AN: 10:44 PM, June 13th, 2018. Of those who read my fanfic, Hunting For Something better, if any of you are reading this, I couldn't help myself.

Seven Deadly Sins is one of those anime/manga that don't seem to have many good stories in them. The only seven deadly sins fanfiction that I, personally, have taken interest in is warmachine375's fate crossover Fate Sins. There could be others of course, when hunting fan fictions I use the formula Rating: All. Language: English. 10K words. -Romance. So i could be missing something. Either way, I haven't found any good ones myself. So I decided to write one! Of course, my self insert obsession came around again, so here we go!


'What's . . . going . . . on?' my head felt heavy, my thought, weighted. 'What . . . what is this? Were am I?' I stared at the clear blue sky above me, confusion lasing my thoughts. The last thing I remember was having one of those dreams were you fall from the sky. The dream was odd, in the sense that I had had the presence of mind to angle my body so I'd land leg first, which would increase one chance's of survival upon collision with the ground.

Pain shot from my left leg. 'Oh, so it wasn't a dream.' how in the world had I ended up falling? The pain was fortunately enough, clearing the mist from my mind, so my head was clear enough to recognize that there were no building around, and I have no memory of getting in an air plain. How then had I gotten here? The thought was cut off as another burst of pain shot through my leg.

If I wasn't so tired, I'm sure I would have shot to my feet and started hoping around on one foot, something that I usually do when I'm in pain. The adrenaline from the rapid movement helps me deal with the pain. Not that it would help, I remember the last time I broke a limb, it didn't stop hurting even after a few hours!

I looked left, then right. I was surrounded by trees on all sides. What is going on here? I beat.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" I screamed in pain, my hands shooting to my head as I rose into a sitting position, the pain in my lower left leg forgotten as I clutched my skull. Pressure, incredible, crushing . . . bursting? pressure had built up in my head. It was like i was being blown up, like a ballon, to the bursting point!

I grit my teeth, the taste of copper filling my mouth, my tongue feeling swollen. Blood began to drip from my mouth. I screamed again, the loudest sound I'd ever produced, the pressure seeming to burst from around my body. What sounded like explosions sounded around me, but I was in no place to listen to them.

I blacked out.


The people of wellbridge town were know for three things. The great number of skilled blacksmiths, there convenient location for trade, and the skill of there doctors. It was thus fortunate for our protagonist that he appeared outside this town, for few others would ave been as prepared to deal with his current condition.

After loud screaming and the sound of explosions reached the city, the city guard, thinking that some great monster or such had attacked some poor traveller, mobilized. What they found was much different. Laying in the forest, was a young man, in the early stages of adulthood. He had long, brown, curly hair, and wore light, thin, clothing that appeared to be sleep ware.

Scattered about the clearing in which he lay were several odd things, things made of a material that they had never seen before, some with pieces of glass or metal inside. Also around him, were several statues, and stone eggs, as well as artfully crafted pieces of glass.

By far the most mundane of the things in the clearing was a bed, and even that had overly artistic work on the blankets! However, over half of these things were completely destroyed.

Branching out from the boy, cracks ran through the ground. They ran through the ground, and anything in the path of the cracks seemed to have shattered into pieces in some capacity. The cracks had shattered the trees around the clearing, and even the grass seemed to have crumbled.

Because of this, it the knights and guards several seconds to build up the courage to approach the young man. Seconds they regretted once they did. When the first drew near, he herd the sound of the mans breathing, which was ragged and moist. Blood coated his mouth and chin. Had he screamed until his throat bleed? the knight asked himself, before tilting the mans body to let the blood run from his mouth. Horror followed.

Along with the blood, came several small grey-white pieces of . . . something. It took the mad several seconds to realize that what he was seeing were the shattered remains of teeth. Grabbing the injured man by the chin, he wrenched his jaw open, seeing that all the teeth in his mouth had shattered and crumbled, blood dripping from torn gums.

Screaming for help, the knight's ally's quickly surrounded him and lifted the man, taking him back to town.


'Oh, my head hurts . . . ' Was the first conscious thought that ran through my head as I slowly began to regain consciousness. I went to run my tongue over, my teeth, but something felt wrong. The shape, the texture, the overall feeling of my teeth . . . it was all wrong. Were was my crocked incisor? Why were my molars so smooth, and rough at the same time? My teeth feel like there mad of wood!

I groan and shakily pull my hand from under blankets, putting it to my head. I feel weak, like I got sick then decided to run a marathon, only without the muscle pain. Just exhaustion.

"Oh, your awake!" a female voice cries out from somewhere to my right. Opening my eyes, I saw a young woman in a set of old fashioned looking clothes, a brown dress, apron and bonnet, to be exact. She looked slightly younger than me, had honey brown hair, and purple eyes. 'her eyes are purple, does she have some albinism? If I remember correctly, that's the only way that you can get purple eyes naturally, so only a few hundred have them.

"You shouldn't move around to much, your not exactly in great shape!" she continued, oblivious to my observations. "You have three broken bones, a some nasty bruises, and . . . and . . . well, a lot of other injuries, so you should stay still and recovered! . . . recover! Recover! Not past tense Sana you idiot now he'll think your a ditz or something . . . "she muttered.

I snorted, before groaning again as my teeth began to ache. Man, they have been this sore since I was a little kid. Back when I had like ten cavities at once . . .

"Oh, do you need some more pain killer? I have some right . . . " she rushed around my bed, going to a cupboard on the other side of the bed. "In here? No, the bottom one? No. Ah! Here it is!" she returned with a bottle. She opened the bottle and poured a thick, syrupy, purple goop into a wooden spoon she produced from her apron.

She brought the spoon to my lips. "open up wide!" she said in a voice so cheerful that is sounded fake.

I opened my mouth, the pain in my teeth and the the overall soreness of the rest of me overriding any embarrassment at being spoon fed. Withing seconds of swallowing the(slightly bitter) medicine, I began to feel better. She(Sana?) left the room without a word as soon as I had the spoon out of my mouth, returning a minute later with a bowl of something.

"Normally I'd re-heat this, but that medicine will also make you sleepy, so I should make sure you eat before you doze off again. This soup may not taste very good, but it will help you heal!"

About ten minutes of more spoon feeding later, I had finished the soup. Just in time to, As I dozed off again immediately afterwards.


Dr. Arctus Komajuro was the best doctor in wellbridge, and thus, when a group of knights had shown up at his doorstep carrying a horribly injured young man, he had reacted quickly, and worked efficiently.

Being a master of his trade, he new that magic had to be involved in the boys injuries somehow, one does not develop ruptured blood veins in those patterns, does not have shattered teeth with that consistency, or have there bones crack in the odd patterns, without some outside force. There was quite literally no other explanation he could think of.

The question was, were his would self inflicted or not. He had herd the odd tale of holy knights loosing control of there own ability, and harming themselves. Was this boy the same?

Thus, it was understandable that, finding that he had woken up the one time he had left in the two days he had been in Komajuro's house, the man was understandably aggravated. After all, his daughter had been alone with a man that may of may not be a living bomb!

Thus, he sat obsessively in the room, so as to be there the next time the young man woke up.

'knock, knock, knock.' the sound of someone at the door resonded.

"Sena, would you please get that?" he called out to his daughter.

"Yes father!" she relied cheerfully.

After A few minutes, Sena walked into the room, followed by a man that was the oddest combination of rough, and regal, wearing fancy clothes but being unshaven and muscular. This was the blacksmith, Qwirstone(Choir-stone). He worker primarily with jewellery, and thus Arctus had turned to him for the most delicate thing he needed.

"Well, Arctus, I've being commissioned a lot of things in the past, but I do believe that this is the first time that I've had to make a full mouthful of teeth! Sure, I've made the odd gold tooth here and there, but never this many!" the rather large man said in an amused tone. "I guess there's a first time for everything though . . . do you thing they will work?" he asked.

Looking the set of copper false teeth, he sighed. "it depends, I've never had to replace so many teeth at once, and I usually have the presence of other teeth to hold it in place. Every tooth in this mans jaw has been shattered. I quite frankly have no idea. The roughly carved wooden teeth I've been using to keep the wound from closing seem to be doing fine, but we wont know for sure until I putt them in. For all we know, he could be allergic to copper, so we have to wait for him to wake up in order to do that!"

"Hmm." the large man Hmmed.


"Is it even possible to be allergic to copper?"

"I don't know and I don't want to find out the hard way!"

"Ogh, hihet." the man on the bed groaned.

"I think hes waking up!" the jewler bellowed.

"You mean your waking him up!" the doctor hollered.

"Haddap!" the mad tried to say without touching his teeth. A-im ti-ing to heep here!"

AN: 11:38 PM, June 14th, 2018. Well that's that for now. I quite honestly couldn't help but right this, I tried to stay focused on Hunting For Something Better . . . and got two chapters done in as many days.

Oh well, nothing to but to wait and see were this goes. Until next time!