What's up everybody. Who's hyped for June 27.

Anyway, it is time for my second story. A story which I hope people will read and not get upset at.

I have seen concepts like these before and I decided to meld a bunch of them into one.

Also I tell the story based on the character POV. So if it's Natsu POV don't expect things like "Her hair was a beautiful shade of crimson, against her pale skin it seemed like a rose blossoming in the early winter, refusing to wilt despite the harsh cold"

And so without further ado. Fairy tail is owned by Hiro Mashima and weekly shonen magazine.(which sucks cuz I wanted see some fairy tail in Jump Force)


Natsu POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I was wide awake when I noticed the missing warmth of Igneels scales. I was alone in a clearing. I looked up, but the sky was empty. Where was I? Where was Igneel? I decided to try and call for him. "Hey Igneel where are you!"

I went looking for him in the forest for the rest of the day, but I couldn't find him. It was nighttime so I set up a campfire and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. My head was filled with questions. Where was Igneel, why did he leave me. Did I do something wrong.

Eventually I managed to fall asleep, but I continued to think about Igneel in my dreams. I dreamt about all the time Igneel and I spent together.

But soon I woke up and continued my way through the forest. Endlessly walking, hoping to find the slightest trace, when I found it. It was a scent, not Igneel's exact scent, but it still smelled like a dragon.

Excited, I ran as fast as I could toward the smell, hoping I would find a clue towards Igneels whereabouts. But when I got there all I found was a person. She had brown eyes with a golden tinge, and scarlet hair that went in weird knots down the side of her face until her hips. She was also carrying a tall yellow stick with markings on it.

She just looked down at me with a weird angry glare and asked "What do you want."

"I was looking for my dad and you smelled like him so I came here." Yep she looked really angry. She raised her finger at me and suddenly I was in the middle of a giant fireball.

What's this. A not so dramatic cliffhanger. I'm cruel aren't I.

This is just an completely skippable, unneeded introduction just to get on your nerves.

Also I am going to give a shout out to whoever manages to guess the plot. (I'm positive that it's not too difficult if not simple)

Also PM me requests for stories. Follow, Favorite, Review, you know the drill

See ya next time. Peace out.