A.N. Why does this happen to me? I only wanted to write a fluffy oneshot!

Oh, well, I guess smut happens.

Warmth blanketed him. Soft and compressing in all the right ways, and in his comfort he sighed out a hum of contentment. He felt grounded, safe. He felt...a caress? Yes, there was something touching him, on his neck.

He shifted in place, noticing belatedly how cold metal dug into bare shoulderblades, how his entire body was bare. His hands curled into fists once he realized they were not free to move about, held in place by an agonizingly familiar grasp that he just couldn't get his mind to put a name to. He resorted to his legs instead, bucking up to only meet with almost instantaneous resistance, a jolt of sensation against his cock as it brushed against skin, and an even more familiar chuckle in his ear.

Chills ricocheted through his being, accompanied by the vivid swoop of arousal deep in his gut. A thigh nudged his legs further apart, and Keith curled one around the waist of his companion. He gasped as that caress resumed, a soft drag of what he could now surmise were lips against his jugular, along his jaw and then brushing his ear. The gentleness of the action prompted his lips to part in a huff of breath and a twinge of wonder at his predicament.

The gentleness only lasted so long, and he startled, letting out a choked yell at the sudden dig of teeth against his skin. He only now realized his eyes had been shut when they flew open in his surprise. He bucked against the hold he was kept in only to go still and stare into the stormy grey eyes that held his gaze. They were again tinted with that once-terrifying purple glow that now had Keith's heart pumping sharply with a whole new sense of trepidation.


The grin was smug, and it felt strange to see it again in this context.

No further words were exchanged, and yet Keith knew somehow that this...this Shiro wasn't here to hurt him this time. Instead he seemed to be here to tease him, to drag his body against him, skin-to-skin, to lean forward and let a tainted gaze dart between his violet eyes and his parted lips. The almost unnerving grin remained, and Keith's own gaze zeroed in on sharp canines more than once.

Shiro seemed to notice, and Keith's thigh jerked, making a dull thud against the floor as he pulled Keith's lower lip between those sharp teeth and bit down just enough to almost hurt.

One of his hands was suddenly free as Shiro reached between them and took ahold of him. Keith choked in his surprise, that same hand scrambling to grab something while Shiro's teeth once again dragged against his neck, latching and then accompanied by a sharp suckle and a tug on his cock that had Keith's back arching off of the floor.

He panted, hand finally finding purchase in Shiro's hair, fisting and pulling.

He bemoaned the loss of the hold he had been meekly thrusting up into, and then grunted as his hand was wrenched back to the ground again.


It was all but growled into his ear, and Keith shuddered under the rasp of his voice. His body didn't stop trembling, his short nails digging crescents into the meat of his palms as he curled his fists in desperation to obey that command.

"Good boy."

He keened at the words, back arching yet again and his hips jolting as lips descended onto his collarbone. More teeth, sharp and unforgiving as they marked him in a trail descending down his torso. And despite the twinges of pain it only served to further his arousal.

"Shiro..." he breathed out a moan of his name and found his voice caught on a cry of pleasure when his cock was enveloped in a warm, wet heat. Large hands pressed against his hips as they bucked helplessly up into that mouth, and Keith couldn't help his whine of desperation.

He lifted his head - shaking with the effort - to meet eyes still tinged with eerie lavender, panting and propping himself on his elbows to watch. A firm, warning press against his belly, a furrow of brows, and Keith bit his lip against the urge to move as one hand slipped between his thighs. He screwed his eyes shut, letting his chin fall against his sternum and just heaving with his breath while Shiro took him apart with both tongue and fingers.

It was unrealistically easy for him to slide two of said fingers inside him, and Keith threw his head back with a choked moan at the brush of calloused fingerpads against his prostate. His hips twitched upwards and he yelped at the stern bite to his thigh. The warm drag of Shiro's tongue followed, soothing the throbbing marks left behind. Keith couldn't muster the strength to lift his head again, so he resolved to experience this solely through touch, his jaw going slack at the way Shiro licked a firm stripe up the underside of his cock and then suckled far too softly on the head, laving his tongue in a slow circle. It was a torturous pace, enough to keep him riled but not enough to get him anywhere.

"Shiro...please." Keith huffed, his body quivering with the need to roll and buck against his ministrations, to reach and grab and pull at his hair. But he told him not to, and Keith wanted to obey.

He let out a sigh at the sudden absence of Shiro's touch, his eyes blinking open to stare at the blurry canopy of rock and sky that he couldn't remember clearly if he tried. It couldn't have been more than a moment of stillness, but he found himself slipping into surprising contentment as he watched the stars twinkle in the distance. And then he was rolled onto his belly, the motion so swift it felt as if he had blinked and it was done. Hands on his hips were lifting him up, propping him on his knees, and Keith tossed his hair away from his face so that he might look over his shoulder.

He was met with the press of lips against his cheek, warm wetness of an open-mouthed kiss, and then teeth dragging lightly. His arms shook with the effort of holding himself up, and he hissed at the cold of the floor against his chest as he relaxed and let his torso dip.

Shiro pressed against him and then inside him and fuck! Fuck! There was no warning, no slickness to ease his way, and yet the burn somehow managed to be welcome, he ached for it.

Keith shouted, hands fisting over nothing and his head hanging while he gasped and pushed back on that cock. The hands on his hips were bruising in their grip, the nails of the one still flesh scratching red lines into his skin. There was no reprieve, and each thrust - almost violent - ripped a cry from his throat, his voice already ragged and sore.


Every breath was punched out, accompanied by a moan or by the name, begging and thanking. Keith's breath hitched, choking on what felt like a sob, and when a thumb wiped at his cheek he realized tears were spilling from his eyes. He opened them to meet the glowing gaze, his own glazed over with both salty tears and his pleasure. He reached up, muscles quivering as he pleaded with his eyes for a kiss, and he sighed in contentment as his wish was granted. It was a desperate meeting of lips, teeth clacking and tongues writhing messily, leaving him gasping into Shiro's mouth and whimpering at the vicious tug of his lower lip between teeth.

The pace suddenly became grueling and by this point his body was screaming for his relief, for a reward.

"Please." he begged against Shiro's mouth, his brows pinched together in a twisted mix of pain and pleasure that he found himself liking in small quantities. But by now he needed to come down from his high and it wasn't happening. He needed Shiro to make him come.

"Please!" he cried out, and then Shiro seemed to take pity on him, a hand wrapping around his neglected cock and tugging once, twice, and then Keith shouted, voice cut off in a strangled version of Shiro's name. His back arched and he threw his head back as teeth sunk into his shoulder. Fuck. He finally came with a drawn out whimper.

A tongue on the throbbing mark, and then his name, murmured again and again so quietly he almost missed it before it rose in volume.




Keith jolted awake, eyes flying open and his body curling in on itself as he realized he was still orgasming. He panted and let out a final whimper into his pillow, body going slack where it had apparently been grinding into the floor and his brows screwing together as he registered what had just happened. His hands relaxed their iron grip in the plush of his pillow and he huffed out a breathless sigh. His tongue pricked against his canines, and he swallowed against the dim taste of iron.

It was a...dream?

He didn't exactly want to admit to himself that he felt disappointed.

"Keith? Are you okay?"

He gave a start as he realized there was a hand on his back - Shiro's hand - from where he lay just a foot or two away on a smattering of blankets and pillows. He was reaching over and watching him carefully, concern shining in his eyes. Stormy grey eyes that didn't glow with an otherworldly, lavender hue and white hair that shone in the low light, almost twinkling like a star.

"What do you mean?"

"It sounded like you were having a bad dream." Shiro explained, his motions stilted by what appeared to be sleepiness. "Your...eyes. They're doing it again." he added with a hitch of breath. He had explained he remembered the fight, his and his clone's memories had become one upon his return to his body. And Keith hadn't noticed during the fight, but apparently his eyes had gone yellow and his pupils had become pinpricks of violet while his teeth sharpened more than once during.

Said eyes went wide and his skin flushed with a prickling heat as he came to terms with the waking world and the dream that had just shaken the universe off of its hinges for him.

"Keith?" Shiro grunted as he sat up, and Keith panicked, rolling onto his back and wincing at the uncomfortable wetness sticking his pants to his skin. At least he hadn't worn his suit to bed, that would be a chore to deal with.

"I'm fine!" he exclaimed, "Just...a dream." he added, licking his lips to wet them and turning his gaze to the ceiling of the black lion's interior. "Did I wake you up?"

Shiro's silence was a confirmation.

"Sorry." Keith added, guilt washing over him at the thought of having robbed Shiro of well needed rest.

"You want to talk about it?"

Keith winced again, sighing over the fact that he was laying in a small puddle of his own making. "No. I just..." he sighed as he cautiously threw his blankets aside and stood facing away from Shiro, he took a step and cringed, "Need to get a change of clothes." he mumbled to himself.


A pause, and Keith stiffened as he realized Shiro had heard him.


Keith looked over his shoulder, he hadn't meant to say it loud enough for Shiro to hear. Or maybe he had and his subconscious just did it for him. Either way, he was sending a grimace of a smile and a blushing glance Shiro's way, noting the distant look in his returned gaze with interest.

"Shit, sorry." Shiro added, and even in the low light he could tell he was matching him for flushed cheeks.

Keith just shrugged, "Well, at least it wasn't a bad dream." he said with an embarrassed chuckle, and Shiro returned it hesitantly.

"Yeah." he visibly gulped, "At least." he nodded, gaze turned to the floor and his lower lip pulled between his teeth in a manner that made Keith's mind flood with images from his dream.

"Right. Okay."

He awkwardly shuffled away and made his cleanup as quickly as possible so he could escape to the pilot's seat of his lion. He sank down into the plush of the chair and pulled his knees up to his chest, rubbing his fingers against his forehead and frowning at the wave of amusement he felt from Black.

"It's not funny." he murmured, cheeks burning because now he realized Black had probably seen everything. She was connected to the both of them telepathically, after all. But he was right, it wasn't funny. In fact, it was a little...disturbing.

He was no stranger to wet dreams, he'd had them before, and they had Shiro in them before, but he didn't expect it would be that Shiro. He didn't know if it was a good implication that he was apparently turned on by that version of the man he loved.

Black sent a crooning wave of comfort to his head as he began to wallow in the dubious meaning behind what his mind had conjured. "Yeah, I know, it was just a dream."

He couldn't banish the lingering touches and bites, and he rubbed a hand against his shoulder, frowning when he found nothing there to prompt the phantom pain of a bite.

He sighed.

"Just a dream."