Hey beautiful people, so it's not been nearly as long since I last posted so that's a win in my book. Thanks for the new reviews and follows I really appreciate it. Just one thing before you start reading there is some french in this chapter which I chose not to translate because I didn't like how the meaning changed when translated to English. If you cannot speak French though and need to translate it I recommend reverso translate as it gives a truer translation than google translate and is easy enough to find. I'm sorry the chapter is short I went back and forth trying to decide whether to add more of what happened during the weekend from Lucas' perspective but I ultimately decided that I wanted to leave the focus on how he felt about Maya after seeing her perform for the first time. Anyway enjoy the chapter if you want to see pictures of my inspiration for what Maya looked like feel free to message me and I'll be glad to send you pictures if I can, I'm still figuring out what I can and can't do on FF.

The moment Maya walked out onto the stage Lucas's breath rushed out of him. She looked absolutely radiant, bathed in gold like she was born of the sun. Clothing design also formed part of the showcase and the dress that had been designed for Maya was exquisite. The gold of the dress stood out against her pale skin and the gold surrounding her eyes made them seem even more impossibly blue than they already were. Everything about the look was a complete opposite to the look that Riley had tried to get Maya to revert back to on that fateful day when Lucas was so sure he had made his decision. The look that, to Lucas' eternal embarrassment, convinced him that it wasn't Maya that he wanted, at least not the real Maya. She shone in the dress, looking confident and comfortable in her own skin even though she was in an outfit Lucas never would have imagined her picking. The dress was figure hugging and covered in golden detail that reflected the light when she moved, her hair was in a braid circling around her head like a halo with a few soft curls framing her face making sure she didn't look unnaturally perfect. She was breathtaking, it was like looking at something that belonged in an art exhibit. She was without a doubt the most beautiful thing Lucas had ever seen and then she opened her mouth and his heart soared.

However much Lucas and Riley had hurt Maya she had not let them break her or put out any of the fire that was raging inside of her. She kept that fire under lock and key most of the time, sure, but it was still there and it gave Lucas hope. It was shining so bright in that moment that Lucas wasn't sure how she ever managed to tame it and make herself seem at all cold. Maya Hunter was everything Lucas had hoped she would be and even though it had hurt when she had done it, leaving New York, leaving Riley and himself had been the right thing for Maya. She was stronger even if she was more closed off and Lucas didn't think she would ever let anyone tell her who she was supposed to be ever again. Hearing her sing shocked Lucas because she sang in french, a language Lucas hadn't even been aware she could speak but Lucas had taken it so he could understand most of it. It was an old song about lost love and it was hauntingly beautiful and suited her voice perfectly. Lucas tried to focus on the dance that was happening to the left of Maya but even when she wasn't singing Lucas couldn't drag his eyes away from Maya, she was resplendent and the words she was singing struck him to his core. Everything about the song echoed their past and Lucas had a hard time breathing.

Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle

Tu vois je n'ai pas oublié

Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle

Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi

Et le vent du nord les emportet

Dans la nuit froide de l'oubli

Tu vois, je n'ai pas oublié

La chanson que tu me chantais

C'est une chanson, qui nous ressemble

Toi tu m'aimais, et je t'aimais

Et nous vivions tout les deux ensemble

Toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais

Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment

Tout doucement sans faire de bruit

Et la mer efface sur le sable

Le pas des amants désunis

Les feuilles mortes se ramassent à la pelle,

Les souvenirs et les regrets aussi

Mais mon amour silencieux et fidèle

Sourit toujours et remercie la vie

Je t'aimais tant, tu étais si jolie,

Comment veux-tu que je t'oublie?

En ce temps-là, la vie était plus belle

Et le soleil plus brûlant qu'aujourd'hui

Tu étais ma plus douce amie

Mais je n'ai que faire des regrets

Et la chanson que tu chantais

Toujours, toujours je l'entendrai!

All he could think was that maybe, just maybe Maya missed him too and that her indifference was shield to protect her heart. He'd heard Maya sing before and he'd seen her be vulnerable, hearing the venerability in her voice as she put all the fire in her heart into her performance was something Lucas knew he would never forget. He got to see a side of Maya he never thought he would get to again, and even if she couldn't forgive him, maybe that was was enough. If Lucas had been unsure of his feelings for Maya before he was certain with everything in him now that she was it for him and he'd keep fighting to win her back, but if he didn't, seeing her on that stage would be enough. She sang the last lines in English and as the last note rang out the whole crowd was on their feet. Lucas jumped up with them and couldn't have stopped cheering or clapping if he tried. She was awe-inspiring and Lucas couldn't wait to see what she had done with her art.

He'd seen a few of her pieces in the school's student art exhibit and had been so proud of what she produced. She had found her voice and it reminded Lucas of a day sitting in a Cafe, just the four of them, Maya, Lucas, Riley and Farkle, before everything had gone to shit. They had spoken about artists and their voices and how Maya believed she would never have anything real to say.

She had been wrong that day and Lucas had said as much in his own way. Maya had kept painting and through all of it, all of the hardships she had experienced and she had created something beautiful and distinctly Maya. Lucas had realized looking at the pieces that, that was why Maya had needed to get away from Riley. It wasn't just that Riley had tried to stunt her growth but that it had, had an impact on her art. It had impacted this innate part of Maya in a way that she couldn't stand. For Maya art had been there for her through everything before even Riley was and she couldn't let Riley destroy that part of her. Lucas didn't know why Maya had chosen to display the pieces anonymously because there was absolutely no way that anyone who knew Maya would have any doubt about who had created the pieces. The showcase would be different though and Lucas would get to hear the Maya's inspiration for each piece if he went at the right time.

Lucas stared at Maya, she had a huge smile on her face and Lucas couldn't remember ever seeing her so happy. Maya Hunter was happy, she had a family and friends and music and passion, Lucas wanted to be part of that more than anything. He'd talk to Zay this weekend and get ideas for how to get closer to Maya without making her uncomfortable. He would talk to Zay because he didn't want to get on Maya's bad side or Zay's for that matter, Zay's bad side of course being an angry Smackle who was no longer affected by the way Lucas looked. Lucas wanted to do things right this time and convince Maya that she was the only one for him, that she wasn't the second choice or as Lucas had once said, much to his dismay, the other one. She was the only one, the only one Lucas wanted and he would spend the rest of his life making up for his mistakes, she just had to let him. With all this going on in his head the rest of the performances were a blur all Lucas could think about was Maya and their past and how he could possibly make up for it.

Lucas walked out of the theater after the last performance and came face to face with Shawn Hunter and Cory Matthews, neither of them looked happy to see him. Lucas gulped, he'd never been particularly scared of Riley's father, his best friend was a different story though. Shawn was fiercely protective of Maya, he had been pretty much since meeting the blonde firecracker and that made Lucas understandably apprehensive. Cory hadn't forgiven Lucas for how his relationship with Riley imploded and the fact that he was here proved that even though his daughter's relationship with Maya was strained he most definitely still cared for her. All this equated to Lucas wanting to handle the interaction as delicately as possible and not step on anybody's toes more than he had to. So Lucas waited for one of the men to speak and was happy he didn't when Shawn eventually spoke.

"Friar." Shawn said with his eyes narrowed in a way that reminded Lucas of his adopted daughter.

"Mr. Hunter, Mr. Matthews." Lucas said hoping if he was polite the exchange would go more smoothly.

"I don't know why you came to this school but I'd advise you to stay away from my daughter, she's happy here and she doesn't need you ruining it." Shawn said and Lucas wanted to feel angry but all he could think was that he was happy that Maya finally had a father who cared.

"I don't want to hurt Maya, I never wanted to hurt Maya and I'm sorry that I did but I think it's up to her whether or not she wants something to do with me." Lucas replied deciding to hold his ground even if he did respect Shawn and where he was coming from. Shawn looked like he wanted to say more but he was interrupted by the blonde beauty herself.

"Dad, Matthews leave the hick alone, he hasn't been causing problems." Lucas wanted to be happy that she had used a stereotypical southern nickname but it wasn't endearing like it used to be, it was like she was just saying out of habit. Lucas walked towards Maya and he saw her tense up but not like she was getting ready for a fight more like she was waiting for him knock her down and Lucas' heart almost broke right there. Still he he didn't walk away he needed her to know she was amazing and that he was always going to be there to cheer for her. It might take time but he would do it because she was incredible and he wanted to tell her any chance he could.

"I just wanted t congratulate you, Maya. That was amazing." It was all he said not wanting to push his luck with Maya or her protectors. He turned towards Katy though who he had just noticed standing next to Maya.

"You should be insanely proud of your daughter Mrs Hunter, she's incredible." Out of the corner of his eye he saw a slight blush creep up Maya's cheeks but he was focused on her mother, who gave him a soft smile and nodded. He turned to walk away and nodded at Topanga, who nodded back, before walking on and leaving them to their celebrations. He turned back just once to see both women hit their respective husbands across the head and Maya laughing before she launched herself at her parents. Happy, Maya was happy and Lucas couldn't help smiling at the thought.