Hey folks. Just logged back onto this site on my laptop after a while. I can see y'all want more of "Ice Devil's Angel," which makes me happy to hear. However, to get back into the groove of things, I've been given a golden opportunity by none other than the famous GraLu author, LadySVI, to take on her story "Bride of the Ice God," which originally belongs to the author writer4everr.

The reason Lady-san abandoned it was because her idea of where it should've gone didn't match with the plot of what writer4everr had and decided to pass it on to me to publish. So, that's what I'll be dong for the next couple of months for you guys while I try to re-establish my ideas and outline with "Ice Devil's Angel."

Anyway! Hope everyone is doing well!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or any of its character. I do not own this plot. This plot belongs to writer4everr.

Bride of the Ice God

Chapter One


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Once upon a time, there was a little village struck a never-ending blizzard. Their crops failed, children died, and lives were thrown into turmoil. Desperate for mercy, the village prayed every day to the Ice God, but still, the village remained forever incased in ice.

The villagers approached the shaman for aid. "What shall we do?" they asked in despair. "The ice and cold does not cease!"

"You have angered the Ice God," the shaman replied. "Appease him."

Dread rippled through the people because they knew a sacrifice was necessary to appease the cold-hearted Ice God. However, they were desperate and chose a fair maiden to be the sacrifice. A meeting was held and they chose the most beautiful maiden in the village who was sure to melt the Ice God's heart. The maiden accepted her fate without a word and agreed to become the sacrifice to save her people.

This is her story, the story of the Bride of the Ice God.

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Her fate was determined the moment her name was said aloud.

"Lucy Heartfilia."

The emptiness of her name resounded through the room and rang through her ears like a never-ended echo. It was her. She was the sacrifice, the chosen one to become the bride of the cold-hearted Ice God, Gray Fullbuster.

The rumors of the Ice God ranged from an ugly, blood-thirsty demon to a beautiful dragon with a fearsome demeanor. Lucy didn't know which one to believe, but she accepted her fate to save her people. She thought she should have protested or rebelled against their judgement, but she didn't.

Lucy nodded her head in submission and let the shaman take her by the hand and lead her to the sacred lake where she would me her fate. She could hear the tears of her mother not to far behind while she could feel her father's troubled gaze on her back.

The shaman began chanting as Lucy precariously stepped into the lake, the hem of her detailed robes soaked. The chanting grew louder in her ears, and she finally saw the magic incantations begin to take effect. The water churned around and rose to her knees and eventually to her stomach until it finally submerged her whole body. The water was cold and quickly hardened into ice. Before Lucy could fear for her life, her whole body was encased in ice.

The villagers watched in a moment of silence before the ice shattered by some divine force. It sparkled in the air, and Lucy's body was no longer there but in the land of the gods.

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Lucy could smell the salty sea before she opened her eyes. She flashed her eyes open, remembering everything that just happened. She was in the supernatural world and no longer at home. She struggled to stand, but her soaked robes weren't making it any easier, so she ended up just sitting and what she found was a beach.

"Are you okay?" an amused chuckled sounded beside her.

The voice surprised her as she hadn't expected anybody to be near. She whipped around instantly and felt her cheeks grow hot. An insanely gorgeous man what looked to be around her age stood beside her, his fingers digging into the grainy sand. His eyes were a deep midnight blue and his raven locks were tousled by the sea breeze. He had a mysterious aura, but his smirk killed her.

"Who-Who are you?" Lucy demanded, scurrying backwards away from the stranger.

He couldn't be a god. He was too handsome. Gods were supposedly demonic looking or in the form of some majestic beast, and this guy was the furthest thing from both.

His eyes narrowed. "You're a mortal, aren't you?"

Lucy tried forming words but was left fumbling.

"A mortal isn't worth my time."

She swallowed hard, hot anger building slowly building within her. She felt herself glare. "Fine," she gritted out. She tried standing up and almost lost her balance. "I'm looking for the Ice God, so if you could just point to a direction that would be great."

He stared at her intently. "What business do you have with the Ice God? He's a busy man, you know."

"Obviously so busy he can't find the time to unfreeze my village," Lucy replied heatedly, her temper flaring. "What kind of Ice God is he anyway?"

The man turned and faced me. His expression was unreadable. "You're a sacrifice," he stated more than questioned.

"Yeah...that's me."

He sighed irritably. "I keep telling those damn mortals..." he muttered under his breath. "Follow me."

"Wait a second!" Lucy stopped. "Just who are you?"

"Doesn't matter. Just follow if you want to go home."

The two walked off the beach and approached a small, tidy village with a beautiful looming palace in the background. Lucy swallowed, realizing the palace was probably where the Ice God resided.

Lucy followed the stranger she just met through the village until they came upon a cute looking cottage. He knocked on the door, and it was immediately opened by a beautiful brunette wearing silken robes with tattooed grapevines around her left arm. She looked like she belonged in a palace, not in a cottage. She glanced at me with cool, purple eyes and then flicked them to the man beside her.

"My Lord," she greeted.

Lucy couldn't help but raise a brow. Was this man royalty or something?

"They sent another sacrifice," he explained. "I need you to send her back."

The woman sighed in annoyance. "That takes time you know. This can't be solved in just a few minutes."

"I told the mortals to stop sending sacrifices, and I'd like her to be gone by the time of the banquet," he said. "I know you can do a rush job, Cana."

Cana paused, her eyes once again flickering towards Lucy before finally conceding. "All right, but you own me.

The man turned to leave, but Lucy wanted to thank him.


She reached out and grabbed his hand. He turned around in surprise. At that moment, a bright light illuminated from their hands. A burning sensation shot through her arm before it settled on her hand. Lucy tried to yank her hand back, but it was like it was chained to his for whatever reason.

"What's happening?!" Lucy yelled over the chaos. She saw the man's face, and it was a look of pure shock and disbelief.

The light died down, and Lucy was finally able to retrieve her hand and cradled it to her chest. Confused, she lifted it up and saw a crescent moon inked on the back of her hand. It glowed faintly, still slightly burning.

"Cana," the man growled. "Don't tell me I just bonded with her."

Said woman's mouth was agape. "It's rare for this to happen with a mortal, but...you did..." she trailed off in amazement.

"Bonded?" Lucy asked weakly. She didn't know what that meant and didn't really want to know. All she desperately wanted was to go home.

The man shook his head. "No, not possible. "I'll have to speak with Levy or Natsu about this. This can't be." He looked up from his hand to Ino. "Take her to the palace and hand her to Lisanna's care. I'll deal with her later."

Cana nodded and the man she just met walked away. Lucy was about to yell after him, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared in a whirlwind of leaves. Bewildered, Lucy turned to Cana.

"What just happened?"

Cana rolled her eyes. "Mortal take such a long time to adjust." She sighed. "Look, I'm Cana Alberona, resident Goddess of Wine of Fiore."

"Fiore?" Lucy echoed. So that was the name of this place, the realm of the gods, Fiore.

"You don't have to repeat me, you know."

"What's bonding?" Lucy finally asked.

She grinned. "Bonding is a supernatural tie between two beings. It makes them more attuned to each other's emotions, thoughts and such. It's activated: I guess you can say, by hand contact. However, bonding is totally spontaneous, it can happen before or after any romantic attraction. Bonding marks you as his bride."

"I-I'm his bride?" Lucy's voice cracked. "I don't even know who he is. I just came here to talk to the Ice God and try to convince h-"

"You really have no idea who that man was?" Cana asked incredulously.

Lucy bit her lip.

"That was Gray Fullbuster."

Recognition dawned on Lucy, and she felt her jaw drop. "You mean I bonded with-"

Cana nodded. "You bonded with the Ice God." She lifted up my hand, pointing to the crescent moon. "And this marks you as his bride."

Hope this brings back some hope to some fans who thought this was gone forever. Fear not, I have taken over and will finish this before I get back to "Ice Devil's Angel." Sorry if it wasn't as good as Lady-san's own personal style to it, but I'll just get this out for you guys.

Have a nice day :)