Once the Parrs made it back to their homes, they have changed back into their casual attires and they try to recuperate after what had happened at the Police Station…especially poor Donovan.

During the drive back, and for the next few hours, Donovan (with the exception of asking for where the bathroom is so he could shower), never said a word to anyone. Helen and Bob grow concerned for the little boy, as did their children. But there was not a lot they could do for the moment.

In Bob and Helen's bedroom, the two of them are in their pajamas, sitting down while looking glum. Bob looked at Helen, who was especially feeling guilty. Bob laid his hand on her left shoulder, and she turned to look at her.

"What's wrong, Helen?" he asked. Helen looked at him. "It's Donovan, Bob. He was almost taken away." She whimpered softly, rubbing her eyes with her hands. Bob nodded. "I know that, honey. But we got him back thanks to Violet." He assured with a smile. Helen looked at him and nodded. "Yes. But the fact that that man was a cult member disguised as the head of the police department. Why would he even join them?" she asked. Bob nodded in agreement.

"I know, He did say that he was tired of how criminals were making his life miserable, and they offered him, 'immortality' if he were to join. But WHY would he fall for their lies?" he asked. Helen shook her head and shrugged. "That's what I'M curious about!" she said, almost shouting at this point, before sighing to herself. Bob flinched at her tone, before he recomposed himself, and hugged her close to him.

"That doesn't matter now. What matters now is that Donovan is safe." He said, with assurance. Helen just sighed, nodding. The two of them remained hugging for a few seconds before Helen turned to Bob. "Now what? Now that we know that the Resurgence could be anyone and anywhere, there's a chance that Donovan might not trust anyone outside of us. What would happen when this is all over?" she asked.

"I don't really know, Helen. All I could think of is…maybe keep him inside this house. Anyways, we may not be able to keep him as one of our own." He explained. Helen looked at him, feeling shocked, yet knowing that what Bob is saying was true. Then, she slowly stood up. "I'm going to check on Donovan and see if I can get him to sleep. Anyways," she began, as she looked at the digital clock next to their bed. "it's almost time for bed." She finished as she stood up and began to walk towards the door. Bob straightened himself up as he was preparing to go with her.

"You want me to come with you?" he asked. Helen shook her head. "No need, Bob. YOU should get some sleep. You seriously look like what the kids told me you looked like, back when you had to stay here while I was helping Winston." She explains with a teasing smile.

Bob groaned and covered his face. "Ugh, that time was a nightmare. I don't wanna talk about it…" he complained. Helen briefly chuckled, forgetting momentarily her grievances of what happened today. Then, Bob lied back down. "Fine, I'll stay here. Besides, I think…no, I know he trusts you the most. You did help calm him down after all." He assured, exposing his face, showing a clean smile. Helen nodded. "Thanks, Bob." She assured before she stretched her head towards him and kissed him in the lips.

"Get some rest. I'll be back shortly." She instructed as she reeled her head back to normal before she walked towards the door. "Just don't be out too long, okay?" Bob requested, beginning to sound sleepy. Helen nodded before she left the room.

Meanwhile, Donovan was lying on the couch, facing the ceiling while Dash was watching another cartoon. Jack-Jack was crawling along the floor, giggling happily as if nothing has happened. Donovan looked at him and sighed through his nose.

"How is Jack-Jack acting like nothing had happened beforehand?" he asked. Dash looked at him and shrugged. "He's only a baby. Besides, he was the one who stopped the Chief." He said with a smile. Donovan looked at him and smiled slightly. Jack-Jack looked at them and smiled at Donovan, whose smile brightened before Jack-Jack went back to playing with his business.

Eventually, Helen came by and sat next to Donovan gently. "Hey, Donovan. How are you?" she asked. Donovan looked at her and shrugged. "I've been better." He said. Helen nodded in understanding before she turned her attention to Dash.

"Dash. Why don't you take a shower? It's almost bedtime." She instructed. Dash pouted. "Aww…but I was finishing up watching this show." He complained. Helen just glared at him, not in the mood to argue. "Dash, not in front of our guest." She said sternly. Dash pulled back, for a bit, and then sighed in defeat. "Okay…see you later, Donovan." He said, before he got off the couch, and super-sped up the stairs. Helen and Donovan looked at where Dash went for a moment, before the latter sighed, eyes locked onto the TV. Helen just looked down at him, and frowned slightly, knowing all too well what's going through his mind…literally, as she could still hear and see what Donovan was thinking; him remembering being held by the Chief by the back of his neck, held at gunpoint.

Helen shook her head and looked at Donovan. "Donovan…I can still hear and see your thoughts." She reminded. Donovan widened his eyes for a moment before he sighed sadly. "Sorry…*sigh* You're not the first one to comment on that." He said. Helen looked at him, eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean? Has this happened before?" she asked. Donovan nodded. "Yeah…I always had trouble trying to disconnect my link from other people. The only way I could do this was simply waiting for it to disconnect on its own." He explained as he lifted his head to look at Helen. "Ahh." Replied Helen.

Then, Helen gently wrapped her arms around his back, and lifted him, placing him on her legs. "Donovan, honey. Bob and I CANNOT apologize enough for what had happened back there, and for not being there by your side immediately." She apologized, running her hands on his scalp. Donovan looked at her.

"It's not your fault, Mrs. Parr." He assured. Helen shook her head. "It IS, Donovan. A child like yourself cannot be questioned by a police officer without an adult." She explained, holding him close to her. Donovan tilted his head. "I can't?" he asked. Helen shook his head. "No. That's the law." She added. "Oh…" Donovan replied before he looked down, suddenly finding the floor very interesting.

"Donovan?" asked Helen, after a few seconds of silence. Donovan clasped his hands together slowly and gulped. "Mrs. Parr? W-Why are they doing this? Why are people joining such terrible groups?" he asked, soon looking at Helen with a pleading look. Helen frowned some more before she adjusted Donovan and herself to make the both of them comfortable.

"I think…it might have something to do with our political climate right now." She explained. Donovan looked at her in intrigue. "Huh?" he asked. Helen sighed again. "I figured you didn't know of what's happening…" she muttered to herself, shaking her head. "Figure out what? Is something else going on?" he asked, clearly oblivious to what's going on elsewhere in this world. Helen looked at him and began to explain.

"We're near the middle of a missile crisis right now." She began. Donovan listened on with intrigue as Helen continued, "Right now, the United States and the Soviet Union are facing off in something called "The Cold War." Everyone is afraid because both the US and the Soviets have nuclear bombs at their disposal, ready to launch at a moment's notice." She explained, hands rubbing his back. Donovan listened to her and nodded in understanding of her reasoning…then he raised a brow in confusion of the Cold War.

"Cold War? Nucular bombs? Never heard of them." He said. Helen raised a brow. "First all, it's NU-CLEAR bombs. And second of all; she never told you?" she asked. Donovan shook his head. "No. She has a habit of hiding what's going on outside the orphanage, for she believes that kids like me should live in blissful ignorance. In fact, the only reason I figured out about the cult was by accident; when I walked into the room, she was watching the TV News, and it showed some members of the cult attacking a church." He explained, and Helen processed the information. Then, she shook her head.

"I, personally, believe that THAT'S probably why people are joining the Resurgence; because they are so afraid of what's happening that they need some sort of…comfort. Some relief, I think…I think it's a dumb choice." She finished. Donovan looked at here. "Wow…are all people like that?" she asked.

Helen thought of his question for a while, and then she looked at him sadly. "More than anyone would like to admit. That's…just human nature." She said sadly. "Oh…" he whimpered back, laying his head on Helen's shoulder, wrapping both of his arms around her waist. Helen responded with this by hugging him back.

For a long while, neither of them said a word to one another, just holding onto one another while the television continues to show the cartoon. Donovan felt tears wanting to come out, but he wanted to hold it in; he didn't want to cry anymore. He didn't want to be like those weak-willed humans who joined the cult out of fear. He wanted to be strong, just like Mrs. Parr is being towards him. He wanted all of this to end.

But he wasn't sure how. Every time he wants to help, he ends up destroying everything with his purple beam and fire breaths. With all that in mind, he just wasn't sure on how.

Helen looked down at him and noticed what he was thinking thanks to the link. With a sigh, she stretched her left arm to the remote, turned off the TV, and carefully lifted him up. "We'll get through this, Donovan. I promise that." She soothed. Donovan looked at her, and nodded, although he looked unsure of this promise, especially after the incident at the station.

Regardless, Helen carried Donovan up the stairs, and into the guest room, which is located just across the adult's bedroom. Donovan looked at the guest room; basic white coloring on the walls, with a gray rug on the floor. The bed itself seems rather huge, around king-sized. There are no windows since this room is located further inside the house than the others.

"This is where you will be sleeping from here on out, sweetie." Helen said as she placed him on the floor to get the bed ready for him. Donovan looked around and looks rather unimpressed. "I don't like it; it is too dull for me." he said. Helen nodded with a shrug. "I know, but it's a room we never really used since this is the Guest Room." he said. Donovan nodded in understanding.

"Okay," he replied before he climbed onto the bed once Helen was finished. Helen smiled and chuckled at seeing him climbing to the bed. "What?" asked Donovan. Helen shook her head. "Nothing concerning. It's just that seeing you crawling to bed…reminds me of my other kids." She said. Donovan just smiled. "Oh." He replied as he got himself adjusted. Then,

"You won't be far, right?" he asked. Helen shook her head. "Nope. Bob and I will be right there," she said, pointing to the door just across the hall. "RIGHT across the hall. If you need anything, we will be there for you." She assured.

"Thank you." Donovan said, with a small smile. Helen nodded before she leaned forward and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. "Remember that promise I made, back when we were at the hospital?" she asked.

Donovan knew what she was talking about…but he wasn't sure about it after the incident, and he was quick to tell her about this. "I'm not sure if that promise holds up anymore…especially after what happened back at the Station. Were it not for Violet, I could've gotten kidnapped." He said.

Helen sighed and frowned at the mention; she knew he was right. If they keep up with this routine, the chances of Donovan disappearing from her sight would be an inevitability. However, a determined resolution grew in her mind. With a glance, she smiled at him, and patted his cheek,

"You're right, Donovan. At some point, we're going to teach you how to defend yourself and control your powers even better than before. The last thing we need is a repeat of…the orphanage incident…" she said, sighing sadly at the terrible memory.

Donovan frowned, shivering at that awful memory. "Yeah…I don't want that happening again." He said. Helen nodded. "That's why we're gonna help you, little fella. From tomorrow onwards, we'll be helping you be stronger than you EVER were before. THAT, I can promise you." She declared triumphantly, poking him in the nose teasingly. Donovan giggled softly, before she gave him another small kiss on the forehead, and stood up.

"Sleep tight, chump." She said as she walked towards her door. "Good night, Mrs. Parr." Donovan replied as she turned off the lights and gently closed the door, leaving him alone in the dark.

Thanks to Donovan's night vision, he is not afraid of the dark. However, feeling alone still made him feel uneasy. Then, he shook his head, trying to get rid of the fear inside of him. "No…I'm going to be a strong boy from here on out. I'm not going to be a crybaby anymore. I'll be strong…for Mrs. Parr, Mr. Parr…and Mr. Dicker." He declared to himself, eyes narrowing in determination.

And with that determination in his mind, Donovan soon got himself comfortable, and soon fell asleep, ready to start a new day tomorrow…

Meanwhile, things are not as well in the Resurgence's hiding area;

Father Barack was in his office, banging his hands against the desk while shouting out "DAMNIT!" several times in anger. He had caught wind of the Chief's revelations and subsequent capture, and to say the least, he was infuriated.

"WE WERE SO CLOSE!" he shouted in anger. "IF IT HADN'T BEEN FOR THAT "Incredibles" TEAM, WE WOULD HAVE HAD HIM! WE WOULD HAVE JUDGEMENT DAY ON OUR HANDS!" he ranted on as he felt his hands beginning to grow sore from all the banging. Eventually, he felt a pair of hands grabbing his left arm roughly.

"Barack. Calm down!" ordered his sister, Sister Bernice. Father Barack looked at her with a glare. "How can I calm down?! That superhero team and their blasted daughter had to intervene at the moment when we were just about to achieve victory!" he complained before he stopped for a moment before he covered his face with his hands. Sister Bernice can hear this, and she frowned in disappointment.

"Barack?" she asked. Father Barack then looked up at her and sighed in disappointment. "I'm sorry, Bernice." He said. Sister Bernice furrowed her brows and grasped his shoulder. "Barack, listen to me; our God did not give you that vision to free him and save us all just to have you just sit on your ass all night and mope about your previous defeats! What you need right now is a new plan." She said.

Father Barack looked at her. "How so? Direct approaches didn't work, and I'm not sure how I could convince the world to turn him in!" he said. Sister Bernice crossed her arms. "Maybe you shouldn't have shown the TV broadcasting system our god! Otherwise, we would've had a lot of support!" she chided. Father Barack sighed and shook his head before he face-planted onto his desk.

"Just calm down and maybe you will think of something." Sister Bernice assured as she patted him in the shoulder, before she walked away from the office, leaving Father Barack alone with his thoughts.

"Hmm…what can I do now? Maybe…" he pondered. Several ideas began to form in his mind. But none of them seemed suitable for his vision.

Then, a new idea formed in his mind. "Of course; I had spies working at the NSA. I could just order them to trace the Incredibles' location at the moment, and by THEN, we will have Donovan in our hands." He planned, looking at his hands and he clenched them into fists, a cheerful smirk growing.

"Yes…yes! Father Barack, you're a genius!" he cheered evilly, before he raised his hands upwards into the ceiling, looking at the portrait of Shin Godzilla before he began to chant a religious song in triumph, a bright, happy smile on his face, as he sang into the night…