RWBY: Son of Qrow Branwen

Chapter 49


"Manta 5-1. Welcome home. Please continue your approach to Atlas docking bay Omega-12. A security team will meet you there. Over." the woman over the radio said.

"I don't understand. What's happening here?" my sister asked.

"Nothing good..." I told her.

"But we are here. We got the lamp to Atlas, so I guess we land and get some answers." Jaune said.

"I'm not so sure. I've never seen our forces deployed so aggressively before. If we land in a stolen ship, there's no way the security team will let us anywhere near Ironwood. They might even take me back to my father." Weiss said.

As everyone shared concerned looks, I broke the silence. "What should we do, then?"

"Winter!" Weiss pulled out her Scroll. "Put some distance between us and the fleet." she told maria.

"You don't have to tell me twice."

Crossing my arms, I walked to the back of the ship. "...cannot express our appreciation enough." looking out the window of the ship, I saw Ironwood on a screen attatched to a skyscraper. "Many describe these as uncertain times, and while that may be the case for the rest of the world, I can tell you what is certain. The Kingdom of Atlas will remain strong, and it will remain safe. That is my promise."

"General Ironwood. He looks…"

"Tired." Pyrrha finished for Yang.

"James, what have you been doing?"

"This isn't right. None of this is right."

"Manta 5-1, we've noticed a detour in your route. You are to make your way to docking bay Omega 12 immediately. Do you copy? Over." the woman over the radio said.

"We're kind of running out of time here, kids."

"We need to ditch the ship."

"Agreed. Get lost in Mantle and buy ourselves some time." Qrow said.

"I'm telling you, my sister can take us to Ironwood." Weiss spoke up.

"Uh, Weiss?" Pyrrha pointed out the window.

"A reminder." I looked passed Pyrrha to see Winter on the giant screen. "Failure to cooperate with Atlas military personnel is a punishable offense. If your sector is under lockdown…"


"No offense, Weiss. I'm not sure that's a good idea anymore." my dad pointed out.

"There's obviously something very wrong. If we can just talk to her, then we-"

"Look, I'm not even sure we should be talking to Ironwood until we know exactly what's going on with Mantle." my dad cut her off.


"Everyone, calm down. I know someone who can help with both." Maria spoke up.

"Manta 5-1, you are to make your-"

Maria shut off the radio. "Geez, lady, take a hint!"

After landing, we began walking through Mantle together. Trucks drove past, and Atlesian Knight-200s stand on various sidewalks. "Come on now, hurry! It shouldn't be much of a walk." Maria said.

"Is this many soldiers normal?" Jaune asked.

"No. At least, I didn't think so." Weiss replied.

While we walked, a metalic clang sounded behind us, followed by a crash. "Ooh..." Yang was staring at the street before turning to us. "Maybe we should pick up the pace."

"You have to remember, the Kingdom had just lost the Great War. The people of Mantle needed a sign of a brighter future, and that sign was Atlas. After all, a home in the clouds is as bright as it gets." Maria stated.

"We are here for your safety. Thank you for your cooperation." Winter's voice echoed.

Turning the corner of the street, we walked for a bit more before approaching a building with a glowing green plus symbol above its front door. The side door opens, and a Faunus with a prosthetic arm exits, waving cheerfully to the man who speaks to her from inside.

"And no more heavy-lifting, yah hear?"

"Ah, it's good to see you again, old friend." Maria said as we all walked inside.

An older man is sitting behind the desk, shuffling things around in a drawer. Maria clears her throat, startling him, and he lifts his head to look at her, shutting the drawer.

"Ah, yes, yes. Have we met?"

"Well, this is off to a fantastic start." Ren said.

"Cybernetic optical implants. You adjust them. Every ten years or so?" Maria told him.

He stares at her for a few moments before throwing his hands cheerfully into the air.

"Maria!" The robotic chair he is sitting in begins walking out from behind the desk. "Yes, with the cybernetic optical implants! I adjust them every ten years or so." He offers his hand to her and leads her to an examination table. "Oh wow, has it been that long already?"

"Ah, I know. I age like a fine wine. Would've been here sooner if I hadn't run into these jokers. At the time, I thought they might need my guidance while fighting a little old Sphinx." Maria told the man.

"Oh, did they?"

"No, no. They had much more complicated issues." Maria replied.

"And this is?" my dad asked.

"So impatient. I didn't think I'd need to introduce one of Atlas' finest minds."

"In a place like this?" I asked.

The building creaks, and a ceiling tile falls to the floor.

"He likes to keep a low profile. Something I've come to realize none of you know anything about." Maria said.

"You can call me Pietro."

"Finest heart, too. This pharmacy is just where he volunteers when he's not building the future of Atlas alongside Ironwood, up in the clouds."

"Oh, it's stuffy up there. Down here, I get to help the locals and have a little fun. I'm currently working on shoes that make you dance. Wanna try 'em on?" Pietro asked.

"YES!" Nora said excitedly.

"Before we get to that," Yang stepped in. "we were wondering if you could help us. We came to Atlas hoping to talk to General Ironwood, but um…"

"What exactly has been happening here?"

Pietro coughed. "Well, the Fall of Beacon took a toll on all of us. James was no different. I couldn't tell you exactly what it was he saw there, but it changed him. He's…"

"He's scared."

"Paranoid would be the more appropriate term. You have to understand, it wasn't just the Grimm. Someone completely dismantled Atlas security code, made it their play-thing, and made us look like traitors to some and buffoons to everyone else. Whoever managed to do that is either a genius or one of our own. I fear the answer may be both, and so does the general." Pietro said.

"Maybe Atlas isn't as safe as we thought." Pyrrha stated.

"After we came all this way, we can't just leave, can we?" Oscar asked.

"How does the council feel about all of this? Or Winter Schnee? Do you know anything about her?" Weiss asked.

"Well, the council's so scared, they'll agree to whatever he wants. Though, some representatives from Mantle… Wait, you're… You're Weiss Schnee!"

I quickly stepped forward. "Wait, what was it that you were trying to say about Mantle?" I asked.

Pietro looked from me to Yang. "You painted them."


"Is everything okay?" Ruby asked.

"You're Team RWBY!"

"You know us?!"

"Oh, my girl, I do. I most certainly do. And I feel like such a dunce for not recognizing you sooner. My daughter's told me so much about you."

"Your daughter?" I asked.

We were interrupted by a sudden alarm.


We all quickly ran outside.

Everyone in the group draws their weapons. Upon drawing her katana, Blake looks at the broken blade, exhaling sharply before folding the blade down to wield it as a gun.

"I guess the city defenses aren't doing much."

"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me."

Down the road from us, growling could be heard, as an Atlesian Knight-200 is thrown against a lamp post.

Another robot is thrown, and three more back up into view, shooting at Sabyrs, which tackle and destroy them one by one.

"Well, we didn't come this far to fail now!"

Ruby changes Crescent Rose into scythe form and aims the sniper barrel toward the Sabyrs, which finish destroying the Atlesian Knight-200s and charge toward us. Everyone readies their weapons. Yang charges forth using recoil from her gauntlet, followed by Ren launching himself forward.

Readying my blades, some of the Sabyrs rushed towards me. As it got close, I swiftly killed it before spinning passed it and shooting the one behind it with my robotic arm. Ducking under the third as it pounced, I sliced open its stomach as I thrust my sword into the open mouth of the fourth.

Seeing the Sabyrs turn to dust, I turned my head to the others to see if they needed help. Hearing a Sabyr rush up behind me, I turned around just as it pounced, however it was suddenly suspended in the air.

Glancing back, Weiss had her weapon pointed at the Grimm with her right hand raised. Nodding at me, I turned back to the Grimm and noticed a black glyph under it.

Jumping towards it, I slashed.

Turning to face Weiss again, I saw a Sabyr pounce at her. Running to help, a green beam suddenly cut right through it. Skidding to a halt, I looked up as more green beams finished off the remaining Grimm.

Looking to the sky once more, a figure flew in front of the broken moon with the help of some sort of rocket-esque boots before landed in front of us. Getting a better look in the streetlights, I recognized the figure was-

"Penny!" Ruby said joyfully and in disbelief.

"Darling, why don't you say hello to your friends?"

Penny turns to look in the direction her father's voice came from. Upon seeing Ruby, she gasps and her eyes shine with joy. Ruby smiles and puts her weapon away as Penny leans forward a little.



Penny lowered to one knee as a high-pitched charging noise is heard.



Penny begins gleefully sprinting toward Ruby at high speed.


Penny leaps and activates her jets, rocketing forward and tackling Ruby, who flails her hands around in front of her and screams, eyes wide. Upon crashing to the ground, Ruby groans in pain. The rest of us put our weapons away and approached the pair. Penny popped back up onto her feet, while Ruby slowly rose with her hand on her head.

"It is such a pleasure to see you all again!"

"Penny, I… I-I thought you…" Ruby said tearfully.

"Died?" Pietro said. "I guess, in a manner of speaking, she did. But we were able to recover her core from Amity Arena once it had made its way back to Atlas. It took me some time, but…"

"I'm as good as new! Better, even! And now I'm the official protector of the city!"

"That's my girl. We're not going to let a little ripping to shreds stop us, are we?"

"No sir!"

"This is…"

"Strangely wholesome." Blake finished for Weiss.

"Sounds like Penny to me." Yang added.

Penny excitedly grabbed Ruby's shoulders.

"We have so many things to catch up about. I cannot wait!"

Just as Penny finishes her sentence with a grin, the city's alarms begin blaring again.

"It seems we will have to wait."

Penny bounces backward and salutes as she charges her jets. "Let's talk more later. I can't wait to hear about all your adventures!" she blasted off but kept talking. "I'mveryexcitedforthewholeexperience!"

"I can't tell if I completely understand what's going on or have, like, a million questions." Norw said.

"And thankfully, I have about a thousand answers. But let's get out of this weather first." Pietro said.

"That was unexpected."

"Never a dull moment."

"But I wouldn't say unwelcome. I was honestly expecting things to go a lot rougher." my dad added.

We began following Maria and Pietro. Suddenly, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Pyrrha and Oscar were knocked down and tied up by bolases. Seeing one hurling towards me, I jumped out of the way but as it missed me, it wrapped around Weiss instead who was walking ahead of me. Seeing her get tied up, I went to help only to get tied up and knocked down as well. Along with Ruby, Yang, Blake and my dad.

Struggling, five uniform-clad people come out of hiding and surrounded us.

"Good work, team."

"Hey! What's going on?!"

"Hey, pal! I'm a licensed Huntsman! Just helped save everyone?" my dad said.

One of them picked up my dads weapon as the other uniformed operatives begin gathering everyone else's, while Atlesian Knight-200s approach, and the operatives hand the confiscated weapons to the robots. One of them then approaches Ruby, picks up the Relic, and looks at it.

"Hm. Let's get them loaded into the next transport."

"Please! We were just trying to help!"

"What is the meaning of this? What are the Ace-Ops even doing down here in Mantle?" Pietro came back over to us.


"Doctor, good to see you. Well, we heard a report of an unauthorized ship making an unauthorized landing, followed by an unauthorized use of weapons by unlicensed Huntsmen." one of them explained.

"If we could just talk this out-"

"They'll be able to talk this out once they get to Atlas. Let's move out!"

The Ace-Ops split up and leave the area as the rest of us were shoved into the back of a transport.

"Now, this… This is much closer to what I was expecting."

Looking at my father, I narrowed my eyes. "You had to say somethin', huh?"

End of chapter 49