AN: AU/Canon because season six is still running laps in my head and my other stories aren't there yet for me to write about it (or reference).

I want this to be a main focus of Keith, Krolia, and Shiro but the others will show as well.

...and most likely some Shallura...XD The dynamics intrigue me.




The trip back to Earth was to begin with a trip to Olkarion.

Before Olkarion, Krolia and Keith had to check in with Kolivan. Seeing as they also needed information that only the Blades would have it was decided that an in person report was best. But before Kolivan they had several pit stops for food and for Lance to clear out the manure building up in Red, much to Keith's agitation. The Red Lion was no longer his to pilot but there was plenty of attachment left to make him half wish they had made hamburgers out of that pooping milkshake maker.

Almost as soon as he thought it Keith let out a nearly inaudible sigh. I don't really mean it, he mentally apologized. However crazy it sounded Kaltenecker was a part of Team Voltron, space flies and all.

Sitting in the back Krolia heard her son's quiet sound. "We should be reaching the outpost soon."

The cosmic wolf's claws sounded as he walked over to the pilot's seat. Keith kept his hands on Black's controls. The wolf merely sat next to him and placed his head along his leg. He couldn't help it. He moved a hand off to place on the wolf's head for a brief couple of seconds.

"The sooner we get there the better," he mumbled out.

Krolia's eyes drifted, seeing the silver head of Shiro. They had very little to cushion him as he slept but Keith's red jacket seemed to be enough for him.

"Kolivan will know where Slav is."

After the fight with Zarkon Slav's talents were needed throughout multiple Blade outposts. They kept his location secret for obvious reasons and wouldn't dare send it via holo-message or holo-screen. Once they had Slav he could work with Pidge, Hunk, and Ryner to create a new arm for Shiro. Earth's technology wasn't anywhere close enough to provide the type of arm he needed.

Keith risked a glance behind. His brows furrowed, seeing his friend and mentor's still form. The rising of his white chest plate was the only indication that he was indeed alive. It was all so surreal, so strange...

"Don't," came Krolia's even tone of voice.


She gave her son an indescribable look. "None of this is your fault."

He looked at the remains of Shiro's right arm. "...I cut it off."

"It was a fight."

His eyes gleamed in the low purple light of the Black Lion before he turned forward.

"He'll get a better one."

Of that he'd make sure.

"Uh guys..."

Keith sighed as Lance's voice sounded out in the comms. "Stop feeding the cow Lance."

"It's not for Kaltenecker."

"Lancey gotta potty," Hunk crooned.

"Shut it Hunk!"

"Just pee in a bottle," Keith frowned. "We can't afford to be wasting more time."

"With Kaltenecker watching?!"


"Now Pidgey gotta potty," Lance echoed Hunk with a laugh.

"Admitting one's limits is not weakness," Allura defended.

"...You too Allura?" Keith sighed with exasperation.

"Romelle and Coran as well," she primly huffed. "Not solely myself."

Krolia stood up. She stared out through the Lion's windows to see where they were.

"This isn't the best area to stop."

"Can you guys hold it? Krolia says it's not safe."

"For how long?"

Keith looked to her. She crossed her arms as she considered.

"Our safest bet is planet Idicar. There's plenty of rock cover to hide the lions." She pointed out to the left. "Head that way for another five doboshes."

"You guys heard that?"

There were some mumbled answers. Keith took it as consent.


"We shouldn't linger."

As soon as Krolia said that, Keith wondered if they should leave and find some other planet. But the moment he stood his bladder made itself known. At least the others didn't hear me admit it. The wolf stood up with him. Krolia followed them outside but stopped near the Lion.

"I'll keep an eye out."

He looked back with slight guilt. His bladder nearly made him forget.

"Shiro -"

"I won't be far."

He took off his helmet. "In case you need to contact the others."

"Keep it." She lifted up a black and white helmet. "I'm borrowing your friend's."

Keith nodded then slipped his helmet back on. She watched as her son's white and red uniform disappeared from her sight as he walked past a large rock formation. She walked in the opposite direction to take care of her business. Underneath her feet she could feel the jagged, dried black soil that made up this planet.

The Blades used to have an outpost hidden out here but with the constant wind storms making communication difficult and the sheer barren terrain made it useless for them. Centuries ago, there was flora and fauna but it was before Zarkon. The planet's lush resources were dug up and practically sucked out of Idicar leaving it bare for some of the worst pests to come and take residence.

It worked for going dark but not for long.

She had slipped the helmet on in case the others found something. There was some bickering between the team regarding which side of the rocks was the designated 'ladies room' and which was the 'gents.' It was all playful banter. A part of her felt relieved especially when she heard her son's voice amongst the bickering.

I always wondered if they had anyone.

Leaving Earth was a regret she had but would not take back. Staying meant more Galra soldiers. Being with them left them open to danger and death. It was the life of a spy - her life. She couldn't allow that to harm them. Not if there was something she could do. Her head lowered a little.

Not that it helped Ryou.

Keith's memories of his father's death was still seared into her mind...

Coran was already back in Blue. Allura mumbled to herself as she cleaned her hands.

Being a race of diplomats they had came up with a cleaning solution for travels that would cleanse then dry up within ticks. Pidge had smugly called it 'hand sanitizer,' claiming that Earth came up with that too before walking back to her Lion. Allura was certain the Altean version did a much thorough job.

Romelle smelled her hands once the solution dried. "I haven't scented this in many deca-phoebs."

"Do you not have kleane?"

"We do but the scent is different."

I suspect that is the smallest difference. Allura looked back at her traveling pack. My people are alive, Shiro's back, Lotor's gone... There was much to take in and within a relatively short amount of time. When they arrive at the Blades' outpost she was going to have to reveal her failure as a leader.

She didn't even notice that the Head of Voltron was a clone for heavens' sake.

She closed her eyes. Then her brows furrowed. The White Lion stirred inside her. It occurred from time to time but it felt stronger, more urgent. She expanded her senses, searching, seeking - she physically recoiled. She clenched her head as the piercing quintessense of the creatures still lingered in her mind.


"We need to go," she breathed out, quickly turning on her comms. "Team, there's something out there. We -"

Her message fell on deaf ears as the terrain rumbled.