A/N: Important announcement at the end.

Chapter 11: Epilogue


Dean's back hit the ground so hard, his whole body shook, making him slightly light-headed.

A large black wolf stood over him calmly, "I think you almost had it that time."

Dean growled lightly, "I would have if you didn't have to cheat all the time."

"I wasn't cheating. I just saw an open advantage, and took it." Castiel replied.

Dean finally pushed the wolf off of him, who willingly backed away to let him up.

"You know what. I give up." Dean sighed, shaking his form, grass and leaves falling away from his grey fur.

"Ah-Ah. Alphas don't quit. They get up and try again. Try a different motive. Imagine me as someone you hate if you have to." Castiel assured.

Dean glared at him, "I'm looking at him, but it hasn't worked so far, has it?"

Castiel chuckled, "What have I told you, you don't hate me. You need to think harder. Someone you hate. Someone who really makes your fur stand on end."

Dean stayed quiet for a few seconds, taking in the Alpha's words.

Someone he hated...

Soon, Castiel could sense the change within Dean.

His eyes seemed to darken and harden with anger.

Dean charged the Alpha once again, but he leapt out of the way when he was inches away.

Castiel quickly and swiftly returned back to Dean, preparing to go for the throat.

Dean managed to shake the Alpha off of him, before returning the favor, sinking his fangs into Castiel's neck, dragging him down to the ground, keeping pressure on his throat to keep him down.

After a few seconds, Castiel let out a quiet whine, rolling fully onto his back as a sign of submission.

Dean quickly released his neck, slight worry and guilt running through him, however, he didn't move from having the Alpha pinned.

Castiel stared up at him, almost out of breath.

"Impressive. Mind telling me what you were thinking?"

Dean stayed silent, as if he had been stuck in a trance, unable to process the question straight away.

Finally, he focused on his eyes.

"You." He breathed out.

Castiel's features changed to that of confusion.

If his hatred came from him, did he really-

"I was thinking about anyone who would ever try to hurt you." Dean finished his sentence.

Castiel relaxed at the words, relieved that he had proven his thoughts wrong.

"Well, if that's what helps you fight, use it." He finally said.

Dean's eyes changed to that of guilt, "I'm sorry I took it out on you. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No. And you weren't taking it out on me, this was practice. I'm training you, and if we're to learn to fight like an Alpha, we're gonna walk away with a couple scratches." Castiel assured.

Dean sighed, forming a short nod.

After a few seconds, the moment was ruined by the sounds of a growl behind them, and a pair of small fangs were attacking on of Dean's hind legs.

It didn't hurt much, but forced his attention nonetheless.

A pup stood behind him, bravely trying to pull his hind leg from the ground, in attempts to move him.

"Well. Look at the little champ. Someone's ready to be an Alpha." Castiel said as he observed too.

Finally, Dean let the pup have its way, moving off of Castiel to let him up.

Afterwards, the pup released his leg, running over to the rising black wolf, jumping up at one of his paws, barking playfully.

After a few seconds, he switched his attention back to Dean, trying to climb up him next.

Dean grimaced at the actions, trying to get away from him, but he kept following.

"Jack? There you are. I-I am so sorry if he interrupted you." Anna ran up to the three.

"Of course not." Castiel said, as the pup returned to the mother.

"Alright. Well... I went to hunt, which is probably why he got away. I should go feed him now. Goodbye, Alphas." Anna said, lowering her head slightly as a sign of a submissive bow.

It was short, before she slowly turned around to leave.

The pup followed, but stopped to glance back at the two for a few seconds, before resuming his trot after Anna.

"Ugh. Kids." Dean scoffed after he had changed back.

"What's wrong with them?" Castiel asked quizzically.

"Nothing. They're just... too hyperactive." Dean shrugged.

Castiel chuckled, "I guess you should feel lucky I can't get you pregnant then."

Dean shot Castiel a look of shock and slight disgust, a blush uncontrollably forming on his face.

Castiel noticed and smiled wider, "I am teasing, Dean. I would respect your wishes. You don't care for Jack because he is hyperactive. That's ok, I still think you'll come around."

Dean scoffed, looking out to where the pup had disappeared.

Suddenly, his attention was torn away when Castiel pushed him back into a tree, walking along with the movement.

Their lips reunited in a deep yet chaste kiss.

Dean hummed against his lips, slightly brough by surprise, but he wasn't complaining.

One of Castiel's hands played with the front of Dean's shirt, while the other gently fisted into his hair.


Next thing he knew, Dean was on the ground once again, one of Castiel's hands now gripped around his throat.

Dean instinctively reached up to grab the Alpha's arm, but it didn't budge.

Castiel didn't have a tight grip on it anyway. He could still breathe.

Finally, he just stared up into the Alpha's eyes in confusion.

Castiel smirked, "Remember Dean. An opponent will always attempt to distract the other. Take them by surprise."

When Dean processed the words, he almost wanted to tell Castiel 'fuck you' but it changed to something else.

"Well..." He breathed out, "I hope they don't all try to kiss me to do it."

Castiel's smile widened by the reply, before slowly leaning back down, pressing his lips to Dean's again.

The kiss was softer this time, and Castiel's hand had completely loosened on his throat, now gently caressing the side of his neck.

Dean submitted again, already sensing that this kiss was real, and not some sort of leverage.

"I think we've done enough for the day, what do you say?" Castiel asked huskily.

"Mmhm." Was all Dean managed before their lips reunited again, suddenly forgetting about the outside world.

Gabriel and Sam were laying in the grass, staring up at the clear blue skies and the sun roaming it.

"I thought, we were supposed to be training?" Sam said, turning to his Alpha.

"Hey." Gabriel turned to meet his eyes, "It's not my fault that having your ginormous body on top of mine turns me on."

Sam laughed, a small wave of heat rushing to his face.

"I swear, everything I do turns you on." He said, semi-jokingly.

"Damn right it does." Gabriel agreed, slowly moving to lean over the Omega/soon-to-be Alpha.

"Oh no. No." Sam spoke up when he saw the look in his eyes.

Gabriel hummed, leaning down to nuzzle the side of his neck.

His hands trailed down his front, until it reached his jeans.

"Gabe. We just got dressed... again." Sam complained, he had just warmed up too.

"Hm. Then maybe you should just start wearing nothing." Gabriel replied, sending small kisses down to his upper chest, easing off the shirt as he went further.

A moan escaped Sam's throat without his permission.

"I love you to death, Gabriel. But sometimes you can be a pain in the ass." Sam managed to keep fighting for self-control.

"And you like it." Gabriel answered, his lips now worshipping the Omega's bare chest.

Sam groaned, partially in irritation and partially in pleasure.

"Fuck it." He finally gave in, pulling at the Alpha's hair until their lips reunited in a heated kiss.

"No Sammy." Gabriel managed in between kisses, "Fuck me."

Sam wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or moan at the command, but he would surely follow it.

Through the year that had passed, the pack returned to normal.

There weren't as many pack wars.

Hunters still came around, but once again, they weren't too hard to deal with.

Michael and Luciffer both had yet to be seen or heard from.

Gabriel had once again said with ease they that they were hopefully dead.

Anna had given birth to her pup, in which she agreed with the Alphas that he could be future leader if and when the time came.

It wasn't common that a wolf with no bloodline to the Alphas could become leader if and when the time came.

It wasn't common that a wolf with no bloodline to the Alphas could become leader, but, when was the pack ever normal?

Ever since Castiel and Gabriel returned with their mates, things changed.

Surprisingly yet thankfully, the pack never protested towards the ordeal, they were still Alphas, and would always stand by them.

Of course, for a while, some wolves still treated Sam and Dean as to that of their rank, but with their mates to defend them, they would back off.

Especially now since the Omegas were finally learning and earning their rightful place next to their Alphas.

The pack lived in peace once more.

Or did they?

A/N: So... The reason it took me so freaking long to find an ending to this... I couldn't. There were so many plots I was leaving unfinished. I felt as though I let Michael and Lucifer off way too easily. It really bugged me. So, around the end of November, I started getting future ideas for this story. Just some fun fluff thoughts that I thought I'd write but never really publish, but then... I started building an actual plot.

This slightly boring story probably doesn't deserve a sequel, but... I insist. If the ending to this bugs you as much as it does me, maybe you'd think so too.

I don't want to give too much away, I just want to warn you that the sequel will be really, really, dark.

I'm still planning it all out, but it's really becoming an interesting plot.

So, with this news in mind, I've decided maybe you wouldn't have to wait for monthly chapter updates if I try to write the whole story at once, then post the chapters one by one. This might take a while, as the whole 2-month in planning is still going on, so, if you want a sequel or think it sounds interesting, if you haven't already, favorite/follow me so you can get updates. I will tell you that the title of the story will be called "Twisted Fate", so... That's the end of this story for now.

I hope you enjoyed!
