Chapter Twelve: Battle on the Bridge

Another day at the bridge was approaching and this time Kakashi sensei would be going with them. Both Sasuke and Sakura would be going. But Naruto was still asleep and with good reason. His non stop training had drained his chakra reserves and Kakashi didn't want him exerting himself.

They stepped outside and Kakashi turned to look at Tsunami. 'Okay I leave Naruto in your hands. He's pushed his body to the limit. Overdoing it as usual. So he may not be able to move today at all.'

'What about you?' asked Tsunami 'You're still recovering yourself.'

'Why?' asked Kakashi 'Do I look wobbly? I'll be okay.'

'Come on,' said Tazuna 'let's go.'

Zabuza took a call from Gato. The last call, with any luck. He put it to his ear.

'Still wasting time licking your wounds?!' roared Gato 'I hired you to do a job you know! Are you listening Zabuza-'

Zabuza tossed the phone to the ground and crushed it under foot. It was an immensely satisfying thing to do. He could always replace it once he got his payment.

He looked to Haku. 'Haku, you ready?'

'Yes.' said Haku, masked once more.

They stole a boat and made their way toward the bridge where even now work was underway. Reaching the bridge they scaled up it quickly and found the workers there. They never stood a chance.

Naruto awoke and rose with a start. It was late morning and he was alone. 'Ah! Why didn't somebody wake me up?!' He stood and raced downstairs. 'Where is everybody Tsunami? Where did they all go?'

'Oh Naruto,' said Tsunami 'your sensei wanted to let you rest. You got the day off.'

'I knew it!' snapped Naruto as he threw on his clothes. 'They ditched me!'

When he was fully dressed he put on his headband. Then he made his way downstairs. 'See ya!' he called, before racing out the door.

He was in such a hurry that he did not notice the two samurai watching him leave.

No sooner had they reached the bridge and a familiar mist arose around them. Sakura knew what it was at once as Kakashi took a stance. 'Sasuke, Sakura, get ready!' He raised his hands. 'I knew he was still alive. He just couldn't wait for round 2.'

'Kakashi sensei, it's Zabuza isn't it!' said Sakura. 'This is his Hidden Mist Jutsu.'

'Sorry I kept you waiting, Kakashi.' said Zabuza's voice. 'I see you've still got those brats with you. That ones' still trembling.

It was true. Sasuke was shaking.
Then suddenly Zabuza was all around them. Four of him with blades in hand. Water clones? Or was one of them the real thing?

'I'm trembling with excitement.' said Sasuke with a smile.

'Go on, Sasuke.' said Kakashi.

There was a blur of movement as Sasuke rushed at the clones. Each one of them collapsed back into water as Sasuke landed. Showoff.

'Oh so you could see they were water clones huh?' asked Zabuza. 'The brats improving. Looks like you've got a rival, Haku.'

'So it seems.' said the missing ninja from before.

'Well, well,' said Kakashi 'so I had it right. It was all an act. An act with a cute little mask.'

'Big phoney.' scoffed Sasuke. 'That's it.'

'So I guess all that about being a tracker ninja protecting his village was just a bunch of bull.' said Tazuna.

'They look pretty chummy to me.' said Kakashi 'I'd say they've been playing scams like that for a long-' And then he ducked as Zabuza nearly took his head off.

'Shut up and fight.' said Zabuza.

Drawing his kunai Kakashi met his next blow and they engaged in a flurry of strokes that saw Kakashi driven back. The black masked ninja stumbled and narrowly caught himself.

But Zabuza had already turned to strike at Tazuna. Sakura pushed him out of the way and felt Zabuza's blade slash through her hair. Several locks of pink hair landed on the ground. As she landed she saw Haku coming at her, but Sasuke blocked the masked ninja. Senbon met kunai, as Kakashi came back into the fight.

But Zabuza melted away into the mist as though he'd never been. Haku and Sasuke were dueling and Sakura wanted to go help him. But she also knew that if she left Tazuna Zabuza might kill him.

So she had to guard him and hope.

The battle for the bridge had begun.

Naruto rushed through the trees as quickly as he could manage. Any minute now the others could come under attack or something and they might need him. He wasn't going to let Sasuke get all the credit like last time.

As he ran, however he noticed something. A pig, lying dead on its side. Its carcasse had been slashed and left out to rot. Flies were gathering but it was recent. Which meant someone had passed through her with a sword recently.

But what would someone with a sword be doing out here?
He thought. Maybe Gato had sent some people out here. But what would he want except… Tsunami and Inari.

Naruto turned and rushed back the way he had come.

Tsunami was cleaning the table when the wall was abruptly cut down. She looked up to see two muscular men entering with katanas. One of them, pale with white hair, smiled. 'So you're Tazuna's daughter huh? Too bad. You'll have to come with us now.'

Tsunami grabbed a plate and threw it at them before making a run for it. If she could lead them away Inari would be safe. But before she could get far one of them was on her. She was shoved to the ground and heard herself scream.

The two men were leering down at her. Then Inari came down from upstairs. 'Mother!'

'No, don't come out here!' cried Tsunami 'Run away, hurry!'

'Don't move.' said the tan one. 'Shall we grab this one too?'

'No.' said the pale one 'Gato asked for just one hostage.'

'Alright,' said the tan one 'then let's waste him!' And he drew his katana.

She had to stop them. She couldn't let Inari die. 'Wait!' cried Tsunami. 'Please don't hurt my son. I'm begging you, he's just a boy. I'll do anything. Just please don't hurt him.'

'Looks like your mom came through for you kid.' said the pale one. 'Lucky.'

Inari collapsed in fear.

'What a waste.' said the tan one 'I was in the mood to cut something.'

'Give it a rest.' said the pale one 'You already drew blood today. Let's get her out of here.'

They hauled Tsunami up and tied her hands behind her back with course knots. As they did Inari watched while crying. 'I'm sorry mom! I'm sorry! What could I do? I'm too weak to protect you!'

Tsunami didn't say anything. Every moment she was here was more time for these monsters to change their mind and kill Inari anyway. She walked with them onto the bridge and began to be forced forward. Tsunami was pulled to a halt.

'We're going to treat you just fine.' said one of the men 'So don't you worry your pretty little head.'
Tsunami felt terribly cold suddenly. They were going to rape her. That much was clear. At best she'd be thrown in a cell and defiled. But once Gato had no more use for her would she really be released? No, she was going to die.

'Come on keep walking.' said the pale one.

And then Tsunami was standing on the opposite side of the bridge. And in her place was Naruto. The two samurai looked in shock. 'A substitution jutsu!'

'The woman! She's gone!'

'You got it!' said Naruto. 'Sorry I'm a little late. But you know, heroes usually show up at the last minute.

'Who the hell are you?' asked the samurai.

'Naruto it's you!' said Tsunami.

'Who else?' asked Naruto.

'But how did you know to come here?' asked Tsunami.

'In the forest I found a boar that had been attacked.' said Naruto 'And the trees were all cut up too, like someone had been practicing with a sword or something. I figured someone puny and cowardly like Gato would probably try to take a hostage so I headed back here.

Is Inari okay? They didn't hurt him did they?'

'No,' said Tsunami 'he's fine.'

'Bah, blah,' said the tan one 'it's one of those puny ninja brats Tazuna hired.'

'Get em.' said the pale one.

Both charged at Naruto, hands on their swords. Naruto hurled two shurikens only for them to be batted away. Yet as they fell the shurikens transformed into clones of Naruto and came from behind. Both dropkicked the men, sending them crashing to the ground to land hard.

'You did it.' said Tsunami.

'Yeah!' said Naruto 'Believe it!'

Sasuke and Haku dueled back and forth. Their weapons clashed again and again with neither able to overcome the other. Kakashi sensei was peering into the mist on guard. Sakura licked her dry lips and tried to control the shaking in her limbs.

Zabuza had nearly killed them. She hadn't had time to be scared, only to act. But now this nothingness was even worse. He could come out at any time. And she knew that Kakashi sensei knew it too. That was why he wasn't helping Sasuke.
He needed to be nearby to save Sakura.

'Sakura,' said Kakashi 'protect Tazuna and stay close to me. Let Sasuke handle this.'

'I can help, sensei!' said Sakura.

'Do as I say.' said Kakashi 'Obey your orders.'

She was a milestone. She'd set out wanting to exceed Sasuke but she didn't have his inherant natural talent. Neither did she have Naruto's reserves of chakra. She had no bloodline, and no great skill. Just the ganjutsu which Kakashi had taught her.

Sasuke and Haku locked blades in a vicious clash. For a moment they were mask to face. 'We want the bridgebuilder. Not you.' said Haku 'If you back down we won't have to kill you.'

'Save it.' said Sasuke.

'You're making a mistake.' said Haku 'You won't be able to keep up with my speed. I've gained two key advantages.'

'Yeah,' said Sasuke 'what are they?'

'First,' said Haku 'we're surrounded by water. Second, one of your hands is blocking my blade. So you won't be able to defend yourself with it.' And then he began making hand signs with one hand. But that was impossible! 'Secret jutsu! A thousand needles of death!'

A mist of water arose into the air and formed into many needles of water. They shot down towards Sasuke. Yet Sasuke moved chakra to his feet and leaped into the air just in time to avoid the shots. Coming down toward Haku he made hand signs. Then he breathed a wave of fire at Haku.

Yet Haku rolled away just in time and the flames instead merely scorched the bridge black where they hit. The embers faded away beneath the mist. Yet even as Haku recovered Sasuke appeared behind him. 'You're not as fast as you think.' said Sasuke 'From this point on, you'll be the one defending against my-'

Haku stabbed him in the leg with a senbon while he was talking. Then he bashed Sasuke in the face while he was reeling. Followed by a roundhouse kick that threw him into the air. Amazingly Sasuke righted himself in mid air and landed on both feet, before removing the senbon. Blood was dripping from his lip.

'Idle boasting is not a productive use of ones' time in combat.' said Haku.

'I'll remember that.' said Sasuke.

Then he charged forward. He surprised Haku by hurling a kunai mid charge, forcing her to dodge and then as she ducked he brought around a leg to kick her in the face. Haku was thrown backwards through the air.

Then Kakashi moved past Sakura. She followed him to see why and saw Zabuza descending with his blade in hand. She hadn't even heard him.

Zabuza was struck through the heart by a kunai only to dissipate into water. There was silence and Sakura stepped back in fear. She stopped just short of a puddle.

A puddle.

She grabbed Tazuna and pulled him aside mere moments before Zabuza emerged to strike at her. She felt a horrible pain in her back as something scraped her shoulder and she turned to take a defensive position. To her relief Kakashi was coming at Zabuza and the man couldn't pursue him. Yet even as he faded into the mist Zabuza hurled two kunai at her. Sakura knocked aside a kunai meant for Tazuna, then one meant for her heart.

Then another hit her in the thigh. She heard herself scream as she saw Zabuza coming at her with his sword. A kunai passed through his throat, but the wound bled only water. He was still out there. Sakura tore a strip off of her dress, her expensive expensive dress, drew out the kunai and bandaged her leg with it.

Tazuna kneeled by her. 'Are you alright?'

'We have to get to the edge of the bridge.' said Sakura, forcing herself to stand. She nearly fell back to her knees from the agony. 'He'll only be able to attack us from the front then.'

Every step Sakura took was agony. The sound of clashing blades was somewhere. Blurs could be seen moving around them as they stumbled onward. Several more times Zabuza got near them, only to be warded off by Kakashi.

Then Sakura saw the corpses. Dozens of dozens of corpses. They were workmen. Workmen who manned the early shift. Sakura didn't know why she was surprise Zabuza had killed them. He wasn't a scenery chewing villain from a cartoon. Neither was he some kind of misunderstood loner. He was a professional murderer. He got up every day and went to kill people for a paycheck.

Why was she so surprised. She'd signed up to do that too?

Why had she even become a ninja in the first place? Was it just because Ino was going to the academy? That might have been it.

They reached the edge and she nearly fell off. Nearly collapsed. But Tazuna held her firmly. 'Don't try to move. You're in no shape to fight. I'll take care of myself.'

Sakura stared off the edge of the boat and then she saw something. It was a huge ship and it was packed with over a hundred men. They were all dressed for war, but their armor, if they had it, was ragged. At their head was a short man, with mousy brown hair wearing a business suit. Whoever he was he was standing apart from the rest.

'Gato…' gasped Tazuna. He got down. 'I never thought he'd come to do his own dirty work?'

'He hasn't.' said Sakura 'They haven't even tried to get up here. Why just sit here?'

'Boss,' said one of the men 'why are we waiting around here for? We came here to fight.'

'Quiet!' snapped Gato 'We aren't moving yet. We want our employees to be good and tired before we double cross them. The way I see it whoever wins this thing, one of them will be exhausted. Easy pickings.'

'That cutthroat son of a-' gasped Sakura 'He's planning to murder his own subordinates so he doesn't have to pay him.'

'Well I don't think I'd weep for Zabuza.' said Tazuna 'But shouldn't we do something about this?'

'What can we do?' asked Sakura 'I guess we could lure Zabuza over here. But he might kill us before he could find out.' Then she stopped. 'I have an idea.'

If things kept going like this, Haku and Zabuza would be the victims instead of Tazuna and his bodyguards. Haku sighed as she arose to face Sasuke. She had to get on with this. She began to channel her power as Sasuke stood there on guard.

'What's that?' asked Sasuke.

'I'm sorry it's come to this.' said Haku.

Haku hated using this power. It reminded her of times long past. Times of tragedy and loss. And of home, or what had once been her home. Summoning her jutsu she formed the crystals ice mirrors. The air became fridged cold as Sasuke was surrounding by the mirrors.

He was trapped.

'Secret jutsu:' said Haku 'Crystal ice mirrors.'

Then she phased into the mirrors. As of this moment she had already won. She'd killed jonin with the power of her mirrors. One prodigy from a village, however handsome, was no match for her. Haku descended she'd have some fun.

'Now, we'll begin.' said Haku. 'And I'll show you what speed really means.'

She began to throw senbon. Not at vital areas of course. It had been a long time since Haku had had the chance to really inflict pain on something. She could see his movements from every direction the ice mirrors faced. Which meant that every time one of her senbon raked his flesh she could see him reel in agony from a dozen different directions.

She wasn't going to kill him of course. Haku hated death and tried to avoid it. But he'd annoyed her enough that she was going to take her time knocking him out. His kunai fell from his hand as he tried to shield himself from the barrage.

He tried to shield himself in vain.

And then something impacted her mirrors from outside. Haku halted her play and turned to see a vast cloud of smoke arising in the fading mist. And out of that smoke emerged a familiar blonde kid.

'Naruto Uzumaki is here!' cried Naruto 'Believe it!'

When it rained it poured.

Authors Note:

This chapter took way too long to come out. I guess I was lacking in inspiration. Sometimes when I write something I feel like I'm trying to break through a brick wall, y'know. You just have to keep working at it though.