Wow! It turns out that I just can't stop writing about this game and I'm not even sure I want to! This is gonna be a fluffy/funny series of linked oneshots that I hope you like them. As always this was highly edited and Beta'd by my best friend and bro. Enjoy!


It was well known that androids were superior in most ways, almost all, and one of those ways was their ability to fight. There was a reason two thirds of the armed forces were androids. They were faster, stronger, smarter, immune to pain. They were everything a human was not. So, who better to train you than the latest and best android model out there. RK800. Connor.

"Hey there Concus!" You throw a case file at him which he catches deftly with his left hand without even looking, eyes locked on you. Although the action was minute, the sheer elegance that it was executed with, you could understand why people were wary of them. If they could catch a folder that swiftly...what could they do against a biological lifeform?

"[Y/N] you are fully aware that my given name is Connor. Why do you insist on calling me 'Concus'?" He raised both his hands to do air quotes, in doing so meant he dropped the folder you had thrown at him causing him to "oh shit", and for you to pipe in "Jeez Concus, you kiss your mother with that mouth?!" Connor didn't seem all too impressed with what you had said, readying some smart-ass comment that he didn't have a mother he could kiss [Y/N].

As he leant down to pick up the police file, Connor heard a snicker coming from your mouth. Looking up he saw you trying and failing to not point out the fact that there was something on his back. Straightening up and reaching behind him, he found a post-it note. Written on the piece of paper was "kick me" in a rushed scribble. A brief handwriting analysis concluded that it was none other than the Lieutenant's. Not quite understanding the reason behind why such a thing was stuck to his back, or how it got their in the first place; Connor screwed it up and threw it into the nearest bin. And it missed. The action went straight to your stomach as you let out a guttural laugh which of course lead to a not-so-attractive snort that finally shut you up.

Now it was Connor's turn to laugh. The usual half smirks he gave fell into a full blown grin. It was nice to finally see him openly showing emotion, even after the revolution.

"Very attractive [Y/N]. Now, care to explain?" The grin returned to a soft smile as he awaited your response.

"Because it's a nickname dumbo! That's what friends do!" You awkwardly punch him in the shoulder as an attempt at lightening the mood.

"Are you two seriously gonna do this every effin' day ?! And Gavin, pick up this fucking paper. I'm not your mother that cleans up after you! " Hank piped up as he came up to the desk, muttering obscenities regarding the two of you. And how it was always his job to clean up after everyone and blah blah blah.

"As long as it continues to get this reaction. Yes lieutenant." Connor let out a quick chuckle and gave you a high five before leaving to attend some previous work he had to do.

"You and Connor seem to be getting on well." Hank attempted to make the conversation suggestive but you shut it down quickly.

"Well that kinda happens when you share a flat with someone old man." You stick your tongue out in retaliation. You knew it was childish but in all honesty it was a subject you were kind of defensive about.

It was fairly common knowledge now that Connor had moved in with you after the revolution as your previous roommate had gone and decided to get married, leaving you to pay all of the rent. Something a regular officer just couldn't do. That's when Connor came to the rescue. Not having anywhere to live after the world turned upside down, you offered that he could room with you, knowing that however much Hank loved Connor, he could never deal with Connor babysitting him the whole time.

"Whelp Imma hit the training room for a bit, burn of some steam, call if you need me old timer." You flash Hank the V sign as you walk backwards away to which he responded in kind. Once you got past his tough exterior, Hank was as soft as Sumo. Not that he'd ever admit it.

You made your way to the gym, making sure to make a detour to Gavin's desk to move around all his papers and to lock out his terminal for an hour. The guy was a dick. He deserved it. You also made sure to cop a glance at Connor who was currently in the interrogation room with a suspect. For someone so soft spoken usually, he was a completely different man in that room. Your mind started to wonder what other rooms he would be like that in but shook your head at the thought. That is a no go area [Y/N].

After doing your basic cardio and a few practise takedowns and routines on the dummies, sweat trickled down your forehead and your chest. You may have looked done but you were just getting started. Circuits? Boring. Running? Already done it. Swimming? No costume. You needed someone to beat the crap out of. Maybe you could trick Gavin into being your dummy.

"You should drink the water, not pour it over you [Y/N]." You turned your head to the voice at the door where Connor was lurking. He seemed to forget that to know how soaked you were, he would have had to look at your chest. Purely for analytical reasons of course.

"Finally getting the hang of sarcasm are we Concus. Very good." You smile at him and gestured for him to come inside.

Suddenly an idea struck you.

"Connor. Do you know how to fight?" You knew what the answer would be, the man was practically perfect at everything.

"I was programmed with at least one hundred and three styles of combat. So maybe." He smirked and gave you one of his signature winks, ones that only ever seemed to be aimed towards you.

"Come on then know it all, show me what you got." You throw a towel at him in an attempt to jokily provoke him into action.

Connor walked towards one of the benches to remove his jacket, perfectly folding it before taking of his perfectly knotted tie and undoing a few buttons.

Hoping he didn't notice your sudden intake in breath, you continued.

He made the first move, attempting to catch you off guard by putting his leg between yours and kicking them out of the way. But you were ready. By holding onto his shoulders, you were able to dodge the move and pull him closer to your level, throwing him off balance.

You attempted to use this to your advantage by putting him into an arm lock. But he was too fast.

Using his superior strength, he manage to flip you whilst still gently resting you on the floor. Pinning your forearms with his large hands to make sure you didn't escape.

"Show off." was all you could mutter as he laughed to himself, loosening his grip on your arms.

Big mistake.

You used this moment of distraction to roll the two of you over. Now you were pinning his forearms down, sat firmly on his...Oh. A blush suddenly covered your face but Connor didn't seem to notice or mind for that matter. You quickly rolled off muttering something about having to shower and turn the oven on at home, leaving Connor alone in the gym.

Did he do something wrong? He was so confused. What cause you to run out on him like that. It was all fine up until you rolled the two of you over. Oh. It was one of those context things he was still getting to grips with.

They were an attractive human in close proximity to you in what some could see being a position of a sexual nature. Were they that disgusted by it or was your reaction that of the opposite? Suddenly he found that it made him sad to think that you would be disgusted by the thought of being with him in that way. Why? He needed time to compute this so decided to visit Hank to talk it out in great detail, much to the older man's dismay.