When I stopped updating this story here, my original intention was to finish the rest of the story first, then return to the beginning and reprise the story. I thought it'd be better that way.

A year has since passed and I haven't touched this story since. I tried picking up my pen (well, figuratively speaking, mostly) to polish this story into something that might be worthwhile, and failed time and again. That was near the end of last year and beginning of this year, if I remember correctly. For one reason or another, my attempts lessened in frequency and eventually I stopped altogether. My attention shifted to other newer, shinier, and more fragmented ideas.

I don't know if I should say it is by chance I looked at this story again. I know I didn't finish the story here. I didn't forget, per se.

I was hopping between three story ideas when I clicked open Chapter 1 again. And just reading the first few sentences, I realized I will probably never be able to revise this story like I originally intended. It's not because adding/removing scenes are particularly difficult, or that fixing grammar mistakes/re-writing sentences are too much work. But it will never be the way it's supposed to.

I wanted to write a story about salvation, about second-chances and kindness.

Let's just say those aren't my ideas anymore.

Hopefully one day I'll find another story that I can stick to, and I hope that I can create something beautiful, even if it's just once in my life.