Chapter Two

Saturday came and Albus Dumbledore went to Arabella Figg's house by floo powder. When he arrived he saw Ms. Figg and said, "well what on earth are you staring at? I'm on time." She replied, "yes but you are wasting time you need to go over there immediately." Albus quickly said a spell to change his robes into a nice black muggle suit. He walked out of Arabella's house and crossed the street to Private Drive 4. He walked up to the door and rang the bell. If anyone had been watching this scene they would have sworn he had been a lawyer or someone of importance. After he rang the bell he heard a woman yell, "Boy get the door and hurry up I don't have all day." Seconds later you heard a vacuum turn off and footsteps running down stairs. All of a sudden there was a small thud. The woman had tripped the poor little boy and the little boy's nose was bleeding. Nonetheless he answered the door. "Hullo, may I help you?" Professor Dumbledore answered, "Why yes you can young man. Harry right. I'm was a close friend of your parents. I haven't seen you since you were one years old. How are you?" Harry was in total shock.. He couldn't believe that someone had actually came to see him. Not just any person either but a friend of his parents too. Harry replied, "I'm fine sir and how are you?" At this the woman no doubt his aunt yelled, "Who are you talking to get away from the door this instant or you will find yourself hungry for a month." Harry ran upstairs and continued vacuuming. Aunt Petunia walked up to the stranger and said, "I'm sorry about that. You'll have to ignore him. He's so useless. May I help you?" "Actually madam I am here to see Harry. I would like to spend the day with him if that's alright. I was a friend of his parents." "A friend of his parents you stay away from me and my family we didn't do anything to you so I would be grateful if you just left us alone," replied aunt Petunia. Albus Dumbledore looked at the woman and again told her he was here to spend the day with Harry and nothing else. Reluctantly Petunia agreed not that she actually had a choice. She let him inside and yelled for the boy once again, "Harry get down here now, you have a visitor. If you do anything abnormal I swear I'll will bring you to that damn orphanage myself." With that she left. Albus Dumbledore was amazed at the way she talked to the boy. The boy looked on the verge of tears and had gotten blood on his shirt. He would question that later.