Alright, so this is going to wrap up the story. Thanks to all who read, commented, favorited and followed. I have a couple of one-shots to put up soon and a a BIG (25+ chapter) angsty, dramatic story that's about half done that I'll try to start putting up by the end of summer. Be on the lookout.

Chapter 10

Freddie's mouth hung open as Carly walked past him, batted a hand toward his head, and slammed the studio door shut so hard it almost broke.

It only took Sam a couple of seconds to regain her composure, play it off and smooth things over for the camera. "And that was our take on a scene from our favorite soap opera, 'How the nub turns' Sam said with a fake laugh, still wearing her cowboy outfit.

"And now, we have a brand new segment, 'the cowboy and the idiot computer technician who thought the cowboy's mustache was a possum', enjoy." Sam took a seat at the bar as Freddie switched to the stationary cam, which was aimed at the bar set and quickly joined the scene, thankful he was wearing his 'geek' outfit for a bit yet to come.

"Howdy, stranger." Sam began talking as he sat down beside her.

"I like your possum." He said with a goober-y, dorky drawl and pointed to her lip.

"This here ain't no possum. Haven't you ever seen a mustache before?"

"Sure I have. My grandpa has a mustache. Hey, can I pet your possum?" He reached a hand toward her face.

"What kind of idiot are you?" She swatted his hand away.

"I ain't an idiot, I'm a computer technician. I can fix any computer." He explained. "But I've never seen a real, live possum before." Again he reached toward her outrageously big, brushy mustache. "Is it a boy possum or a girl possum?"

They went through the bit, ad-libbing all the lines and it worked out to be fantastic. At the end of the scene, Freddie played some pre-recorded segments on the site as the two talked.

"That was some pretty good improv, dude." Sam praised, pulling off the glued-on mustache. "I never realized you've got a knack for it."

"Just followed your lead, baby. So, where do you think Carly went?" He asked, kissing her quickly after the mustache was gone. "Been waiting to do that, I've been staring at your lip for the last five minutes and all."

"She's probably crying in her room." Sam frowned and kissed him back. "We messed up big time, Fredweirdo. She wigged the frick out."

"That's an understatement." He nodded. "What are we gonna do, sweetie?"

But rather than crying in her room, Carly was downstairs ranting to Spencer about her friends. For some strange reason, Gibby was also there, calmly sitting on the couch, combing the hair on his replica head.

"Can you believe those two!" She shouted. "They've been going out for, what, six months or more, and they claim they didn't tell me was because it never came up."

"Before you go getting all beside yourself, stop and think if this isn't exactly why they didn't tell you in the first place." Spencer suggested, trying to be helpful.

She just huffed, though she realized he might just possibly be right.

"Man, I know when I found out, you could have knocked me over." Gibby stated calmly.

"Wait, you knew?" Carly asked. "They told Gibby and not me? That really hurts. Spencer!" She turned to her brother. "They told Gibby and not me!" She pointed to the teen sitting on the couch.

"Actually, I sort of found out by accident. They were making out in the janitor's closet on the third floor, across from the art room and I kinda stumbled on them one day."

"Oh my God! They were making out at school? Seriously!" Carly whined. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Sam told me if I told anyone, she'd wedgie-bounce me in two." He defended, instantly clenching his cheeks. "I had to keep my mouth shut, my butt's sensitive from her regular wedgies over the years."

"Hey, at least all he caught them doing was making out. I walked in on them without clothes, well, shirts, anyway." Spencer said like it was nothing without turning around from the computer on the bar.

"Where the frick was I when that happened?" Carly whined at her brother. "And where did it happen? Please tell me you didn't see Sam's, um, you-know's?" She couldn't bring herself to say the word boobs in front of her brother.

"It was the last time we stayed up in Yakima. I came home for your breathing machine so you'd stop snoring, poor Grandpa was having flashbacks to the war it was so bad." He now turned to talk to her.

"My snoring isn't the issue here!" Carly grumbled, hands on hips, out of embarrassment as Gibby snickered.

"Anyway, I came in the door and found them on the couch." He pointed to their sofa with a thumb over his shoulder.

"Gross!" She wrinkled up her nose and Gibby jumped up and stared at the piece of furniture. "They screwed on our couch? Yee-uck!"

"No. No, they didn't do 'that'. I stopped them before 'that' happened and made them promise to not do it on our couch."

"Oh thank goodness!" Carly breathed a sigh of relief. "I can still sit on the thing." She and Gibby both sat back down on the sofa.

"But I think they've borrowed your bed a few times." He said quietly.

"What the shit, Spence?" She threw her hands up in disbelief and jumped up again. "You made them promise not to the humpty dance on the couch, but you just left them defile my bed? Really, I mean, what the actual shit?"

"Carly! Language!" Gibby gasped.

"Oh, shove a sock in it, Gibby!" She whizzed a pillow off the arm chair past his face.

Spencer was too busy watching the rest of the web-show on the computer sitting on the bar to keep arguing with his sister. As much as she didn't want to, Carly began to look at the screen, too.

A video of Sam's one-eyed, three legged cat chasing a raccoon up a tree ended and Freddie and Sam appeared on the screen.

"And that's why Frothy is the best guard cat ever."

"Even though he thinks my shins are a new form of scratching post." Freddie frowned.

"So, I guess that about does it for this week, guys." Sam said. "But before we go, we had a special request from a fan. And I use that term loosely."She rolled her eyes. "Very, very loosely."

"Uh, Sa-am. Be ni-ice. Li-mo ride." Freddie cut in, gritting his teeth. "This girl is a fan, a huge fan and her name is Ellen and she's the sister of the dude that our old buddy Carly is going to prom with tomorrow."

He reached for Sam's blue remote and pressed the 'aaaawww!' sound effect button.

"And this fan." Sam used air quotes. "Has told us we could ride in their limo to the prom. For a price."

"Because Sam and I are going to the prom together." Freddie interrupted her and said with a cat-that-ate-the-canary grin and a thumbs up, mugging the camera, obviously proud of the situation.

"Right. And this fan." Again with air quotes by Sam. "Has asked us to kiss. But apparently kissing at the actual prom isn't good enough. Nooooo! Why would that be good enough? We need to kiss in front of the whole internet to suit our fan."

"And we're going to do just that!" He added with a cheesy smirk. "But before we do, Sam actually told Carly a little secret. A secret that we've been keeping for a while now." He paused for a second.

"A lot of people think Sam and I hate each other. But actually, we've been dating since last fall. And I don't hate Sam. In fact, quite the opposite. Over the last year or so, I realized what a talented, funny, amazing and beautiful person she is. And even though she scares the chiz out of me some times and I am really, really terrified of her family, and her cat, I still love her very much." He pulled her in with his arm around her mid-section.

"And I might torment him, and call him names and make fun of his nutty, overbearing mother, but I don't really hate Freddie." She said as he rolled his eyes. "I guess somehow, even though he's the world's biggest nub, he kind of grew on me. Like some kind of fungus or a big old hairy wart. I'm talking to you, Lewbert!" She pointed to the camera. "You seriously need to see a good dermatologist."

She pulled back a half step, ruffled his hair and continued. "But Freddie's seriously the best boyfriend any girl could want and I love him. Even if his mom is totally nuts." She made the circle around her head with her right hand. "Seriously, she should really be committed. So if anybody with a straight jacket is watching . . . "


"Anyway, when I told Carly our secret, it sort of shocked and hurt her feelings because we haven't told her till now." Sam explained. "But you see, the thing is, Freddie and I didn't mean for it to happen this way or be dishonest with her. We just didn't want everyone in the whole world to make a big deal out of it and try to sabotage our relationship."

Freddie broke in. "Because what we have is special. A once in a lifetime thing. And we didn't want it to make people act weird around us."

"And you weird people out there know who you are." Sam added, again pointing at the camera. "And there are a lot of you."

"So we really owe her an apology and if you're listening, Carls, we're sorry. We never would have intentionally hurt you." Freddie begged. "If it weren't for you, we never would have found each other. And I wouldn't have this terrific girl in my life."

"So now, without further delay, here it is - just for you, Ellen." Sam turned and stretched her arms up around Freddie's neck, he lowered his head after placing his hands on her waist and they kissed tenderly.

"Happy now, ol' girl?" Sam looked into the camera with a smirk, laying her head against his chest. "I know I am. And I think now we need some alone time. Cut the camera, Freddie."

"And for anyone else out there going to their prom this weekend, have fun and don't do anything we wouldn't do." Freddie said.

"And believe me, there are things he won't do." Sam cracked, nodding. "But I'm working on him."

The studio door flew open and Carly burst into the room. "You guys!"

Sam cringed, knowing the wrath of Carly could be bitter as their friend marched up to them.

Before either knew what hit them, with the camera still rolling, Carly threw her arms around them both in a group hug. "I'm so happy for you two. And I'm sorry I stormed out a while ago. I - I was just kinda shocked and, well, I'm still hurt that you two didn't think you could trust me, but I need to know one thing."

"What's that, Carls?"

"When exactly did you start?"

"Um, yeah. I don't think that's appropriate to discuss right now. The camera's still on and there could be kids watching." Sam replied quietly. "But I'll tell you all about it some time."

"No. Yuck!" Carly clarified. "But I do want some details about that, too. In private. I mean, when did you start dating? We need you two to verify the date to know who wins the poll?"

"Oh, God." Freddie rolled his eyes. "There was an actual poll? Seriously?"

Sam just shook her head and Carly was clearly waiting for an answer.

"October 16th was the first actual date." He clarified to the camera.

"And the grand prize for the lucky winner is a one way trip to the wedgie bouncer!" Sam said with excitement. "Or a year's supply of Indian burns, my choice."

The camera cut off and the three friends continued to hug and be happy.

Spencer came through the door with Gibby and head in tow. "So, I'm guessing you guys are all good now."

"The best. Better than ever." Carly smiled at him. "Come on in here. You too Gibby." She invited them in for a group hug.

"Cool! Group hug." He shouted. "Giibbaaay!"

Several weeks later, the prom was history and the gang had just graduated. They were all gathered in the Shay's apartment along with a dozen or so of their friends for a big graduation party Spencer and Mrs. Benson had planned.

Despite her initial reservation, Marissa was glad her son was happy, even if his girlfriend wasn't the type of person she would have chosen for him.

Carly took the opportunity to tell everyone that she had been accepted to a college in New York, where she would be studying fashion design.

Sam and Freddie took center stage to tell their friends and family that Freddie had been accepted to schools in New England, Texas and California but that he chose UCLA because Sam had gotten in there, too.

So, I guess we'll leave it at that. the secret's out and all are happy.