I don't own Detroit: Become Human nor do I own Harry Potter! Both belong to their respective owners!


Connor Anderson, eleven year old adopted son of Hank Anderson, was sitting at his desk, doing his homework quietly and efficiently, enjoying the peace that resounded in his small room. It used to be his deceased son's room, Cole Anderson. Hank, moving on from his son's unfortunate death, gave it to him when he adopted Connor.

However, his well-liked peace did not last long. A sudden hoot captured his attention, coming from the window he had opened to let in fresh, cold air.

Chocolate eyes shot up, looking at the intruder, Connor stared at the owl in shock.

"Aren't owls nocturnal?" Connor muttered, standing up to face the light brown owl, which he recognized as a barn owl. Noticing the slight yellow envelope tied to its leg, he quickly untied it and read the strange letter.






Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Anderson,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

(We will have an escort take you to gather your supplies a day after you receive this letter.)

Yup, he was defiantly getting a headache. And what did they mean by "We await your owl?"



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.


"Hey, what's that son?" Connor paused and glanced up to see Hank leaning at the door. He looked at the weird letter once more before handing it to Hank.

"I don't know, Hank," Connor replied, analyzing Hank for and responses. Hank appeared to look frustrated and disbelieving.

"Is this a fucking joke?" He asked, deadpanning, handing back Connor the letter.

"I don't know, I got it from that owl," Connor replied, before lifting his free hand to point at the brown barn owl perched happily on the window porch, pleased that it didn't have to fly anymore for a while. Hank stared at him for what seemed like an eternity, neither breaking their stare.

Their small staring contest broke when the sound of a doorbell rang, and Hank left to answer what he mumbled as, "Fucking doorbell."

Connor left his room curious, no body really came to his house unless it was one of Hank's associates, but Hank was sober. Strange...

Peeking out of the dimly lit hallway, Connor looked out at the front door, an old women in a pointy hat stood at the door, she quickly looked at Connor before focusing at his nonbiological father.

"Is this the Anderson household?"

"Yeah, you're at the right place, are you one of Connor's teacher? He hasn't been sprouting any trouble?" Hank responded. Connor made a face, unhappy that Hank thought he stirred up trouble.

The women before him seemed to pick this thought up and gave him a reprimanding look before continuing, "No. However I would like to have a word with the two of you in private if its not much trouble."

Hank rubbed his chin as if in thought.

He let his smile drop before letting out a sigh, "Alright, alright, follow me." With that he led the witch toward the kitchen where they took there meals, waving his hand for Connor to come with them.

Hank gestured for McGonagall to take a place at the table before leaving to grab an item. He was back in a moment with a glassof water for the professor.

After Hank sat down they began to talk.

McGonagall started first, eyeing the young eleven year old, "I am Professor McGonagall from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I trust that you received a letter recently?"

Connor nodded politely, placing the parchment down on the table and looked at the women who asked for it. Hank gave a skeptical look, raising one of his brows and looking at the robed witch in suspicion.

"Are you the one who sent that letter?"

McGonagall was not bothered by his question, merely continuing on as if she didn't hear the statement, "Allow me to explain, I understand if you require some convincing. Most people don't believe in magic."

The witch then stood up and stepped into the living room, the two following her in mere either mere curiosity or protectiveness, "Allow me to demonstrate that it does


Without waiting for a reply she pulled out a long, thin, piece of wood that was her wand. With a flick of her wrist and a quiet mutter of her voice, the entire living room glass table started to rise off the ground until it stopped about two feet off the ground. Hank made a shocked face and widened his eyes, staring at the table, selling his shock. Connor just looked on, curiously glancing back and forth, his thoughts going at a million miles per second.

Sumo barked.

"Would you like another demonstration?" McGonagall held a smirk of triumph on her face.

"That won't be necessary," McGonagall, a bit surprised at the neutral, mature tone of Connor's voice, glanced at Connor in little shock, "What was the spell you used, Ma'am?" Connor asked politely.

The witch held back a smile, 'Definitely a trait of a Ravenclaw'

"It was Windgardiam Leviosa, you'll learn it this year if you attend Hogwarts," She replied. Connor nodded, silently hoping that Hank would accept the proposal.

"So where is this school professor?" Hank asked, returning to his normal self.

"Hidden away from the muggle world. More then that I can not say."

Connor cocked his head, resembling an innocent puppy, "Muggle?"

She smiled at him, "Yes, non magical folk. There are several terms that you'll need to learn later. For now, there are several other things you will need to understand before you make a decision." She then spent the next hour and a half explaining the magical world and answering there questions.

"So, how is this suppose to work." Hank impatiently steered the conversation back on course, it was probably past midnight at this point.

Turning her head to the lieutenant she spoke, "If you accept, then we will arrange a day for you to be escorted to Diagon Alley for your school supplies." Seeing their faces she answered there unasked question, "Diagon Alley is the center of wizarding Britain. Hogwarts is willing to-"

Hank interrupted her sentence, "Wait-wait-wait- hold on a second! Britain?! That's like ten hours away from here!"

McGonagall nodded, understanding the situation, "We understand, but the wizardry school here in the United States of America told us that they can't accept anymore students- for whatever reason, we don't know- and they asked us for assistance."

Connor slowly looked over toward his fatherly figure, "I don't think there's much of a choice. I'm guessing that without teachings, something will happen about my magic, I can't go through life causing accidents if I can help it," He was silent for a moment, "I would like to accept."

Hank sighed in thought, "Well, if you think its best Connor then I'll support you. Should be the adventure of a lifetime, who knows?" Connor beamed in happiness, and Hank thought there was light resonating from him.

McGonagall decided this time it was best to continue her interrupted explaination, "If i may continue, Hogwarts is willing to provide financial assistance if you require it. But you will need someone with a wand to open the gate, and a guide will make things much easier." The two nodded.

"Very well then, seeing as it is the 25th of July, we will send an aid to escort you both through Wizarding Britain on the second of August."

"How much money should we bring?" Hank asked, worried about the cost.

She paused and gave the matter some thought, "About a thousand US dollars should cover it; if not, Hogwarts would easily help you with purchasing and you can pay back later. It's hard to say for sure, wand prices are a variable depending on which one you get, and you may want to purchase something not on the list."

The adults discussed about financial matters, Connor ignoring the two to play with Sumo.

"I'm a wizard, Sumo," Connor declared happily, "I wonder if I'll meet any friends there."

He sighed dejectedly, "Probably not... it's all the way in Britain after all."

Sumo whined sadly, licking his friend, "You're right, I shouldn't get sad." Connor realized, petting the soft dog.

He talked to the large dog quietly in the kitchen, topics ranging from school life to how Hank was gonna fair with when Connor was gone.

"Especially since he eats all that fatty food!" Connor exclaimed, upset that Hank was eating the stuff.

Connor, accepting that going to the school was a good idea, muttered to himself, "I like dogs." And with that, he stood up and wandered into the living room.

Hank was at the door with the old professor, waving her off, "We'll see you August 2nd then, professor." She just nodded her head and turned to walk away.

Closing the door, Hank turned around and saw Connor standing in the middle of the old room. After a few seconds Hank nudged a small smile, then a grin, then a chuckle, before he bursted out laughing.

"Connor, y-you'll need a wand!" Hank managed to burst out while laughing his lungs out, "And a pointed hat!"

Connor deadpanned, watching Hank laugh out of the corner of his eyes, chuckling, "As much as I dislike the idea of a pointed hat... You are correct."

They both laughed it out on the couch for a few minutes. After a while of silence, Hank looked down and saw Connor sleeping silently next to him, shock finally wearing off.

Hank smiled, "Have fun with magic, son."


(1) I made this up since we never knew Hank's address.

This is my third fanfic? My other two being childish ideas and i deleted them eventually. BTW, I always wondered about this, seeing as I love Harry Potter crossovers, no matter the weird timeline or relationship between games.

Since there are no Harry Potter crossovers between HP and DBH, I took it upon my own hands and made one!

Markus and Kara are in this, im still deciding on what house they will all be in, please give me advice! I'm thinking of Markus being in Gryffindor and Kara being a Hufflepuff, as for Connor, I don't really know haha.

I will try to update when I can, if I lose motivation or run out of ideas for the story, I'm sorry! I made this on the whim with no plot line or time line, really bad!