And I'm back y'all

I was planning on uploading sooner but I was visiting relatives in Belarus over thanksgiving week. On the downside no turkey, but on the upside, I got traditional chebureki and lulya.

Just gonna let you guys know, that shit will kick off hard in this chapter.

To anybody who wants to see Natsu's training, sorry but that will come later

So ya better get ready.

That being said lets'ago.


It has been three years since I came to Alvarez, and I am now fifteen years old. And in that time Zeref had made sure that I received harsh training from August and Irene. And under their extremely painful and brutal training, I became strong enough that Zeref would occasionally send me on missions to break stuff and kill people. Sure killing was hard at first but Irene broke me into it, the system to get me into the whole thing was the more brutal and gory death I gave whichever poor soul she had kidnapped, the less lashes she would give me. Not to mention, if you think about it killing is not that bad, in fact it's kind of like preparing an animal to be eaten. But in order to make sure I was capable of taking care of myself in modern society, Irene also taught me to read and write in a similar fashion, the whole "whipping me" part of course, not the bloody murder.

Anyways, right now I'm on my way to some tower being built by some cult or something. Apparently this tower was the Tower of Heaven, something that my brother designed when he was trying to find ways to resurrect me. And somehow a group of Zeref worshippers managed to find my brother's blueprints, and are currently using slave labor in order to construct the tower.

Seeing as my brother didn't like it when people did stuff like this in his name, he had sent me to swim over to the island they were working on, and stop them. And by stopping them, I mean that I am going to break them into pieces. I should probably free the slaves while I'm there too, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like being locked in there forever. Anyways, I am going to be coming up on the tower soon so I better stop thinking to myself and get ready for battle.

As I came on to the shore I was out of breath from all the swimming,so I stood up, leaned backwards, and put my hands behind my head (A/N:Some of you might have seen some characters do this pose in a few animes and wondered why they had their hands like that. The reason is because that pose is the best for trying to regain breath quickly when you're tired, science and personal experience proves it.) After regaining my breath I wiggled my limbs around a bit in order to loosen them up. I was wearing baggy black pants that went a few inches above my ankles, black hiking boots that were red on the bottom, and a black trench coat with a gold trim over my abdomen, on which I was wearing a black muscle shirt.

I stared up at the tower in front of me, it appeared to be an incredibly tall spire made of metallic junk, but it had the potential to break the laws of life and death, so I'll cut some slack for the design choices.

Alright time to sneak in. I took five steps forwards and there was suddenly a bright light shining on me and an alarm going off. This may have just gotten harder.

I noticed that there were dozens of mages in dark purple robes, holding staffs, and wearing weird white masks with a black design that resembled two axe blades whose ends were intertwined. But I wonder how did they see, I mean it covered their eyes and had no openings. Oh well it doesn't matter, time to bust some skulls. And so I began to charge them.

Many of the mages shot a multitude of different colored magic projectiles at me, but the blasts were fairly slow, giving me a large window of opportunity to dodge and get in up close. I turned my face into a huge grin, after all, this is where the real fun begins.

I ran right in front of the guy in front and dug all ten of my fingers into his chest. The heat coming from my hands liquifying his skin making it easier to dig in to his flesh. After securing my fingers in his chest, I grabbed his two biggest ribs and ripped them out, his blood splattering all over my stomach, chest, face, as well as my biceps. The man was screaming in complete and utter agony throughout the entire process. I jumped over the man and landed in between two others, both of whom attempted to strike me, but got a rib in their necks before they could succeed. Their blood managed to get on my hair and forearms. I'm probably going to have to wash my clothes and take a bath before I come home.

I looked up at the rest of the, closely huddled together, mages who had come to fight me off, their bottom lips were trembling, and they were slowly backing away from me.

I looked up at the mages and gave them a big grin before charging at them once more. I lunged forward and grabbed the closest guy to me by the face. As I pushed him forwards so that he was closer to the rest of his buddies, I heated his internal body temperature to insanely high temperatures in under a second, effectively causing him to explode into a blazing hot mess of crimson guts and also taking the other mages to hell with him. Unfortunately my palm now hurts due to basically holding an explosion, but no regrets, after all it was extremely cinematic and gory, and we all know that that is what matters in the end.

I noticed that the alarm was still ringing, but unfortunately there was nothing I could do about it until I found out the location it was being broadcasted from. So I jogged closer to the entrance before even more mages came out, prepared to fight. Well time to roast some bastards.

I puffed out my cheeks ready to give a breath attack.


I released a torrent of flames towards the cultists from my mouth at high speeds. When it made contact with them, the intense heat caused an explosion, which instantly wiped the enemy mages off the face of earthland.

I continued forward into the entrance. Where I was met with several dozen other cultists, some of which were riding wyverns. I cracked my knuckles.

This was gonna be fun.

Erza POV

Rage. That was all I felt while cutting down guard after guard after guard. They are the reason for all our pain and suffering. They took are freedom, they forced us to work, they tortured us, they even killed grandpa Rob. None of them deserve any form of mercy. As I cut them down I tried to head to where I knew they took Jellal. It's a good thing someone outside tripped an alarm, otherwise there would have been a lot more guards stationed here.

Natsu POV

Man this is so much fun. They just drop like flies. Heavily mutilated flies. I spotted another cultist running from me, trying to avoid his fate. Too bad he can't. I rushed forwards and grabbed his biceps while putting my foot on his spine.


Off went his arms with the beautiful sounds of his pained screams. As he fell down towards the ground, I pushed my foot further into his spine. Once there was no more room for him to move as he was pressed against the ground,


There goes his spine as the force of my foot broke it into pieces. I continued forward and was met with more cultists. They were running from the slaves who were revolting in other parts of the tower at the same time as my assault, which is either a huge and heavily welcomed coincidence. Or the prisoners used my assault in the tower as an opportunity, but it doesn't really matter.

I made my way closer to the top of the tower in search of more cultists. As I made my way up I noticed that there were many cultists who were knocked unconscious by someone. Don't worry, I made sure to fix their mistake, by stepping on the unconscious mages' necks. As I went further up the tower I finally found the person who was taking out other mages. She was a slave with only one eye and scarlet red hair like Irene's, in fact she actually smelled a lot like Irene as well, but that's for later. Right now, the girl was in combat with several cultists and was actually doing pretty well for being what I assumed was a novice. However one of the cultists was sneaking up behind her, and she didn't notice. Well, might as well step in now. I blitzed the cultist sneaking up behind her and hit him in the head with a flaming clothesline.


The force of the blow shattered his skull and sent him flying into his allies.


I extended my arms towards the cultists and unleashed an explosive orb of white hot flames from each of my palms. Once it reached them, the flames expanded, engulfing the cultists in a burning ball of death.

"You ok?" I asked the red haired girl. She nodded at me in response, she seemed very confused by me. Most likely because I was helping her, but did not look like a slave. So I might as well help clear up her confusion.

"I came from the outside world, when I learned what was happening here, I came to stop the cultists and free the slaves." I explained to her. Although freeing the slaves was just a bonus, not my main objective, but I didn't tell her that.

"Thank you for coming to help us." She told me. She then proceeded to give me a thankful smile.

"Do you have a name?" I asked her.

"Erza Scarlet."

"Might I ask why you are heading to the top of the tower rather than choosing to escape this place."

"A friend of mine was taken to be tortured, and I'm trying to rescue him, can you help me?"

"Do you know where they are keeping him?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then lead the way Erza."

We continued making our way up the tower, destroying all opposition in our path, and while she didn't say anything about it, I could tell that she was shocked at my brutality.

But so what, she should already be used to the harshness of reality. However, my actions didn't match my thoughts, as I began to make my kills cleaner and less obvious that the mages were dead.

Eventually we found a young boy whose head was sulking, casting a shadow over his eyes, chained to a metal pole in a dark stone room with an odd purple mist in the air.

"Jellal!" Erza yelled out to the boy as she ran towards him, dropping her sword and shield with a clang on the way.

The boy was wearing a ragged white tunic, and worn out green shorts. His hair was galaxy blue and was covering the top of a red tattoo he had on the right side of his face, it was a strange pattern that, going down, stopped above his eyebrow and continued a centimeter below his eye and ending at the same level as his mouth.

Erza tried to rip apart the chains holding him there.

"Here let me." I told her as I grabbed the chain and ripped them in half.

Erza caught his body before it hit the floor and put his arm over her neck in order to support him.

Now that we had him with us, we headed back down towards the bottom of the tower. As we entered the bottom level, Jellal awoke from his unconscious.

"We must stay." Jellal said as he picked himself up off of Erza.

"Jellal what are you talking about. We have to go now."

"You don't understand Erza, the tower must be finished."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Zeref has spoken to me, only once we revive him, will we truly be free."

Well it looks like I am going to have to step in. "I'm sorry Jellal but I have to kill you now."

Erza looked at me in shock with wide eyes. Jellal on the other hand started laughing maniacally, looks like the cultists managed to brainwash him with their torture.

"I now possess the will of Zeref, you couldn't possibly beat me."

He raised his hand towards me and a golden beam shot out of his palm, while it was impressive for his age and lack of experience. It was still nothing special. I swatted aside the laser and jumped towards him. He was in disbelief as I deflected his magic like it was a joke.

I grabbed him by the throat and picked him up off the ground.

"You know, if you had not said those words, you would have had a chance of leaving this tower alive, however.

"NO! DON'T!"

It was Erza.

"Please don't kill him. He is my friend, he has never done anything wrong."

"Erza I must ki-"

I saw her eye, the warm chocolate brown orb that held so much undeserved suffering, it was welling up onto the brink of tears, and I just couldn't say no.

"You are one lucky bastard." I said as I let go of Jellal. He fell to his knees, gasping and reaching for his throat as he struggled to regain his breath. And once he did, he spoke. "Just leave without me."

"But Jellal-"

"Just do it!"

Although hesitantly, Erza left Jellal in that chamber. We continued side by side throughout the rest of the way towards the outside, when we found it and walked out I saw a bunch of ships that the slavers must have used to get to and from the tower.

Erza and I got onto a small wooden sailboat, leaving the big ships for the large amounts of escapees. As we got onto the boat I made sure to set a course for the eastern continent, as it was the closest habited landmass. It was incredibly hard to concentrate due to my motion sickness, but I have to stay strong, for Erza's sake.

Speaking of Erza, she hasn't made a sound since we left Jellal in the tower. Once I finished setting up and getting the ship to go the right direction, I sat down next to Erza trying to look normal while holding in my stomach. What happened next was unexpected but I let it happen.

Erza hugged my torso and broke down into tears. And here I was, a man she just met, comforting her as she prepared for a new life.

"Can we go to a certain place?" She asked me.

"Of course. Just say where."

"Then let's go to the Fairy Tail guild."

Sorry about the long wait, but this is something that I do on the side.

I'm also busy with other stuff like traveling, wrestling, and schoolwork.

However I shall continue to put effort into my stories.

See ya next time.