Elder, a rage filled her, clawing up her spine. Sarah died and they ripped every bit of humanity out of Maxson. She searched and saw none of the boy she knew. He looked her age. He looked exhausted. She didn't dare to speak, not knowing if Maxson would order her gunned down like a dog.

The Elder took two steps toward her, heavy in his boots, "What are you doing here?" She detected a strange cocktail of emotions in his words. Anger, confusion, sadness. They were the words of someone who felt betrayed.

"Your Sentinel has information I need," her first words to Maxson in eight years and she had to force them out through her scowl.

"So you attacked him?" She didn't reply, feeling much like a cornered animal under his scrutiny. Nervousness jittered iin her fingers. He still could have her shot immediately, he could- "Knight Rhys, get Knight-Captain Cade. That shoulder needs to be looked at." His words were to the man behind him, but he was still looking at her. He was eyeing her bloody shoulder. She realized how much of a mess she must look.

Nate glanced at Maxson, "Elder, who is this woman?"

He voice held no amusement as he replied, "Haven't you heard of the Lone Wanderer? This is a Knight of the Brotherhood and she needs medical treatment." He turned away from her with a final look, heavy footfalls trailing across the courtyard to a vertibird.

The reaction to that was a mixed one. The older soldiers glared, knowing she was AWOL. The ones from the Capital Wasteland gazed in amazement, thinking of the only partially-true legends told about her. And many of the Commonwealth soldiers, including Nate, looked even more confused. Nate strapped his rifle to his back and waited until she did the same, "You're Brotherhood?"

Her attention snapped to him. Something about this man...it was hard to lie. It's like he could read inside her head, "A long time ago." She looked to Maxson's retreating form, her words sounding hollow and sad.

Nate noticed that, but was wise enough not to say anything. Despite his clear wariness and distrust, he nodded to her. She tentatively followed the Sentinel out of the hangar, eyes widening again at the sight of the airship floating above the airport.

She'd seen it floating above Adams Air Force Base from far away, but the Prydwen was a marvel up close. It was an old Enclave project adopted by the Brotherhood, she knew, but its size was incredible. Still, remembering the uncomfortable rush vertibird flights gave her, she halted upon seeing it, "I'm not going up there."

Nate sighed, "That's where the doctor is."

"Forget it, I can sew it myself."

He raised an eyebrow at her stubbornness, "Knight-"

"Don't call me that. I'm not staying here."

The Sentinel sighed and turned to glare at her, "You haven't been pardoned. You attacked a Brotherhood soldier and therefore you're under detainment."

"Spare me your codex talk, if you want to stop me you'll have to shoot me in the back."

"Your super mutant is still under my watch in an undisclosed location."

She whirled to him, scowling, "You're holding him hostage to keep me here?"

"If I have to," the tension in his shoulders screamed that this wasn't how he liked to do things. It seems her stubbornness and her actions led him to go beyond what his morals would typically let him. And it worked.

She snarled, "Lead the way, Sentinel."


She continued glaring at Nate the entire time Knight-Captain Cade worked on her shoulder. The Western doctor was pleasant enough and chose not to speak on the tension in the room. Nate watched her like it was his job. She supposed, knowing nothing about her, he might assume she would attack the good doctor to escape.

He didn't know about her promise to Sarah. He probably didn't know who Sarah was. She continued glowering at Nate while he casually leaned on the doorframe, "So...you're the Lone Wanderer?"

She didn't answer him, but Cade spoke up beside her as he prepared a stimpak, "I've heard a lot about your father's work. He was brilliant in the medical field."

"You know about him?" She inquired to the doctor.

"Oh yes, all the scribes worth their weight do. He is considered an honorary figure to us not only for his medical work but also for his work on Project Purity."

She squirmed uncomfortably. She didn't know the Brotherhood really regarded her father so highly, despite literally giving his life for Project Purity. She always figured he was just seen as another figure in the fight. She blinked at the doctor while Nate crossed his arms.

"Most of my companions have talked about you in some way or another. Just wait till they find out a legend gave me a run for my money in a fight." She was surprised at Nate's casual, almost lighthearted manner. Did he suddenly forget he considered her a prisoner earlier that day? It's like Maxson's approval was his approval. Fitting for a Sentinel, she supposed.

Cade offered her a clean shirt to cover her bandaged shoulder and both men turned away while she casually pulled off her bloody and mud splattered one. She frowned. She had really liked that shirt.

When she was done, she let Cade examine her black eye and cut lip before he let her off the old gurney. Her pants were still horribly muddy, but at least she looked slightly normal. She stopped in the hallway outside the med bay, "Take me to Fawkes."

Nate glanced at the soldiers in the mess hall as if she'd said something sinful, "Okay, since you're under my watch anyways. I'll take you to him. You know, he's not in any danger."

"I'll believe that when I see it, Sentinel."

"You'll see it soon,Knight. They're not far."

"Don't call me that."

"Well," he flashed her a charming, pre-War grin she'd only seen in Vault-Tech posters, "just call me Nate then."


If mutants had tea parties, that was essentially what Scout and Nate stumbled upon when they found their companions. The two giants were sharing a slab of raw brahmin to the light of a campfire while Bear and some dog she didn't recognize were sniffing around in the trees by them. The super mutants were discussing something in gruff tones, hushing when their human friends approached.

Bear trotted up to Scout immediately and she shamelessly enveloped the dog in a hug, burying her face in her fur. The cattle dog wagged her tail happily. Scout stood to look over Fawkes. No visible injuries save for a bruise on his cheek. He gave her a toothy grin.

"My friend, you've arrived!"

"Fawkes are you alright?"

"Yes, yes," the mutant patted the log beside him, "Strong has told me much about the Commonwealth clans. It's very interesting."

She eyed the other mutant warily. He was much younger than Fawkes, less wrinkled but looked much more feral. She's never met a super mutant that would even speak to Fawkes, let alone actually converse with him. The Shepherd had been the closest. But...Maxson had put an end to that. She only found out later that Shepherd was the one who killed Sarah, so despite the setbacks she wasn't necessarily disappointed.

Fawkes and Strong continued sharing their dinner while Nate sat by the fire and slung his laser rifle off of his shoulder. He began to fiddle with the safety so it could be cleaned safely while he glanced up at her, "So...Lone Wanderer…"

She rolled her eyes. His reaction could be anything on a spectrum. Vault dwellers who made it out saw her as a role model, forgetting that her actions got her banned from her vault permanently. Brotherhood soldiers were a guessing game entirely. Instead of waiting for him to throw another hint, she spoke, "What do you want to know?"

"It's not necessarily me," he cleaned the barrel of his rifle with a rag, "I've got quite a few companions who could give you a list of questions. One of them claims to be an old pal of yours."

She went over a mental list of companions she'd had that were still alive. Only Charon, Fawkes, and Butch came to mind. And she wasn't entirely sure about Charon. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, but I can't trust you yet despite Maxson's words so I won't reveal much more than that."

She squinted at him, "Not quite the lapdog are you?"

He snorted, unbothered by her insult, "Hardly. Don't forget you're still being detained for your actions. The order to release you will have to come from the Elder directly." She gave a look of distaste, causing Nate to raise an eyebrow, "You two seem distant, yet familiar with each other."

She thought of Maxson not for the first time. That clawing rage in her chest made her hands shake slightly. Brilliant, kind blue eyes on a young boy turned into a glare of hard steel on a man. He likely held as much distaste for her as she did for him. Yet, he made the entire Brotherhood stand down when they had their guns aimed at her... "Distant is the key. I'd like to keep it that way."

"You've got my attention."

"Keep your attention. There's nothing to say," the tension in her shoulders said that there was definitely something to say, but Nate shrugged it off anyways.

"Suit yourself. For now we're going to Cambridge Police Station for the evening. It's better than camping outside with two super mutants acting as walking billboards." The two giants sitting next to them were having their own conversation about MacBeth. It seems Strong was some kind of enthusiast. Never having read Shakespeare, Scout didn't understand what motifs they were discussing.

The concern now was that Nate could beat her in a fight. He'd already proven that. So trying to escape was out of the question. She still needed the information on Virgil and Richter from him after all. So, for the time being, she would suffer by sticking to his rules until an opportunity to persuade or intimidate information out of him came up.

She gathered her bag, grateful that Fawkes kept it safe, and headed with Nate up the road to the police station. The two super mutants and dogs trailed behind them.