A/N: So. I'm sure some of you are probably tired of the common werewolf/wolf AU's but, this came out of nowhere and hasn't left me alone since. So, here it is.

The first part of the story will be an extended version of the summary.

Next thing to note:

Italic '...' means characters talking via mind link

Italic "..." Means characters talking in wolf form.

Regular "..." means characters talking in human form.

Now, with that said. Enjoy chapter 1.

Chapter 1:

Castiel and Gabriel are leaders of the Novak pack.

Why two alphas?

They were brothers, and since their pack was fairly large, they both agreed to lead together. Since their mother and father died in previous pack wars.

Pack wars were quite common in the werewolf life.

Constant greed for more land.

For a long time, the Novaks never lost a war.

During a recent war, another pack had entered their land seeking alliance.

They were known as the Winchester pack, and were oppsoite of the Novaks. Their numbers were small. Ranging to about 8-10 wolves.

While Castiel's pack ranged to over 30.

Numbers mattered in this world.

The two packs merged together, and the fight continued.

By the end of this battle, another war was won, but this one came with more casualties than usual.

Majority of the Winchester pack died, including the Alpha pair in that pack, who died protecting their younger ones.

Those younger ones were the only survivors.

Sam and Dean Winchester.

Castiel was the first to step forward, taking in the two as if they were his own pack.

They were around their teens, an age appropriate to train.

As time passed, he got to know the two wolves better.

They were brothers, Dean being the oldest, protective of his younger brother, and too dominating for his own good.

Luckily, when Castiel would show his own dominance, the older Winchester's wolf instincts would kick in, naturally submitting to him.

They were Omegas, after all.

A couple years passed, and the pack wars had lessened over time.

Castiel and Gabriel had both grown closer to the Winchesters.

They interacted more than anyone else in the pack.

The Winchesters never showed fear to the Alphas, they sometimes saw each other as their equal.

The pack had never been so peaceful.

Until, one day, Hunters began coming closer and closer to their lands.

Castiel had had his fair share of humans, but was either able to negotiate deals with them, or just simply scare them away.

He'd never had to kill a human though.

This day, however, was different.

The Hunter or Hunters had apparently came into their territory undetected.

The pack was sleeping while Castiel and Dean patrolled one side of the territory, and Gabriel and Sam patrolled the other.

They had each formed their own close friendship with one another.

Suddenly, before either group could even react, a loud bang sounded, and their worlds fell dark.

Dean awoke to the feel of a metallic floor and one hell of a headache.

He groaned, lifting his head, slowly opening his eyes.

There were two things he realized right away.

One, he was in wolf form.

Two, this definitely wasn't home, neither did it smell anything like it.

Fully awake and alert now, he jumped up, glancing around him at the bars that surrounded him.

A... Cage?

He was in a fucking cage?!

It was pretty large, too large for a single wolf. He could probably even fit in here in his human form.

"Welcome back Dean." Castiel's voice sounded behind him, making him jump.

Dean turned to face the Alpha, who was also in wolf form.

"Where are we? What the hell are we doing here?" Dean demanded.

"I am just as clueless as you are. I woke up about an hour ago. I tried to break through the bars, but, it's strong. I think it even contains some wolf's bane." Castiel explained.

"Great. Just great." Dean said, sitting down, annoyed.

Suddenly, he realized.

"Wait... Where's Sam?!"

'Sammy?!' Dean called through mind link.

'Dean!' Sam called back.

Dean felt slightly relieved to hear his voice again, but also worried.

They were either not far from pack territory, or...

'Sammy... Where are you?'

'I... I don't know. I'm in some cage. Gabriel's here too.' Sam said.

'Hellooo.' Gabriel proved his point.

Dean rolled his eyes, Gabriel could be annoyingly enthusiastic even in the worst of times.

'Are you hurt? Injured?' Dean asked.

'No. My head hurts a little, but, I'm fine.' Sam said.

'Yeah. Same here.' Dean said.

'Gabriel. Have you any luck on contacting the pack?' Castiel broke the conversation.

'No. You?' Gabriel asked.

'No. We must be too far away. Keep trying. See if I can't find out how to get us out of here.' Castiel said.

'Good luck brother.' Gabriel said.

'Sammy. Stay safe.' Dean said.

'I will.' Sam said.

'Don't worry. He's all in good hands in here.' Gabriel said, and Dean swore he could practically see the wolf wink.

'Gabriel. Don't even.' Dean growled through the link and out loud.

'Stop worrying Deano. I wouldn't harm a single hair on his... Well, fur.' Gabriel said, 'Now. If you don't mind. I need to concentrate. Buh-bye.'

Then, the group's mind link broke.

Leaving them alone in the cages once again.

"Gabriel is an Alpha. So technically, he can do whatever he wants with Sam." Castiel spoke up, breaking Dean from his thoughts.

He snapped around to the other wolf, "Not to my brother!" He growled warningly.

"Watch your tone with me." Castiel warned.

"Bite me." Dean snapped back.

In that moment, all Dean could see was a black blur, before he found himself on his back, the large black wolf standing over him.

"You are in no position to speak to me that way! I am your Alpha and you are to treat me as such!" Castiel growled warningly.

Rarely had he had to resort to this type of aggression, but when it did, it would scare the living shit out of Dean.

Not this time.

For the longest time, they remained in this position. Both baring their teeth at one another.

Dean tried his best to resist the Omega in him, he really did, but resistance was definitely not in his favor.

After what felt like hours, the grey wolf finally stopped growling, tilting his head back and to the side, showing a sign of submission.

Castiel stood over him for a few more seconds, before finally moving off of him.

Dean slowly got up, watching as the Alpha walked to the other side of the cage, before sitting down, seeming in thought once again.

"How long will we be in our wolf forms anyway? I've tried to revert back, but...-" Dean trailed off.

"Our wolf comes out naturally when we are in grave danger. So, naturally it still feels that way. Depending on how long we'll be here. It'll take some time before we gain control again." Castiel said, still not facing him.

"Well that's just fan-friggin-tastic." Dean scoffed.

"I will find a way out, Dean." Castiel said.

"Yeah. Seeing as nothing's worked so far." Dean said sarcastically.

Castiel growled lowly.

"Fine. fine. While you stand there looking all high-and-mighty, I'm going to get some sleep. Whatever they gave us is still making me tired as hell." Dean said, before laying down, finding sleep almost immediately, despite the floor conditions.


"Sam. Sammy. Wakey wakey. Come on out of it already. Sammy!"

Sam jumped up quickly, surprised to find himself standing on four paws.

"Well. Good morning sunshine." Gabriel said next to him.

Sam glanced at the Alpha next to him, who was also in wolf form.

"Where are we?! What are we doing here? Why are we in a cage? Why are we-"

"Calm down, Sam. We're in a cage, I don't know, and I don't know." Gabriel said, answering his questions in order.

Sam took another look at his surroundings. The cage was pretty large. Large enough they could practically run around or even shift into their human forms.

'Sammy!' Dean's voice broke through his spinning mind.

'Dean!' He replied.

Sam could practically hear him sigh in relief, then:

'Sammy... Where are you?' Dean asked warily.

'I... I don't know. I'm in some cage. Gabriel's here too.' Sam said, trying his best to describe his surroundings.

'Hellooo' Gabriel's voice joined the mind link, and Sam glanced back at the golden wolf.

'Are you hurt? Injured?' Dean asked.

'No. My head hurts a little, but, I'm fine.' Sam said.

'Gabriel. Have you any luck on contacting the pack?' Castiel suddenly broke in.

'No. You?' Gabriel asked.

'No. We must be too far away. Keep trying. See if I can't ifnd out how to get us out of here.' Castiel sighed.

'Good luck brother.' Gabriel said.

'Sammy. Be safe.' Dean said next.

'I will.' Sam replied.

'Don't worry. He's all in good hands in here.' Gabriel spoke up, moving up next to Sam, and he tensed when he felt the Alpha's tail caress his, curling around his lower back.

'Gabriel. Don't even.' Dean warned, and even growled through the mind link.

'Stop worrying Deano. I wouldn't harm a single hair on his... Well, fur.' Gabriel replied, before removing his tail from sam's as if he had never done it, 'Now. if you don't mind. I need to concentrate. Buh-bye.'

From there, everyone's mind link seemed to break off. Leaving them to their own thoughts.

Sam glanced behind him, where Gabriel had moved to another part of the cage, sitting still and silent.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Trying to contact the pack." Gabriel said absentmindedly.

"If it hasn't worked before, then how-"

"Sammy. In any other position, I wouldn't mind your open talking. But right now, I need to have a clear mind." Gabriel finally snapped lightly, facing the brownish red wolf.

Sam jumped, ears and head lowering in shame.

Gabriel had to give him a double look, eyes widening slightly.

Damn it, why did he have to give him that face?

He sighed, "Look, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'll just... Sleep." Sam said.


"I'm tired anyway. Let me know if you find out anything." Sam said, before curling up and finding sleep almost immediately.

- Dean -

Dean awoke the next day-... morning? Night?

He didn't know, being locked in a cage in a dimly lit room.

When he awoke, he noticed two things.

One, he had managed to return to his human form during sleep.

Two, a warm and fluttering feeling was forming in the pit of his stomach, sending heat throughout his whole body.

Dean sat up, confused by the strange feeling.

'What the hell?' He thought to himself.

Before he could think more on it, he could hear a low growl coming from his left.

Dean turned his head to see Castiel standing only about a foot away from him, also in human form.

"Cas. What... What's going on?" Dean asked.

Castiel didn't answer, another growl emitting from his throat.

"What's with you? Is this about yesterday? Yeah, I get it, I stepped outta line, but I asked forgiveness didn't I?" Dean asked.

Castiel took a couple steps towards him, almost predatorily.

Dean's eyes lowered, growing confused and concerned.

Something was off.

Castiel was in human form, yes, but... His eyes were a piercing golden color, as if in mid-shift, with pupils dilated, and was that... Lust?!

Dean was about to ask again what the hell was wrong with him, when another wave of energy he could only describe as euphoria struck.

Then, it occurred to him.

He had gone into heat, and Cas could smell it.

'Shit.' He cursed to himself.

Castiel took another step forward, growing closer and closer.

Dean took a step back, "Cas... Whatever you're thinking, whatever you're feeling. Don't."

Castiel growled again, taking a few more steps, feet growing to inches.

"Cas..." Dean said warningly, "I don't want to have to hurt you."

That seemed to set something off in him.

With a loud growl, Castiel quickly lunged at him, like a predator catching prey.

"Cas no!" Dean said, before preparing himself.

Just as the Alpha reached him, Dean brought his fist forward, punching Castiel's jaw as hard as his wolf strength would let him.

Surprisingly, it forced him back a couple inches, before falling to the ground, unconscious.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean cursed aloud, nursing his sore and slightly bleeding hand.

He stared down at the still unconscious Alpha before him.

Another wave of euphoria went through his body, making his emotions go haywire.

He forced to keep himself in check, however.

As he stared down at Castiel, realization hit him.

'Holy shit. I just knocked out the Alpha.'

A/N: So, strange place to end this, but, there were many places before I wanted to end this, and after seeing the total words of this chapter... I'm not really pleased. So I'm glad I kept it going this far.

Sorry about the sudden "one plot to the other" kind of thing. Or if it was a little rushed. It should be good and smooth from here on out.

Let me know what you guys think! ;)