
She cries, so does he. They're a perfect match, really. But in the end, she raises her D-Arc and takes the egg, wiping her eyes with her arm.

"You know," she says to him. "If you're going to talk to me like that, it'd be nice if you used my first name, Takato-kun."

He sputters, face red, dropping his digivice from his hand. She laughs and it's a real laugh, and he's missed it so so much.

Finally, finally, they succeeded. This time, she lived. And so did he.

There are more portals, small, weak some. Others bigger, others more stable. They can't leave well enough alone of course. So they help, they bond, and they adventure, because in the end, adventure still lives on in their hearts.

And they are free to make of it what they will.