Author's Note:

First of all let me just admit something: I can't with Lyatt, I really can't. (Sorry, not sorry.) From the awkward, forced chemistry to the supposedly "MFEO" one night stand that was apparently so "amazing" that Wyatt literally RAN toward his newly-alive ex hours afterward, without even pausing to notify his latest fling that he was I said, I cannot. Nothing against Wyatt as a character, or the actors, or the writers. In fact, I think it's pretty obvious that Wyatt and Lucy DO love each other. As friends.

Because as anyone will tell you - or, anyone who has ever tried having sex with a really good friend, only to discover (oops) that their physical chemistry just isn't the sexual kind - you cannot fake sexual chemistry. It fizzles into awkward dialogue and excuses every time. And not in a cute way.

Garcy, on the other hand, that is a pairing I can get behind. Nuanced and complicated, not to mention simmering with raw physical attraction, yes please. As early as the pilot episode, we see these characters unable to rip their eyes off each other, even when various weapons are being pointed in their direction. It's obvious that they cannot escape that connection, even if they wanted to, which they clearly do not. As a writer, I couldn't help but percolate on all the many different situations that could expose the way these characters struggle with this attraction. So I did a thing. Maybe I'll do a few more things. Who knows?

Chapter One: Hollywoodland, the Morning After

Even before Wyatt left, Lucy had been going over and over that night in her head, trying to figure out what had happened.

Or, maybe not what had happened, because she got the gist. Kisses were shared, clothes were discarded, very personal places were touched. Just the thought of it all made Lucy blush. But not because she was remembering how it had felt to have Wyatt's hands on her body, or his lips on her lips, or, it was more that she still didn't fully comprehend why it happened.

Why, after all that time, did Wyatt finally decide to kiss her? Was it just because they were finally alone together, finally in a safe place, comfortable for the first time in as long as either of them could remember? Was it solace that led them to share a bed at Hedy's house? Convenience? Fun? Or something deeper and more inevitable? Even after it finally happened, as Wyatt fell asleep in her arms, Lucy wondered. What was he thinking? How was he feeling? Was he as excited about being with her as she was about being with him? And was she really excited, or just relieved?

Honestly, it had been so long since Lucy had been touched by a man in that way, so confusing after what had happened with Noah (her would've-been husband, who now would never be) and what had never really happened with all the men before him. Okay, so there hadn't really been that many. Three total, if she was being honest. Until Wyatt. He was the fourth, and the first, in his own way. He was the first man who had ever made her wonder what he was thinking, so much of the time. All the time, really. But especially in bed. It was an unnerving feeling, not knowing whether someone thought of you as amazing, or if that was just a word they echoed after you said it first. And what is "amazing," really, to someone like Wyatt? She honestly could only guess. Which was, in a way, kind of exciting. Lucy guessed.

And then, Flynn walked in.

Suddenly, she no longer had to wonder what Wyatt was thinking. Because, when it came to Flynn, he was as transparent as could be. Wyatt's hatred for the man blatantly showed in the instant twitching of his muscles, the suddenly violent grip of his fingers on his own jean-clad legs, in the deepness of his frown. Those soft lips, the ones she'd so recently kissed, became a deep frown of disgust. Clearly, Wyatt couldn't wait to get away from Flynn, it seemed, and everyone else in the room - including Lucy.

"Just keep him on a leash," he spat, striding around Flynn while the taller man stood casually and smirked. Rufus and Jiya shared a look, but didn't dare mock the situation. At least, not until after Wyatt left the room.

Feeling a bit like a desperate pet, Lucy jumped up and followed Wyatt down the hall.

"Hey, hey." She struggled to find the best way to defuse Wyatt's mood. Diplomacy, that was her job. "I know, I KNOW."

She spread her hands in a gesture of peace, but Wyatt wasn't having it.

"It's just seeing Flynn here, with us. I don't like it."

Lucy repressed the urge to make a Captain Obvious reference. "I don't like it either. But he's on our side now, and he CAN help us."

Wyatt put his hands on his hips. "Yeah he can, but will he? I mean, he's got what he wants, so now what?"

"Now…." Lucy searched for an answer, but all she could think about was how quickly last night was fading away. How badly she wanted to hold onto that feeling, that sensation of being safe and wanted, for just a few minutes more. Maybe it would help to remind him. "Can we just forget about Flynn…" Keep it light, Lucy, don't come off too needy. "...For like, a minute, because we have each other. ...Don't we?"

"Yes." Was it her imagination, or was Wyatt's smile a little forced?

Okay, Lucy, that's enough. Don't push it. But then, she'd always been terrible at following her own advice.

"I mean, the other night, it was…."

"It was...pretty amazing."

"Right?" Excitement, relief, followed by sheer, giddy joy. "Because that's what I thought. We agree!" Her smile stretched across her whole face, and Lucy didn't care if she looked goofy. She felt goofy.

"We do."

"So...what do we do now?" Kiss me, she begged, silently.

Instead, Wyatt shrugged, looking up and away. "Well, we're already living together. So, it's a pretty big step." His phone chimed, and he reached for it, breaking eye contact again. Lucy barely noticed, she was so ecstatic to hear that they were on the same page. Or, at least, in the same bunker. It was a start.

"Nowhere to go but down," she joked.

"That's right." He smiled, but he looked distracted. Then, his smile faded.


As suddenly as his mood had shifted at the appearance of Flynn, it was nothing compared to that moment. Wyatt seemed to shut down, or shut Lucy off from himself, completely. Dismissive and cold, he turned away.

"I'll be right back."

Lucy watched him go, confused and unsettled. Something was wrong. Was it something she did? Something she said? Had she come on too strong, brought up their relationship too soon, seemed too desperate? She had to know.

"Wait, Wyatt?"

"Lucy!" Rufus's voice interrupted what was sure to be an all-out humiliation in the making. Lucy turned away, swallowing her words, and her doubts. There would be plenty of time to chase after Wyatt later. For now, maybe it was best to give him some space, and let him decide how he really felt about her on his own schedule.

The news about Hedy's patent and her resulting success was a welcome distraction.

But then, the alarm. Denise and Flynn were instantly on high alert, and Lucy followed Flynn down the hall, searching for Wyatt. Even then, she noticed how Flynn kept one eye on her, even stepping in front of her to shield her from the possible threat at the entrance. That was stupid, Lucy thought. Whoever broke in, they would probably be after Flynn. So standing behind her would've made a lot more sense. Plus, he didn't have a gun.

Heart pounding, Lucy watched as Denise surveyed the broken hatch, and then quickly lowered her weapon.


Denise's face was a mixture of surprise and annoyance. "Nobody broke in. They broke out."

Suddenly, Lucy remembered the story Rufus had told her, about the weeks she was in Rittenhouse's custody. The time he'd tried to break out of the bunker, and come after her…. But why would he do that now? She had already been saved. She was right here.

Right where he'd left her.