Jurne became the maester of Storm' s End after the previous holder of the position Maester Cressen asked the Citadel to tranfer him to Dragonstone.

Jurne knew how much of an honour it was to be chosen to serve at the castle of a Lord Paramount. A maester who was serving a Lord Paramount had to show the conclave how good they were in all subjects especially in healing,economy,politics,warcraft, architecture and of course takinging care of ravens. Their knowledge was only second to Archmaesters and the Grand Maester.

Storm's End is said to be one of the strongest castles of the by the first storm king Durran for his love Elenei during the dawn age, It is surrounded by a massive outer curtain wall, one hundred feet high and forty feet thick on its thinnest side and nearly eighty feet thick on its seaward side.

The curtain wall protects the castle's kitchens, stables, and yard. Storm's End has only one tower, a colossal drum crowned with formidable battlements, so that from a distance enemies can see what appears to be a single huge, spiked fist thrusting towards the sky in defiance. The tower is so large that it comfortably contains the granary, barracks, armory, feast hall, and lord's chambers all at once.

Jurne had been in the castle for 14 years. He had seen Lord Renly grow up from a young boy who liked to fool around all day instead of doing any of the work to young lord who serves in the small council as the current master of laws.

He helped ser Cortnay raise King Robert's bastard with lady Delena cared for little Edrc like his own grandson.

And he had been helping the Prince run stormlands for past three years. To be truthful He did not know what to think of the second Prince. The Prince was as handsome and charismatic as his father. His skill with sword is also unmatched in the training yard which led to him being knighted last year at tourney thrown in King's Landing for Crown Prince's fourteenth nameday.

But unlike his father there was an uncanny intelligence behing his emerald green eyes which always looked like they were gazing directly at your soul. When the Prince had been banished to Storm's End , he surprised all by taking over the management of the region. And Stormlands flourished under his supervision.

For the first time since Storm Kings of old ,stormlands have their own fleet of nearly a hundred war galleys and twice as many as cogs, carracks and many trading ships. The ships which were not protecting the narrow sea were either anchored at the island of Tarth or Greenstone. The fleet was nominally under the comand of Ser Lomas Estermont grand-uncle of the Prince through his father. While he was not as brilliant naval commander as Stannis Baratheon or Greyjoys, he was a cautious man who had enough experience dealing with pirates from stepstones.

The Prince's unconventional farming techniques resultes in making sure that they were self dependent and did not have to buy any food from the Reach much to the ire of many Reachlords and joy of Storm Lords. Roads were being constructed even now to connect the whole kingdom. The weeping town was now a thriving port which was nearly as large as White Harbor. Homeless people were brought from King's Landing and given work in Stormlands.

The smallfolk loved their 'Lightning Prince'. The prince was given the name in King's Landing because of a rumour which told the story about how the moment prince came out of his mother's womb there was a loud crack of thunder. Also he was born with a lightning scar above his right eyebrow. And why would they not? He had opened several sheltars for homeless people and dozen orphanages around Stormlands. The biggest of which was located in town of God'sgrief in the Shadow of Storm's End which he visited every fortnight to spend the full day with orphans.

Walking through training yard , could see Ser Alyn Estermont talking to Ser Guyard Morrigan in one corner. At the center of yard young Edric was sparring with Lyonel Buckler while master of arms Ser Rollamd Storm pointed their mistakes. The Bastard of Nightsong was given the position recently by the Prince. He could easily spot young Michael Mertyns and Roland Wylde cheering their friends. Storm's End definitely became more lively since Prince invited had invited heirs and knights of many important was a brilliant political move which gave him hostages should lords move against him and he coupd easily become friends with future lords if they did not.

The truth was that Hadrian Baratheon was Lord Paramount in all but name. The smallfolk loved him for the prosperity he brought. And storm lords respected his martial ability and liked him for the fact that he helped them filled their coffers. If they ever had to choose between the Prince and his uncle only a fifth would choose Renly mainly House Tarth and Rodgers.

Making his way towards Lord's Solar he was met by Ser Balon Swann gaurding the Swann, second son of lord Swann was one of the finest if not the best warrior in Stormlands beside the Prince. He was big across chest with arms thick with muscles. He had dark brown hair and dark brown was Prince's sworn sword since past five years and was known to be utterly loyal to the Prince.

"Good Morn , Ser Balon" he greeted the young knight.

He received a small nod in return not that he expected anything else, the Knight never talked much and was nothing if not dutiful.

"We received a raven from King's Landing, I think the Prince would like to listen to the news."

"The Prine is inside with Lady Eleanor. Wait here while I inform his grace of your presence."the Knight replied while going inside.

Jurne hid the grimace at hearing that. Lady Eleanor was no lady but a maid who came with the Prince from capital .But only those close to the Prince knew about her role as the lover of the Prince. And Prince was quite possessive of her. He still remembered the incident when one of the Knight visiting Storm's End had tried to grope her. He was next day challenged by Prince in a spar. The Prince broke his ribs and many other bone including bones of his hands. He would never be able to lift a sword again.

Ser Balon coming out of the door knocked maester out of his thoughts. The knight motioned him to go inside. In the richly furbished solar he saw the Prince sitting on one of the comfortable chairs from where one could easily see the Shipbreaker bay in all its majesty

Sitting on the chair and looking outside was Prince Hadrian Baratheon. Second son of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. At age of15 the Prince stood at height of 5ft11 with lean but well muscled body. He had raven black hair with emerald green eyes. He had his mother's high cheekbones with his father's nose. All in all he looked liked the Prince from those tales and songs.

Much to his displeasure sitting on Prince's lap was his lover 'lady' Eleanor. She was a woman of medium height and dark hair and dark eyes, she had a pale face with small nose. She had ample curves. She was rather beautiful and in right clothes she would easily look more ladylike than more than half of the women in Kingdoms. She had a melodious voice and was known to be kind. She was the only one who could keep Prince's temper in check when he got angry.

"What do you want maester? " questioned the Prince without looking towards him.

"A raven came from King's Landing, my prince."

At this Eleanor raised an eyebrow and the Prince signalled him to continue.

"Jon Arryn is dead."

"Well he was old" drawled Lady Eleanor. While aprince asked."When is my father leaving for Winterfell."

At the maester's shocked look the prince chuckled slightly before explaining." Anyone who knows my father will know that Lord Stark will be his choice as Hand and to get away from responsibilities he will go to Winterfell to offer the position, "

Shaking his heaf at Prince's logic the maester continued. "The Royal family will leave within a fortnight.

The Prince made a disinterested noise before looking at maester with those eyes of his and asked" Has my exile ended yet?"

He nodded his head while a the Prince smirked.

The maester had a feeling that this will lead to something big.Good or Bad remains to be seen

This my first fic so forgive for any mistakes. English is not my first language . Reviews and suggestions for improvement are appreciated.