Hello, readers. I apologize for deleting the old Vampire Chronicles and other Hotel Transylvania stories on fanfiction. After going through a writer's block and heaving learned of the upcoming Hotel Transylvania 3 movie and sparking ideas of OCs for the movie, I intend to make changes to Vampire Chronicles so I am publishing my newer version. I saved the rest of the old versions so I can remember how it is written and rewrite them. Characters from the TV series will be featured in my story as if they were a part of the HT movie franchise. I'm still working on my Great Mouse Detective story and it's nearly finished, but I'll do one story at a time. PS, I based Elisa's character backstory from Tim Burton's Dark Shadows and ParaNorman.

I do not own Hotel Transylvania or Sony Pictures Animation, nor do I own Hotel Transylvania the Series or Nelvana. OCs are mine. Vampire Chronicles' version of Hotel Transylvania 2 will be published when I'm finished with the first one.

Again, I apologize for deleting the old HT stories, but do not worry they will come back when I finish rewriting them.

Thank you.


A thick mist gradually parts to reveal a haunted forest where deep in the forest stood a lonely old mansion, hidden off in the middle of the forest. The fog and the spooky sounds of hooting or howling in the forest surrounding the isolated mansion created an eerie feeling to the atmosphere, like that of an old horror movie. This is Transylvania, an infamous gothic region known only something one could read about in horror stories or watch in horror movies.

At that moment, a little black bat flew up to the mansion balcony. Once it landed in front of a double glass doorway a bluish violet smoke morphed its form into a humanoid shape. The dark silhouette of a man, wearing a cape with a neck collar that reached the back of his head. The doors swung open as the figure practically glided into the room, his attention was drawn to a baby's crib.

The dark shadow loomed over the crib, his mouth open to reveal the silhouettes of two sharp fangs. Vampire fangs. The vampire appeared to be reaching his hands out to the crib and its unsuspecting occupant who lay asleep in the crib, as if ready to bite and suck the baby's blood when...

"Peek-A-Boo!" The vampire immediately moved out of the shadows to reveal himself as Count Dracula, who cooed in a playful tone to the baby in the crib.

The baby happened to be the vampire's child, she was a beautiful baby girl with black hair and sapphire blue eyes. Frightened by her father's sudden peekaboo, the baby's bottom lip trembled and she started to cry hysterically.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean to startle you, my little baby." Dracula reached down to pick her up, holding his baby daughter close as he calmed her down. "Shh, shh." Then he began to sing her a lullaby while gently rocking her back and forth. "Hush little vampire, don't say a word. Papa's gonna bite the head off a bird." As he sung, the little baby started giggling and moving around in his arms.

Carrying her over to the changing table, Dracula playfully tickled the baby's stomach as he teased her, "I vant to kiss your tush!" He cooed as he kissed her tummy. "I vant to kiss your tush!"

Dracula laid her down on the table and, using his powers, removed the dirty diaper and changed her diaper to a cleaner diaper. The baby cooed and giggled. Then Dracula dumped the dirty diaper in a coffin-shaped bin beside the table.

A few years passed quickly within the mansion.

Dracula is most often working with a troll construction worker in his office, both of them looking over the blueprints of a castle. "Nice, but maybe a little square footed," he commented while holding a chalice of blood substitute in his hand. "I want a lot of monsters here."

As the troll erased a few lines, a drop of drool landed on the page, getting their attention. The two of them looked up to see Dracula's toddler daughter giggling and crawling down on the ceiling to the wall until she reached Dracula's level as he smiled affectionately at her.

The next time we see them is when the little vampire girl is around four or five years old, having earned her fangs, riding a play zombie horse through the mansion, giggling excitedly as her father playfully chased after her.

"I'm going to get you, little Mavis. I'm going to get you!" Rounding the corner, Dracula paused for a moment to lean against the wall and take a break from his sore back.

His little girl, named Mavis, let go of her horse when her curious eyes caught the open door. "What out there?" she pointed before going over to the door, hoping to go outside and explore.

But Dracula paled as he immediately rushed over to scoop up his daughter away from the open door, nearly spooked at the very thought of his child leaving the sanctity of the house. "Oh, we never go out there...EVER." He replied, before harshly slamming the door closed as little Mavis peered over his shoulder.

To show her what the outside world was really like, Dracula read Mavis a book about terrifying tales of humans as she curled up under her bed's blanket while he read to her.

"And then the monsters ran away and were forced into hiding," he looked down at his little girl seeing that his book was helping to dissuade his daughter's wanderlust, "but Harry the human found them and jumped out from under their beds!"

"I'm scared!" cried Mavis.

"And burned their clothes!" Mavis ducked under the covers and crawled to the side of the coffin bed as Dracula continued, "and beat their toes!" He grabbed her toes and pinched them gently as she squirmed. "And took their candy!"

Dracula pulled the covers away, only to find Mavis was not there. She was hiding under a nearby table. Peering underneath the table, Dracula found little Mavis huddled up and clutching a red skeleton head lollipop.

"Don't take my candy!" Mavis whined.

Dracula smiled as he assured her gently, "Baby Claws, you don't need to be frightened. I promised your mommy I would protect you forever."

Feeling better, Mavis crawled out from under the desk at the sound of a ukulele being played. She looked up to see her father sitting on the table and playing his ukulele for her. Mavis smiled, watching her father sing to her in order to dissolve her fears.

"My beautiful Mavy, let me wipe all your poop away. Those humans are nasty," he magically possessed his ukulele allowing his free hands to scoop up Mavis, "so with Daddy you will stay." He took back his ukulele to continue playing it on her own. "And if a human tries to harm you, I'll simply say..."

The vampire father suddenly turned dark when his blue eyes became black slits and turn red as he roared and snarled like a demon animal, "RAAAAAARRRRWWWWW!"

He returned to normal and smiled to an unfazed Mavis, as he finished his song, "Because you're Daddy's Girl." Little Mavis smiled up at her father, showing off a pair of tiny fangs. "Daddy's Girl, I'm you're Vladdy Daddy and you're my ghoul..."

Flight training day was special to the Count. His little Mavis was ready to learn how to change into a bat and fly. Mavis wore a pink bicycle helmet on her head to keep her head safe in case she hurt herself.

"Just bend the legs and push off," Dracula instructed, backing away and kneeling away from her as she crouched on the end of her bed. "Trust me, mouse."

Mavis dove off the bed and, before it seemed like she might hurt herself, she transformed into a little bat with blue eyes, flapping her little wings crazily as she fluttered around the room. "I can fly, I can fly!"

"Look at you! Faster baby, faster! You got it, my little voodoo doll!" Dracula proudly jumped up and down in his spot before transforming into a bat with red eyes and began flying around the chandelier with her, both of them laughing.

At that moment, the troll worker entered the room. "Excuse me, sir."

Dracula paused in the air and frowned down at the troll, slightly miffed at being interrupted. "What?! WHAT?!"

Little Mavis flew into a wall with a bump. "Ow!" This caught Dracula's attention, but she shook it off as she reassured her father. "I'm okay."

"It's ready!" The troll announced.

Dracula followed the troll worker out onto the balcony and stared off into the distance, looking to see the finished labor of the troll builder's work, then he said, "Looks good. Only monsters can get in?"

"Oh, absolutely," replied the builder. "It's hidden real nicely. You've got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you, you've got the land of the undead on the perimeters, and any humans daring to even look over there will away real quick."

Fifty miles away, in Dracula's vision, stood the most massive and largest castle in the smog. A driveway was built in there, along with a stone bridge in the front. The zombie construction workers stopped working when a female zombie walked past them. One she had left them, the zombies acted all goofy, making themselves look good or moaning out for the lady zombie's attention.

Dracula frowned at the zombies' lack of concentration until the builder continued, "But, of course, be smart. No bonfires. No firework shows."

"Yeah, yeah, no fire," Dracula brushed him off. "I get it."

Sadly, Dracula turned back to look towards a picture of his happy family. In the picture stood the Count himself, Mavis as an infant, and a beautiful gothic lady standing lovingly beside him holding Mavis in her arms. She was Dracula's wife, Martha. He gently grasped the picture in his hand and stroked the woman's face tenderly.

"It's time, my darling Martha," he whispered to her, almost sad and happy about it." The place we always talked about for Mavis - No one will ever harm her here."

Just as the sun had come up, Count Dracula took Mavis by the hand as he lead her into their new home; Hotel Transylvania.