It was yet another day at Lakewood Plaza Turbo, birds were singing, sun was shining, and the bodega occasionally get's attacked by robots. Yep, nothing out of the ordinary here. Speaking of the bodega, all seems relatively normal. The aspiring ninja hero Enid was chillaxing on the counter with the latest Ninja Weekly Magazine, work was relatively slow today so she figured she'd pass some time until a customer would come and buy something. The stock boy alien Rad was probably napping in one of the isles, his telekinetic fingers let's him restock inventory and catch 'Z's at the same time. Both were pretty nonchalant about working, but the same cannot be said for the youngest of the bodega-men.

KO, no one knows what that stands for or what it's supposed to mean but that's what everyone calls the young boy who's life long dream was to be a powerful hero. He can do any chore you ask him to and with a smile brighter than the sun on his face, his ambitions were as wide as his optimism. Right now he was mopping up a mess around the smoothie machine, normally he would enjoy doing any mundane task Mr. Gar would give him, even if it was cleaning the toilets after spicy taco coupon day. He no longer had a since of smell after that, but today his co-workers can sense he was feeling a little more anxious than usual.

Lately while it got around the late 6 o'clocks, he would occasionally check his watch for the time. Which is not a bad thing as Enid and Rad had done so in the past, but KO was doing it much to often and had this very impatient look like he had to be somewhere right about now.


'Come one, just a few more seconds!' KO thought to himself.





Right when the clock struck 7.

"Quitting time! Gotta head out now see yah guys tomorrow!" KO hastily said as he dropped the mop and ran to the door, but not before clocking out. Just then he got caught in the glowing purple of Rad's finger beam.

"Hold on there now, this is the fifth time this week you ran off after work." Rad exclaimed.

"Yeah man, something's up with you KO. And as your friends, we need to know what's wrong." Enid calmly told him.

KO raised an eyebrow, "I don't know what you mean, there's nothing wrong with me!" he said feeling a little on edge.

The two older adults just looked at him, "Then why do you always leave so immediately after closing time?" Enid questioned again.

"Ummmm," KO rubbed the back of his neck as he searched for an excuse, he knew if he told them the truth they would freak. "Uh you see, LOOK A SUPERMODEL HERO!"

They both turned their attention to the direction KO pointed, Rad in delight for seeing a hot supermodel and Enid in confusion. That distraction gave KO time to slip away.

The two older bodega-men saw him escape. "Darn it!"

"Greetings friends."

Rad and Enid jumped when a certain kappa girl KO's age just popped out of the shelf behind them, and we can hear that odd sound of children cheering in the background. I wonder why that always happens every time she appears in an episode.

"Oh, hey Dendy." Enid greeted.

"I assume that you guys are wondering about KO's recent activities after work as well?" she asked.

"Um yeah, how did you?" Rad questioned.

"Last week when we were supposed to test how TKO can handle underwater enemies, he told me he already had plans and suggested I reschedule. Very alarming it is."

"Well, there's only one thing we need to do." Enid said.

"Respect his privacy?" Dendy asked.

The older employees just laughed at that, "Not even close," Rad answered, "We are totally spying on him."

"Bingo." Enid said as she and Rad high fived.

Dendy just had a dull knowing face, "I figured you would suggest that."


At KO's house, the aforementioned hero was seen exiting the front door in a nice polo shirt and black jeans with a small bouquet of flowers. He checked his watch again, "Okay, I can make it if I run to the place." He said before smoothing out his hair and popping a couple breath mints into his mouth, then he took a running start before sprinting off leaving a trail of dust. Not too far away sat a familiar van of a certain alien.

"Okay, has he ever worn anything that fancy? Must be serious." Rad suggested from the driver seat, Enid lounging in shotgun.

"I know, he hates polo and says jeans are constricting. He's dressed like... nah probably not that."

Dendy popped her head between the two, "I suggest you follow the target before we lose him, luckily I have implanted a tracking device on KO incase he ends up lost in the woods again." she said showing them a map of the city from her hand with a red dot as KO.

"A tracking device?" Enid questioned, "You didn't put one on us did you?" as she asked this she didn't notice a spot on her and Rad's necks beeping, Dendy quickly turning those off for now. Rad hastily scratched said part of his neck.

"Noooooooooooo~" the kappa lied with a guilty face.

The counter-girl decided to drop this as they had a job to do.

-A short time later-

"We have reached our destination."

The adults looked at the place they followed KO to, "Bollywood Akira's Japanese Indian fusion restaurant? Since when was this a thing?" Enid questioned.

"About a long time ago in a small town in what was called Michigan did the first culture fusion eatery took place, one infamous for having a family with eleven kids and all but of them are girls." Dendy answered.

"That sounds a little specific." Rad and Enid looked confused.

"Let's just go." Enid said as the three exited the van and entered the place. After paying for a table and getting a couple menus, they saw that they were a good distance away from KO who was sitting in a booth. A very decorated booth at that, with a candle and vase with the flowers in it. He looked like he was waiting for someone.

"Looks like KO snagged one." Rad said with a hint of pride in his little friend. Enid just kept her cool gaze.

"Looks like it, but can't be so sure unless-"

"Shhhh~. There's company." Dendy told her, the three hid their faces behind their menus as they looked to see what KO was waiting for. And what they saw shocked them.

"Hey KO, it's been a while."

"Yeah, feels like a million years since we last saw each other."

They saw KO, and a familiar mutant rat girl his age exchange a hug and kiss. The three spies had eyes the size of dinner plates, the mint colored skin and dark green hair along two round rat ears gave the sign.

"FINK!" they whisperingly freaked as a waiter came by the two kids who asked what they'd be having for tonight.

"What are we seeing?" Rad questioned.

"How? What? When? Why?" Enid couldn't believe what she just witnessed, her most trusted friend was on a date. And with an evil minion?

"I as well would like to acquire the reasonings behind this romantic social gathering." Dendy said feeling a tiny bit peeved.

"Oh man, those two were a better couple than me and Enid were." Rad stated feeling a bit jealous that the squirt was much better at dating than he was.

"We only went on one date, and you were a total tool. Well less of a tool than you are now." Enid replied to that, "But still." she added looking towards KO. "He's he showing her his POW card collection?"

"What?" she semi-loudly freaked but not enough to make a scene as she jump onto Enid's shoulders to see their target was showing off his POW cards to the mutant rat girl, and she seemed to be showing some of her own cards that she collects. Dendy then complained, "But POW cards are OUR thing."

Enid and Rad felt a little bad for her, "Maybe we should pay KO a little visit."