The Lakewood Plaza group stood frozen in front of the figure they found. Elodie nearly fainting, Rad and Enid felt their hearts disintegrate when they saw.. "KO?"

"What in the world is that thing?" Red questioned with wide eyes.

"Hold me!" Rad wheezed out as he jumped into Enid's arms in a panic.

The figure walked slowly out of the smoke, revealing themselves as neither KO or Fink. But a combination of both, with a body radiating dark turbonic energy and. The body shape was like a mix between a werewolf and a mouse girl, with a mostly wolf body with mouse whiskers and ears. It's teeth razor sharp, and claws that can shred people like tissue. But the thing that caught their attention was that it had little dragon shaped earrings.

They chuckled darkly, "Well, well, well. The gang is all here, primed and ready. But before I rip all of your limbs off, how about we introduce ourselves. My name, is Turbonix. And I am the dark power of the love between your friend and his lover, the love that everyone was against!" They said in a scrambled up voice and tone.

"What are you talking about?! We always supported KO, no matter what!" Enid retorted.

"YEAH!" Rad added, "We're you're friends KO."

"If you really were my friends, then you wouldn't have attacked us during our three month-aversary date. You wouldn't have shunned me for following my heart! Do you know how much crud I took when we took when everyone found out?"

"From what I've observed there was some backlash and hesitance from everyone, but KO as your friends we were just looking out for you-"

"Excuses, excuses, excuses! Come on, you guys are better than! Well, except Rad." Turbonix scoffed off angrily. "You know, excuses are just like tissues."

Enid guessed, "Because, everyone has one?"

"NO! It's because some people just overuses the cob out of them until they are all weary and teary until they just fall apart!" Turbonix exclaimed while launching a dark glowing power fist through six trees. Everyone reared back at this outburst.

Elodie whispered fearfully into Enid's ear, "I only use like one tissue at a time."

"KO, what happened to you? You're usually not like this." Enid asked with concern.

"I just realized something, something that has been brewing inside me for a long time. No matter what I do, people will only see me as a naïve little baby who is in way over his head with a romance with a villain." Turbonix growled as he glared daggers at the quintet. "Well, it's time I made myself clear. I. Am not. A BABY!"

The five young heroes were then blasted back by a blast of turbo energy, but not like when they TKO first appeared. This power was a million times more powerful, like getting hit by a freight train filled with dynamite. They were sent through three trees before colliding with a sixth, luckily they landed on their feet but were a little winded.

"Ow, that hurts." Enid groaned as she felt the small of her back.

"I can already feel my skeleton starting to shatter again!" Rad exclaimed.

"Not even Blue can hit this hard." Red commenting while cracking her spine back into place.

"For a little pup, he can bite as hard as he barks." Elodie said as she wiped a bit of muck off her face.

"Astounding." Dendy said pulling up some chart hologram from her hand, "These readings are insane, I haven't seen such outpour of turbonic energy since the fight between Ultra KO and Nightmare Fink. Which can only mean-"

The kappa was interrupted when they heard heavy breathing, the looked towards a big rock where they heard someone muttering. "Oh man, this wasn't what I had planned. How could I have been so foolish to think I can control that much power?"

The Lakewood group gasped as they saw who it was.


Indeed it was, but not in the condition they last saw him. His cloak had a slash across his chest, and the left shoulder had a serious burn mark. The hood dangling over his eyes, and his gloved hand was clutching his midsection hard. "I'm guessing you met Turbonix, huh? Be lucky you didn't sustain any major injuries, yet."

He was then roughly grabbed by a very angry Enid, "What did you do to our little cinnamon roll and his girlfriend? I swear if you even laid one hand on his little head, then I will jam my foot straight down your throat!"

The former hero turned villain sighed, "If I wanted to hurt my own son, he would be dead by now. He has unlocked hidden capabilities his already great power can achieve, I just helped him train to control it. He and his lady friend are both tremendously powerful separately, but together... they are unstoppable. Though I guess, a little too unstoppable."

"Well whatever it was you did, it created a monster! And now it thinks we hate KO for dating Fink." Enid exclaimed. Shadowy looked away, she can sense some uneasiness in his normally smug facial expression. "What did you do?" she deadpanned.

"You see, the power that KO possesses is directly linked to his negative emotions. Most noticeably anger, frustration, or powerlessness. And from what I have seen over the last few months, nothing has brought out more emotion to fuel his power than when you mess with his most special girl. So when Venomous turned Fink into a turbonic zombie, it brought out power beyond anything I can have ever imagined." he looked away, "So I..."

"You tampered with KO's and Fink's memories so that they only remember all the bad things that happened to them, and made them think that no one supported their courting." Dendy theorized.

Shadowy coughed out, "Smart girl. KO has basically god level power now, power that he needs to control. Fink on the other hand use to need a special collar to access her own turbonic form, but after their fight she can now use turbo energy of her own. While not as powerful as KO, she has more control. You need to return their original memories, it should diminish their anger. The memories are in the barn, and hurry. The power of Turbonix grows more with each passing second, surpassing even that of the Man of Steel. If we don't return their memories soon, then I shudder to think what terrible fate might bestow upon the Earth."


They were blasted back when the rock suddenly exploded, they saw the human-rat fusion charge up another power fist before sending it straight to the heroes. They barely dodged the attack, but Shadowy wasn't so lucky. The downed cloaked figure painfully watched as his creation chased the heroes out into the forest, "What have I unleashed?"

He then felt a pair of handcuffs on his wrists, "You'll have time to explain in the Maximum Security P.O.I.N.T. HQ Prison Unit." He didn't need to look up to recognize the voice of Foxtail, she turned to the other past and present P.O.I.N.T. members. "Follow that thing and stop it, I'll take care of Shadowy here."

They nodded and headed off in the direction of Turbonix, Carol looked back at the man who she once called her boyfriend Laserblast. How a great hero fell from grace, down into a pit of shadiness and greed. She hmphed before joining her fellow P.O.I.N.T. members and Gar.

The Lakewood crew just reached a clearing before they were stopped by a collapsing tree, they turned to see a snarling Turbonix. They got ready to fight, though a little scared since they have to fight their friend. Turbonix cackled, "No where to run now, you plaza pansies!" they said as their hands produce glowing dark purple and silver energy.

But before they can do anything they felt a blast hit the back of their head, which didn't faze them but still got their attention. Turbonix turned around to see their 'friends' were not alone.

"HALT FIEND! Your reign of terror is over, because P.O.I.N.T. has arrived!" Chip Damage stated as the team posed.

"Chip Damage, if that even is your real name. I seem to recall that Chip was nothing more than hoax, and that you were destroyed." Turbonix growled.

"My death was... rather exaggerated. Now that I'm back and stronger than ever, it's time I really ring the Damage."

Turbnonix snarled before seeing a certain pair with the superhero team, "Mom, Gar?"

"KO, sweetie. If you're in there, it's me. Listen you have to fight this, whatever that turncoat did to you is nothin!" Carol yelled as Gar put a hand on his unhinged girlfriend, "PLEASE KO, COME BACK TO ME!"

"There's no more KO, and no more Fink either." they replied as the Boxmore bots and Venomous joined them, Venomous going wide eyed at what he saw. 'Oh no.' "Only... Turbonix!"

The fusion of KO and Fink then sent a massive power fist straight to the Supers, Damage tried a counter blast but that got squashed by the giant flaming fist heading right towards them. "Oh cob dan-" Damage said before his entire android body got incinerated. Dr. Greyman tried to use some laser guns her brought and shoot the dark being, but they just causally held back the blasts.

Carol turned towards her son's friends, "Go, we'll hold this thing off as long as we can." she said before ducking underneath a beaten Shannon, who ran right back into the fight with maces for hands. "GO!"

The four young adults and kappa kid nodded before leaving running off, Turbonix growled at the fleeing five and turned to the ones surrounding him.

"Fink!" Venomous called out, "If you're in their speak to me! FINK!"

Turbonix sneered to the tall purple man, "Well, look who it is. My ex-boss, what now? You've already done enough damage as it is, when will you learn that you can't keep me away from KO? He's the only light I have in my life of darkness and evil, he makes me happy!" Turbonix said in a more feminine tone than normal, they then turned to Carol and Gar before speaking in a voice close to KO's. "And you two, I thought for sure that you would have loved me even if I was dating an evil minion. Mommy you said that you always support my decisions, so what makes Fink any different?"

Carol raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about Peanut? Of course I support you, and your girlfriend-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE!" Turbonix screamed as he punched the ground hard enough to send a turbo shock wave towards Carol, he went wide eyed as the attack was coming straight for her. But the in an instant the blast was deflected by a stiff elbow jab from Gar, Carol sighed in relief. "Thanks Gar, oh."

Gar looked down at the elbow he used to save Carol with, which had a noticeable burn mark on it. "Though the attack bounced off, I still felt it. Whatever Shadowy or whatever his real name is did to him, we can't take it lightly. From my time in P.O.I.N.t., I never seen anyone with this much power in my life. I believe without a doubt that we are in for a fight Carol, don't hold back just because that thing is your son."

Carol took a breath of reluctance, before lighting up her own power fists. Her ability to mimic other people's powers on display, "KO, Fink, Turbonix or whatever. Don't take this personally." she said before coming at the fusion with a battle cry. Turbonix smirking as he charged at her with his own power fists ready, they put on a smug grin.

"Let's dance!"


The younger group has just arrived at the barn, with the amount of power this mix of KO and Fink with their super turbonic forms had to be stopped quickly. But what they found when they opened the large doors, might make the situation a little harder. The place was much more beat up than when we last saw it, with parts of the furniture all torn a part and spread out, wooden beams on the ground, hay everywhere, and some old leftovers.

"Geez, looks like a tornado hit the place." Enid said.

"I think I'm gonna need a full round of shots just looking around here, this place is disgusting!" Elodie gagged at the sight of a room full of garbage.

"Oh suck it up, Princess." Red replied. "This will be just like finding a needle in the haystack."

"How are we supposed to find anything in this dump? Looks worst than the back of Beardo's apartment building, and he his truck are a lot alike." Rad said.

"Yeah, constantly failing health inspections." Enid joked.

Dendy surveyed the area through her goggles, "Hmm, we may be able to find what we are looking for if we split up and divide the building into five sections, and each look through one."

"And what if some masked wearing mad man comes in and tries to kill us, because that's what happens in every horror movie I've seen with an old building in the woods!" Elodie freaked.

"Relax you pretentious snub, there's not gonna be a masked murderer. This story is already confusing as it is." Enid replied.

"Less meta talking, more looking." Dendy snapped her fingers, which made the on again/off again friends to look go off into different directions as the alien and the hero form the future. "Besides, this fic was already started to drag in chapter 9."

Back at the Battle with Turbonix

Things are not looking good for the heroes, robots, and Venomous. They all tried desperately to gain any glimpse of an advantage over Turbonix, but everything they tried was snuffed out by the combined god level energy of KO and Fink. They kept spouting something about how no one supports their love because it's taboo, which made they wonder just what that Shadowy Figure has done to them.

Dr. Greyman and Ms. Sunshine were currently in a tree with scratch marks all over them, the alien's wheel chair wedge on a high branch. The robots were dissembled messes around the clearing. The only ones left standing right now are Carol, Gar, and Venomous. And each of those three had their share of injuries. Gar's shades were broken, revealing his brown eyes, he also had a big bruise on his forehead, claw marks on his chest, and both of his arms were bent the wrong way. Venomous had a black eye, broken nose, his ribs were broken, and his leg was bent up. Carol had probably the most mild with some light scratch, her hair cut off on the right side, and her knuckles were a little bloody after clashing with her opponent.

Meanwhile, Turbonix was standing there without hardly any noticeable damage. Though they were panting along with the three adults in front of him, though only a little.

"I got to say, you three lasted longer than I imagined. Give yourselves and applause for your performance." they mockingly gave the heroes and professor a slow clap.

Venomous dropped to one knee, "What, have I done?" Carol and Gar turned to the professor, "This is, all my fault."

He felt two hands on his shoulders, he looked up to see the ones he's fighting with. "Venny, it's not your fault. If anything, the only one at fault here is your coocoo brother. He created this monstrosity out of our only kids."

"Yeah, after I tried to break them up... permanently." he retorted.

"You know one thing I learned over the years, no matter how many times you mess up, you can always find a way to fix it." Gar said.

Venomous then had a look of determination, "I know what we must do." he steadily stood up, he took a deep breath before slowly walking towards the opposition. Or more like limping.

"Still hungry eh, how about a fillet of POWER FISTS!" Turbonix yelled before sending a barrage of super power fists heading towards the advancing professor, each one landing one any part of his body. But no matter how many hits he took he still presses on, even when one landed right in the... knees. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE!"

The assault ended when Venomous got close enough to... wrap his arms around the angry fusion? 'What the?' "Fink, I made a horrible mistake. You and KO deserve to be happy, and I shouldn't have got in the way. Though you may be my minion, you were always like a daughter to me. I'm sorry."

In some odd way, this was actually starting to work. Turbonix felt their power fading out, "Huh, what's goin-" he was interrupted by another pair of arms, this time by KO's mommy with tears in her eyes.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'll always support your decisions my little Peanut, and I am not starting today. You deserve happiness, I love you KO."

Turbonix felt a little something roll down their cheek, he wiped it up and saw it was a tear, "But, but how? I thought-"

He was stopped again when he felt the hand of Gar rest on his head, he looked up to see the man who he sometimes saw as the father he never had. "KO, I may not have much experience when dealing with little ones. But you're not like any boy your age I've seen, you've proven yourself time and time again. For every great man, there is a greater woman." he turned to Carol when he said that, whom blushed at the compliment. He turned back to KO, "Even though you've yet to reach your teen years, what you and Fink have runs deeper than even the tightest bond ever imagined. I mean what I said before, you and Fink have my upmost support. And that's a promise!"


(One ball of lighting later)

The three adults coughed as the area was clouded in smoke, when it finally cleared up they looked to the center of the large crater left by the explosion. And in the center rested the bodies of their targets: KO and Fink. Laying side by side, hand in hand on the ground. They gingerly hopped into the crater and kneeled by them.

The two kids groaned as they sat up, KO was holding his head with a splitting headache while Fink used her free hand to crack her back. "Uh, what happened? I feel like I was hit by a truck." KO said.

"I feel like I was struck by lightning." Fink replied.

The two kids then looked up to see their parents/boss, who had teary smiles. Which Fink was freaked out about since she never saw her boss express emotions so much. They were then caught in a bone crushing hug that nearly broke their spines.

"Thank goodness you guys are back! We were so worried!" Carol exclaimed.

"Please don't hate me Fink, I made an awful mistake." Venomous said relieved to see his minion's little face again.

"Oh, I can never hate you boss." Fink said as she faintly wrapped her little arms around the tall professor while chuckling.

"What's so funny?" her boss inquired.

"Just thinking off all the things to put on your tombstone." Venomous went wide eyed.

KO then weakly returned the hug from his mom and boss/future stepdad. "Hey, guys. I... can't breathe."

"Neither can I." Fink said.

The two were then released and took in a huge gasp of oxygen into their lungs. "What happened? Where's Shadowy? How'd we get out here?" KO asked.

"And why are we naked?"

They all jumped at the question from Fink, they then through a couple blankets around the kids to mask their modesty.

"Well, I'm just glad you're back Peanut."

"You too, Fink."

"Glad to be back."

They heard some rustling in the nearby bushes, and out came the others.

"Is everything okay, we heard a giant explosion." Enid said before seeing.


"KO!" The ninja ran faster than light and held the little swaddled boy in her arms in relief. "OH THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE OKAY!" Enid cried vigorously.

"I'm okay, Enid. But, where are the others?" he asked.

"Hey, Squirt." Rad said as he came by, followed by the others.

"Rad! Dendy!" The alien and kappa joined in on the bodega-men hug.

"Nice to see my little buddy is alive and kicking." Rad said before giving him a little noogie.

"Yes, it is quite a relief to have you as you again." Dendy smiled brightly.

KO then saw who else was with them, "Elodie! Red! What are you guys doing here?" he asked as he saw the former ex-friend of Enid and the former Hue Trooper from the future.

"Enid called." Red explained. He then looked to the ninja who shrugged, "Gotta say kid, I'm impressed. Not many kids your age can say they have a relationship of such commitment, even if it's with a villain." KO chuckled at that and blushed.

"Even I have to say, you two are kind of adorable together. Even if it is very wrong in the world of supers." Elodie said.

"Thanks, I guess." he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, by the way KO. Look what we found." Dendy said while holding up the pair of glorbs we found last chapter.

"What are those?" KO asked.

Dendy adjusted her goggles, "From my observations, these glorbs serve as a containment from the memories of the support you two obtain for your relationship. Shadowy Figure must have tampered with them to make you so angry and sad to bring out the power he wanted." she then handed the glorbs to her friend.

"Woah!" KO said while holding up the glorbs, "That's insane." he then puts them in his hair, "I'll just hang onto these for now, I think they'll come in handy later on."

"How about we head home now and get you some clothes, huh?" Carol suggested.

"Good call, I have an entire two weeks of Tears of Heroes to catch up on." Fink said.

"WAIT!" KO said as he popped out of his bundle, somehow fully clothed in his normal attire and sweatband. He jumped towards his girlfriend. "You watch Tears of Heroes too?"

"Yeah, why?" Fink asked.

"That's my favorite telenovela! Oh, so much I've missed."

Fink then popped out of her swaddle, also magically dressed in her lab coat style dress, gloves and boots. "Well what are we doing standing out here, come on!" she exclaimed before grabbing his head and running full speed away in a trail of smoke. She then came back with a winded KO still in her hand. "Where's home?"

After returning back to Lakewood, KO and Fink's bond was still going strong. Only this time, everyone was very supportive. Shadowy Figure served time in jail for kidnapping and for stealing the prototype fusion earrings, which turns out to have major side effects when in use like severe aggression and memory loss.

KO and Fink's romance from there on had everything to expect growing. From going on dates, to occasional fights. And not just because of stolen money and artifacts, but real life fights that all couples have. But all those obstacles put in their path made their bond grow stronger, and they were able to get comfortable having a few of their dates in Fink's prison cell. Soon many other hero-villain pairs started to sprout, and soon the concept was now a regular thing instead of a taboo.

We now have our hero and villain walking in the same park where it all started, the to having grown a lot since then. KO kept the undershirt and vest, but now sported a flannel shirt and jeans. He kept the sweatbands around his forehead and wrists, and the pink anklets. Even as a 19-24 year old he still went barefoot, he never got bothered from a lack of shoes so why mess with it. Besides, his feet got so calloused up he can walk on flaming shards of glass without flinching, which he's done during one of his training sessions. Fink one the other hand wore a bigger version of her lab coat style sleeveless dress with pink fingerless gloves and 5in heel boots, her hair a little more tamed and reaching her lower back.

"Well, that's another wallet dead. I swear the more times you get arrested, they might actually name a wing after you in prison." KO aggravated while clutching an empty wallet, the reason being that he had to bail his 13 year girlfriend out of prison. And as an extra sprinkle of salt in the wound he had a fancy dinner planned and she had to robbed the Hexagon on this specific day, which happens to be the 13 year anniversary of when the two became a couple.

"Hehehe, that's actually what I'm going for. Anyway how are the losers doing?" Fink wondered.

"Well, Elodie had just proposed to Enid. To which she replied, 'Sure, or whatever'." He said in an highly accurate representation of the now level 8 ninja hero.

She laughed at the impression, "Oh, but seriously I'm happy for them. You don't get a lot of couples like them, they actually balance each other out."

KO continued, "I hear Rad and Shannon broke up again. But then they got back together, again."

"What is it, like, 10th time this year? What was it for now?" Fink questioned.

"I think from what his flashback said, 'Those dishes aren't gonna wash themselves you know!'" he mimicked.

"HAHAHA, oh man I so seeing that. And I think her reaction would be like throwing one or two plates at his head, wouldn't you say?"

KO chuckled, "Actually that's exactly how it went down, and I think he replied with 'Come on now, what would Martha Stewart say?'"

"'Fridge Martha Stewart!'" Fink played along, "'Martha Steweart can kiss my shiny metal butt! Here I am slaving away over a hot stove making cookies and double dragon burritos and FOR WHAT?! A macho one-dimensional ALIEN who doesn't APPRECIATE ME! An alien who cant even clean one measly plate! An alien who spends more make out time with his van and muscles than he does with me! Take it from me doll, never trust a macho man!"

KO and Fink then laughed and laughed until they were barely hanging onto each other to keep from getting drenched in the fountain. They both sighed at the hilarious memory, "But seriously, why do they keep going after each other when they can't even spend one hour without getting in each other's throats?"

KO shrugged, "Hey, that's Rad and Shannon for yah. Both stubborn to fault, and don't know when to quit. They made an appointment with a couple's counselor this Friday."

"Considering who it's for, not even Doctor Phil can bring peace between them." Fink joked.

KO chuckled, "Yeah, but I'm not one to pry on other people's love lives."

Fink nodded, "Yep, stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours."

KO then looked around, "Hey Fink, guess what today is?"

She hummed to herself before realizing, "(GASP) The day we officially became the first hero and villain couple in over 100 years! And, we're in the same place as our first kiss. (Sly brow) KO, is there a reason you brought me here on this specific day?"

KO blushed as he rubbed the back of his head, "Well, I was gonna ask this on our date at Casa de la Noche. But then 'someone' got incarcerated which had me take three years of work and savings to bail her out." her softly glared at the 'someone', to which she casually shrugged. "But, I might as well do it here."

Fink gasped as he saw KO get in front of her on one knee, with her hand encased in his in a loving grasp. "Fink. When I first saw you, I thought you were a crazy psychotic she-devil. I mean, you've attack the bodega all the time. You stole things, and sent the president to the emergency room. A week after I met you, if someone told me I would wind up dating you. I'd probably punch the guy in the face and call him crazy. But then I got to know you, and we started spending more time together. I started to feel something, something that I never experienced before. I didn't know what to do, I never learned anything about this stuff. I realized that, in some insane act of god, I fell in love with you. Which scared me since at the time hero and villain romances were a serious taboo. That day 13 years ago, changed my life forever. I was in a relationship, with the minion of the most evil mind in the world. And I loved it. I didn't care about the consequences, because you Fink make me more happy than anything I can ever imagine. I love you Fink, I LOVE YOU AND I'M PROUD!"

Fink blushed and held her hand over her beating heart, "KO." she cooed.

"The day our relationship got out to the public, everyone did all they could to tear us apart. But after everything, our love kept growing and growing. We slowly got more and more support from our friends and family, and then the incident with Shadowy Figure who turned out to be my real father Laserblast. It was scary, but we made it through because we had each other. Year after year, our love was still there. All challenges that try to come between us, and we burned them down. Fink, I have waited 13 long years. To say these five little words." KO reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, Fink gasped when she saw him open up the box to reveal a small golden band with a huge glrob with a red and dark green swirl.

"Fink, will you marry me?"

Fink just cried with happy tears in her eyes as she answered him with a hard kiss on his lips, to which he happily returned while sliding the ring on her. The two were locked in their own little world, with no one else but them. To this moment, it was all worth it. The ups, the downs, the middles. Everything that led up to this moment, they'd relive it all over again.

While not breaking away from the kiss, KO looked directly at the camera and winked to the audience. Silently asking.

'What, you didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?'

That's all folks! With this, marks the end of KO's New Girlfriend. It's been a long road for me, and longer for you guys. I'm proud to say that as of right now, this fic is currently the second most fav'd and followed OK KO: Let's be Heroes fic to date. With a total of 46 favorites and 43 followers, this was all because of you. Give yourselves a pat on the back. No matter if you like it, or hate it. You reacted to it, that's all we can ask for.

But don't think I'm done yet, I still have many other OK KO stories that deserve as much attention as this one. So please, if you haven't left a fav or follow on those stories yet, then go do that to show your support. If not for me, do it for the ship of KO and Fink. And don't just wait for me to bring the next Fin-O story, go write your own. There's only so much the captain can do to keep the ship afloat.

Also leave a fav and follow on me to catch up on all of my latest content. Because if you loved this ship so much, then in the near future. I will write a sequel to this fic, but only if you show your support for the love of KO x Fink.

You know what to do, leave a fav, follow, and review.

And if you're not down with that, then I have two words for yah. (pops out KO and Fink dressed in DX costumes)