It had been a month that Nessa had been staying with the Weasley's and she knew that she couldn't sit in the same room day after day and expect to feel better about herself. So she woke up on Sunday morning and dressed in her jeans to help Molly around the house. She tiptoed down the stairs and realized that she was up before anyone else. She put on a pot of tea and sat near the large window to watch the sunrise.

Just as her pot began to warm she could see a blue light racing across the field toward the window where she was watching from. It grew closer and closer until she could finally make out a form. A small little rabbit bounced through the window and cocked its head at her before asking, "Name?"

"Nessa Garcia…" she whispered back

The rabbit seemed pleased and bounced around her head, "Good morning my love." Severus' voice filled the room, "I know that it has been a long week since we have seen each other. I want you to know that I have thought about you every moment of every day."

She held a hand to her chest and felt the warmth overtake her.

"I hope you are safe and I hope that you are doing well with the Weasley's. I have to make this quick before Wormtail wakes for the day. Things are growing tense and the Dark Lord is more enraged than ever. Stay out of sight and keep your wand at the ready. Send me your reply later this evening well after midnight so no one is awake to hear your soothing voice but I. I love you, Ms. Snape, be well."

The voice and the rabbit faded into the morning sunrise and left her with a hole in her heart. She missed his dearly and every day it grew worse and worse to be without him.

She would be strong but she did not know how much longer she could go without seeing him with her own eyes. She choked back the sob building in her throat and collapsed onto the closest chair.

It was good to hear his voice she only hoped that she would soon be able to feel his finger running through her hair and hear his heart beating beneath his chest.

From that day forth Nessa put herself out there. She began to leave her room more often and spent more time with Ginny and Ron and it seemed as if they were becoming fast friends and Molly seemed to like some adult company now and then after she sends Gin and Ron to bed.

"Just a few days now and Harry and Hermione will be joining us for the remainder of the summer," Molly told her as she sipped on her tea

"Will they be flooing over?"

She shook her head, "No we are moving him. I trust you, Nessa. The others aren't fully on board yet." She laughed, "If Mad-Eye knew I was telling you he would have my wand!"

Nessa shook her head, "I know that it's hard for others to trust me considering everything but I don't want any harm to befall Harry. He's a good kid and we need him…."

"You're right. They won't let you help but you can be here with me and Ginny so we keep our sanity waiting for the boys to come home."

"Sounds like a wonderful idea, Molly. When are they moving Harry to The Burrow?"

"Two days. Everyone will gather her in the next day or so. You'll even be able to meet my other boys, Bill and Charlie!"

"You really are outnumbered here."

They chortled out a laugh so loud and happy the gnomes groaned from the garden, "I told you we needed you to help even it out a bit!"

They sat there for hours waiting for Arthur to get home from the Ministry. They went through two pots of tea waiting for him and when he finally arrived he looked absolutely exhausted. Molly rushed to his side and took his coat and hat before pouring him a cuppa and giving him a sweet treat to go with it.

"How was work dear?"

He looked up through tired eyes, "Things have been getting out of hand. We've had to triple out workload with all the exposure that's been going on."

"Oh my,"

He nodded, "Yes. Three muggles were attacked last week by some young hooligans and we had to race over and obliviate them and everyone they talked to about the magic sticks."

Nessa felt sorry for Arthur. He was working so hard and there was nothing she could really do to help, "I hope things slow down soon…"

"Hopefully! We'll be run into the bloody ground if things keep up the way they are." He took a long sip and smiled, "How has your day been girls?"

Molly smiled, "Nessa has been a splendid help! We got the gnomes out of the garden and planted the herbs I've been meaning to get to!"

Arthur smiled, "Wonderful! I am so happy that you're here to help Nessa! You've been such a blessing these past few weeks!"

She blushed and couldn't help but smile they were too kind.

Nessa stayed close to Molly and Ginny while they waited for Harry and his escorts to return. It took hours before the first pair arrived and after that things went to hell. George came home missing an ear and Ron had nearly lost his life protecting Tonks. By the end of the night, they found out that Hedwig and Mad-Eye had been killed…

Some went home and the others stayed for tea to reminisce and talk about more pleasant things. After an hour talking, Mr. Weasley pulled out the Fire Whiskey and sent the children to bed. He poured a glass for everyone left and they chatted now about the war and what needed to be done. They spent hours talking about what had been done in the past and what they could do now.

It really sent Nessa's mind whirling about what they could do for everyone during the war. As the Fire Whiskey boiled her blood, she realized that there were hundreds and thousands of things that they could do to help. They could set up safe houses, put together a line of communication, a way to get information out to those who need it.

She finished her first glass of Whiskey and then announced that she was headed to bed. They said good night and Molly made sure to hug her tight and close, "Thank you for being there with us today."

"Not a problem at all Molly. Good night."

"Good night…"

It was well past midnight when she tipped toes up the stairs and as she passed the rooms she could hear Harry and Ron whispering and Ginny and Hermione giggling.

Nessa opened the door to her room and collapsed onto the bed in the darkness and let the tension leave her body with a groan.

She dreamt that night of a field so green it rivaled that of fresh spinach and limes. In that field, birds chirped and the smell of fresh flowers filled the air. She felt happy here but at the bottom of her heart she felt sadness prickle there almost as if something was missing, something important. A cry drew her attention down to her arms, there she cradled a small baby dressed in blue. He had the prettiest black eyes with gray specks that she had ever seen. The little baby smiled up at Nessa and waved chubby hands around her long hair. She held this adorable baby in her arms and she could feel herself fill with love and absolute happiness.

The clouds above her rumbled and when she looked she saw the sky turn dark and the clouds churned together until the rain began to fall. The first drops were cold and refreshing but she didn't want the poor baby to become sick.

Nessa hopped to her feet and began to run over to a small greenhouse as the drops fell harder and the thunder rumbled louder. When she peered down at the bundle in her arms she nearly screamed. There was no longer a baby in her arms but a large hissing snake. The snake began to twist around her arm until it wrapping itself around her body and taking the air from her lungs.

She tried to scream, to call out for help but she couldn't manage any words while the snake was choking her. The sorrow began to fill her from her toes to the top of her head along with guilt and anger.

Nessa woke in a cold sweat as the moon shone through the open window. A cool breeze wafted over her damp skin sending a shiver down her spine.

'It was just a dream…' she thought, '…just a stupid dream.'

The owls hooted through the air, and when she gazed out the window she couldn't see it. She couldn't see anything in the darkness.

She couldn't fall asleep again for the life of her, and she didn't really want to. So, she flickered her wand and produced her Patronus a large and menacing wolf.

It sat at her feet and waited for her words.

"Hello, Severus. I haven't heard from you and I know that now it is more dangerous than ever to be sending these messages back and forth but I need you to know I love you. Please be safe."

The wolf stood and rubbed its head against her leg before leaping out the open window and running into the night.

Nessa watched the wolf run until it faded into the darkness. She hoped that he would receive the message while alone in the darkness.

Not wanting to lay there in the dark and do nothing she turned the light on, prepared to work, on something but not without tea.

She took her wand, "Lumos." Before walking out into the dark hall.

As she walked she could hear whispers coming from Ron and Harry's room. Feeling curious she walked over to the door and listened.

"I can't stay Ron," Harry said frustratedly

Nessa could hear Ron groan, "You can't go off on your own. That's just stupid."

"I can put anyone else in danger. I just cant…"

"…well if you go running off you know Hermione and I are going to come after you."

"Don't Ron. I don't want either of you getting hurt for me."

"For you? You think we want to do this just for you?"


"No, you dunderhead! We're doing this because we're your friends and because we're family, Harry."

Nessa couldn't listen anymore. So, she tiptoed away and down the stairs. She prepared her tea and climbed silently until she was back in the comfort of her own space again.

They were leaving. She didn't know when but she knew she wanted to do something to help them with whatever they had planned.

Nessa spent the remainder of the night going through ideas and plans to help Harry while he was out stopping this war. She worked until the sun rose and even then she kept going until she had figured out a plan.

With a yawn and a complete lack of energy, she took her cup downstairs and found Molly, Bill, and Fleur Delacour sitting at the table.

"Good morning Nessa dear! Would you care for some tea?" Molly asked a grateful smile playing on her lips

"I would love that, thank you."

Bill looked over and smiled, "Good morning! We're just here to talk about the wedding."

"Wedding?" she asked

Fleur nodded and smiled, "We are getting married in two days." She said with a thick French accent and a beautiful smile

"That's wonderful!"

"Molly is planning everything!"

Molly handed her a cup of tea and waved away Fleur's comment, "You're doing plenty of work yourselves."

"Still we would not be able to do this without you!"

Nessa smiled, "I am so excited for you."

"We would love to have you there with us. It won't be anything big but it'll be fun none the less."

"Oh yes, and you'll be able to meet Charlie, Bill's brother, and lots of new people there as well!" Molly gushed

"Are you sure that Charlie is coming?" Fleur asked, "He was supposed to help us move Harry but he canceled…"

Molly frowned but nodded, "Of course he wouldn't miss his own brother's wedding!"

Bill broke out laughing, "If he tired he knows that mum would hunt him down."

"He'll be here tomorrow night, all the way from Romania!"

"Romania?" Nessa asked

"Oh yes, he works with dragons there."

"He doesn't come home much. It's a real hassle to travel."

"Wow. Dragons."

Molly talked for hours about Charlie before dragging all three of them off into the kitchen to start preparing for the wedding. After they started she wouldn't let them stop. Anyone who walked passed got roped into helping and soon the entire family was sitting and chatting while Molly forced them to help set up.

The floo flashed green and Charlie stepped out into his family home, which was empty. He knew he was arriving late at night but his mum and dad were always there to welcome him home. The house was dark and no one seemed to be awake so he climbed the stairs with his bags and tried to be as quiet as possible.

The rooms he tipped toed passed were dark and silent. He pushed the door to Fred and George's old room open and feeling the lag from the many floo trips he just wanted to fall asleep. When he fell into bed and landed on a large lump under the blanket that screamed loudly into his ear.

"What the bloody fuck!" the little voice screamed

Charlie jumped up off the bed and flicked the light on. He looked over to the bed and saw a disgruntled young woman. Her long silky hair was up in every direction and bags were heavy under her eyes, "Who are you?" he asked

She glared up at him, "I'm Nessa. Who the hell are you?" she asked angrily

"I'm Charlie. What the heck are you doing in this room?"

"I'm staying here, in this room."

Charlie sighed, "Mom didn't tell me you were here. I'm sorry. I normally stay in this room when I visit."

"Well, there's another bed. Just sleep over there and not on me."

Charlie grinned, "I could always sleep next to you." He flirted

She looked at him confused and then held up her left hand, "Nice try."

His eyes landed on her little engagement ring and then he frowned, "It was worth a shot. I'll just sleep downstairs on the couch."

She shrugged and settled back into her blankets, "Turn the light out."

He did as she said and shut the door behind him. As he quietly stepped down the stairs avoiding the creaky spots he thought of the girl. Her long hair really drew him in and her eyes threatened to keep him hostage.