Quick drabble written from becoming inspired by one of freshtoxinn's drawings. Her first one on twitter to be exact! You guys should check out the post on my tumblr ss-tyytyy, the link is there! So cute! XD

Their travels had been ongoing for only a few weeks, and already there was some tension. The closer they became, the more intense the tension got. It was from little things, even something as simple as their bodies brushing against each other as they walked. A look, a smile, flushed cheeks. It was so easy for either of them to become flustered.

And it happened- often.

Today, Sasuke had had it. He wanted Sakura along with him this time. He did want it and he enjoyed it. They had a special bond, and Sakura meant a lot to him. It was so easy for him to picture her as the woman he would be with for the rest of his life, but picturing that only make things more difficult for him when he found himself in situations such as the one he was in now.

They had just been walking through a thick and very wet forest when an elk dashed by, knocking mud all over Sakura's clothes. Sasuke had stopped in his tracks and looked her over, lips falling apart before mulling together. It wasn't a little mud, it was a lot of thin mud, most of his in across her chest.

While he wouldn't deny that her clothes were too wet to ignore, he could not believe that she'd suggested changing out in the open. It was one thing when she did it inside the closed and private confines of her tent, but they were just outside in the forest, surely anyone could be around.

And Sasuke was here.

"Absolutely not." He told her firmly and she huffed, dainty yet powerful hands gesturing to her chest.

"But, Sasuke-kun! My shirt is soaked, even my undershirt. I need to-"

Sasuke shook his head adamantly. He was making the best choice out of two very difficult options. "You can't just change out here in the open." His hand waved around the forest, that couldn't truly be considered open. He would never admit that.

"Are you kidding?" She scowled at him. "There's nobody around here!"

"So, I'm nobody?" He asked quietly, glaring at the ground and trying feebly to ignore the heat on his neck.

"What?" She squeaked. "You? You! You can just turn around."

"Somebody else still could pass by and see you."

"Fine, turn around and hold open your cloak for me." She suggested and pulled off her backpack to go through it.

Sasuke's brows pulled together as his eyes returned to her in curiosity. "What- how?"

She dropped her bag, now having clean clothes in her hands. "Just hold it up," She said, moving his cloak into his hand and then forcing it up as she stepping inside of it.

Obsidian eyes closed at the realization and Sasuke held up his cloak more accurately to shield her. His face flamed as her backside brushed against his while she moved around, stripping off her top layers. Brows twitching and face scrunched in unease, Sasuke waited impatiently for her to change. She seemed to be taking her precious time, which was not boding well with him.

So he couldn't help but tell her to hurry up.

Why did he have these urges anyway? Why was it her that could so easily make him lose his control that had always been so perfect in the past? She didn't have to make a pass at him. She didn't have to do anything. Just being with her, Sasuke wanted her in every way he could have her. He didn't understand it, maybe he never would.

Regardless, he was happy with things as they were and that thought had a smile gracing his features.