Hey guys!! What is up? Sorry for the delay, writing the next chapter of Truths took SO LONG. I hate writer's block. It can go and die in a hole. I have also become addicted to the Hallmark Channel show 'Good Witch', so I have been spending my spare time watching that. I am on the sixth episode of Season 2, and I only started watching it last Thursday!!!

Sorry for the delay after updating Truths, I had to help make dinner and then eat it and I had to deal with storage issues but all that is done now (I hope).

Review Shout-outs




Lady Layla McGonagall





Special shout-outs to Troubled-Angel-26, Bee-327 and Hippiechic81 for reviewing more than once

Another shout-out to my good friend Oreo for helping me with Jenny's answer.You guys are all amazing, thank you for being so supportive. It means the world to me.

Disclaimer- I do not own NCIS. If I did, then I would probably not be writing FanFiction.

Now, as a gift to you all, may I present the almighty chapter 8 of Operation Jibbs. Enjoy xx


"What if I told you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you? What if I told you that I want you to be the last Mrs Gibbs?" Gibbs asked her."

I don't understand..." Jenny stated.

That was when it happened.Gibbs got down on one knee on the floor and pulled out the box from his pocket. He opened the box and Jenny gasped, her eyes filling with tears.

"Will you, Jennifer Shepard, the only woman I've loved since I lost Shannon, become my wife and the final Mrs Gibbs?" He asked.


"Jethro" Jenny whispered, looking him in the eyes.

"Jen?" Gibbs questioned anxiously.

"Are you sure about this? Is this what you want?" The redhead asked.

Gibbs nodded with a proper smile, not just one of his signature half smiles, his eyes filled with tears.

'Is she going to say yes? Does she want to marry me?' He thought nervously.

Jenny looked at the ring before she looked back up at him.

"Yes" she said quietly. "I'll marry you."

Gibbs looked up at her irecredulously before he put the ring on her finger and wrapped her in his arms.

"God I love you Jenny" he told her softly.

"I know" Jenny replied, her jade eyes filled with tears. "I love you too."

Gibbs pulled back and wiped a tear that was rolling down Jenny's cheek with his finger. Jenny put her hand on his and laced their fingers together before she put her lips to his softly.

"We need to tell the kids" Jenny said once they pulled back.

"We need to thank them as well" Gibbs told her.

They looked deep into each others' eyes.

"Later" they chorused before he kissed her again.

With the 'Kids'

"What did he just say?" McGee asked, wondering if he had just heard what he thought he did.

"He knows where Jenny is" Ziva said.

"I hope she's OK" Abby added anxiously.

"She'll be fine, Abs" Tony assured the goth. "Jenny can take care of herself.

"I hope so" the forensic scientist replied.

"I've got a trace on Jenny's cell!" McGee cried suddenly and the other three crowded around him.

"Where is she?" Abby questioned.

"The Hotel des Arts-Montmatre. I'm tracing Gibbs's too" the computer geek said before he clicked a few keys.

"What about him? Where's he?" Abby asked.

"Gibbs is there too. He's with Jenny" McGee told the others.

"Let us just leave them then" Ziva stated and everyone else nodded in agreement.

"What could we do?" Abby questioned.

"We could play Charades?" Tony suggested and everyone else nodded.

The four played Charades for the next hour before there was a knock on the door.

"I wonder who that could be" Ziva wondered out loud.

They all walked over and Tony opened the door. The "kids" all gasped at the sight.

With Jenny and Gibbs

After spending twenty minutes celebrating their engagement, Jenny and Gibbs had a shower and they got redressed. They sat down on the bed and Gibbs wrapped an arm around his fiancée and she leaned into him.

"Thank you for stopping me leaving you again" Jenny said gratefully, her eyes filled with tears.

"I read the letter you left me on our bed, and it saddens me that you feel like that Jen. Why didn't you just tell me?" Gibbs asked her concernedly and he looked at her face on.

"It's like the last time: I wrote down everything that I was too scared to say to your face. I love you more than anything in the world, but the thought of being with you terrifies me because I don't want us to end up like ten years ago" Jenny replied, not able to look him in the eye.

"Hey, look at me" he said and she did just that.

"Do you trust me?" The Marine asked.

"With my life" she replied.

"What about your heart?" He questioned.

"I don't know" she whispered.

"Jenny, I trust you enough to talk about my family openly. For me, that's trusting you with my heart" Gibbs said.

"I told you, about my Mom, and my Dad, and Heather. I would never dream of telling anyone else that" Jenny stated.

"But you did. Why?" Her fiancé asked her.

"Because I do. I trust you with my heart" she realized before she pulled him into a hug.

Gibbs held her close and kissed her hair while rubbing her back. She held onto him tightly, inhaling his scent to calm herself down.

"Jethro, I want to go but won't the kids be angry with me?" Jenny replied anxiously.

"They wanted to find you. They'll want to know you're alright" Gibbs assured her as he entwined their fingers.

"OK then" she replied, still feeling a bit unsure about it.

Gibbs noticed that and his eyes filled with concern.

"It's gonna be OK, Jen" he said and she nodded.

He put his other hand on her cheek and stroked it. A tear rolled down Jenny's face and Gibbs wrapped his arms around her. He rubbed her back and she buried her face in his neck, smelling his scent of coffee and sawdust once again.

"Should we go and see the others?" Jenny asked once they pulled back.

"Do you want to?" Gibbs replied.

"Yes" Jenny said.

"If you're sure" Gibbs told her.

They walked out of the hotel and to the bus stop. The bus arrived, miraculously, five minutes later, and its first stop was the hotel where the others were. Gibbs and Jenny walked in hand in hand and they went to Tony and McGee's room. Jenny knocked on the door. She had never been more scared in her entire life, and she had worked anti terrorist ops in the Middle East.

The door opened, and Tony, Ziva, McGee and Abby all stood there in the doorway.

"Hi guys" Jenny whispered, not able to look them in the eye.


Jenny accepted, but how is the team going to react to the fact that she and Gibbs are engaged? Will they become angry? Find out in the next chapter of Operation Jibbs, which should be up soon!!

Thanks for reading guys, I love you all. Please tell me what you thought x