~Smash Manor~
"Pit! Wake up!"

Palutena knocked on Pit's door as she tried to get his attention.

"It's past noon! Are you going to sleep the whole day away?!"

Putting her ear to the door, she could hear him shifting about in his bed. He tried to give a half-awake response to get her to go away.

"Five more minutes!"

"You already missed breakfast! Are you going to miss lunch too?! Rosalina and Snake are making Cheeseburgers and Potato Salad!"


She pulled her head back as chaos unfolded in the angel's room.

"...Save me a seat, please!"

All she had to do was mention burgers to give him all the morning motivation he needs. Pleased with the results, she started to head downstairs, but not before remembering something and quickly turning around to remind Pit.

"Oh. Don't forget! A new fighter is arriving today! Make yourself presentable! ...And brush your teeth AND use mouthwash!"

"Aye aye, Lady Palutena!"

Having completed her mission, she heads downstairs; trying to squeeze by Bowser on a narrow staircase was just another daily chore she had to deal with.

"Why do you always move so slow on the stairs, Bowser?"

He turned his head back to snarl at her while Daisy slid past the two of them down the railing and addressed the Goddess with a hint of sarcasm.

"Omigosh, Palutena! You can't just ask a turtle why he's slow."

Palutena rolled her eyes, ignoring the jab at her unintentional setup to a punchline and greeted the hyperactive Princess.

"You're in pretty high spirits, Daisy. Or are you still on that running off that victory lap after you FINALLY got invited here, yesterday?"

"Yes and no. I AM still excited about that. But there's another reason I'm so happy today. And you'll never guess what it is. Go ahead. Try."

"Uh...You got a new dress?"

"Nope. I've got a DATE."

"Oh...wow. Well, congratulations. With who?"

Daisy holds a finger over her mouth as her lips curl into a smirk.

"Fine. Don't tell me."

As they reach the bottom of the stairs, Bowser bolts off at twice his previous speed in an attempt to escape the gossip.

"Huh. Why doesn't he ALWAYS move that fast?"

"He just has trouble with stairs. Big feet and all. Why do you think his biggest deterrent to getting to him in 64 was an infinite staircase?"

"That makes way too much sense that I can't tell if you're joking or not."

Peach intercepts the two girls.

"Are you two making fun of Bowser?"

They both stay quiet and avoid eye contact with the slightly pouty pink princess.

"Don't bully him. He's only being careful because I asked him too. Last time he went down the stairs at normal speed he slipped and fell on poor Pikachu."

Palutena raises an eyebrow.

"Bowser takes requests now? OUR Bowser?"

Daisy was confused by Palutena's point.

"Do you...do you know another Bowser?"

"...Well, Junior. But that's not the point."

They both returned their attention to where Peach was to find her already leaving the room and heading outside to the back yard. A flash of white zoomed down the stairs and passed them and even beat Peach out the door.

"Was that, Sonic?"

"No. That was my angel on the hunt for a BBQ."

Outside the Manor, a large open yard with some trees dotting the landscape as well as a pond in the center. This backyard is now populated with every resident of the house. Snake was working the grill with the assistance of female Robin. Bowser was resting in his shell under the hot sun as Pikmin played in between his spikes and Duck Hunt laid in the turtle's shadow. Ness and Lucas poked around in the pond with sticks as Greninja attempted to communicate with the resident frogs. Rosalina was setting a large table with potato salad, chips, watermelon and silverware.

Metaknight sat under a tree as he read a book as Kirby and Villager played tag around him. Ganondorf brought a pile chairs from inside by the dozens with Zelda providing direction to compensate his obstructed vision. Ridley sat on the rooftop to stay as far away from everyone as possible...but still close enough to swoop in and be first in line to eat. Captain Falcon, Sonic and Fox were burning off calories in anticipation of the impending feast by racing around the entire perimeter of the land. Pit helped Ganon and Zelda with the chairs and immediately took the first seat closest to the grill as Ganondorf started heading back inside. Zelda grabbed his hand and pulled him back out.

"Come on! No one's staying inside. You did a good job, Ganon. Here. I'll let you sit next to me if you want."

Exasperated, Ganon yields to her persistence let's her lead him back out with grumpy look on his face.

"This new fighter better be interesting for all this work I went through."

Ganon rested at the table, but heard Dark Pit call him out.

"You mean the work WE went through? This was a team effort, Ganon-dork."

Pit looks under the table to find Dark Pit relaxing under the table playing a Gameboy.

"Excuse me?! What did YOU do?!"

Not even looking at his double, Pittoo responded.

"I'm supervising. I should probably go on break soon. Don't wanna overwork myself, ya know?"

Suddenly, Ridley's piercing screech startles everyone and attracts all their attention the roof. The beast points toward the front of the Manor with his tail. Ganondorf gets the message.

"Tch. He's here."

Everyone gets all together to greet the newcomer as Master Hand floats through the door with his fist clenched. He opens his hand to reveal the trophy of the newcomer and places it on the ground. Everyone was mostly silent. This was the first newcomer of this new Smash that nobody seemed to recognize. Nobody except one. Cloud pushed his way past Link and Bayonetta.

"Hmph. You finally made it. About time. I was wondering how long I'd have to wait for you to catch up...Sora."

Master Hand snapped his fingers and the trophy came to life and suddenly…

[Sora Lights The Way]

After everyone eats they all crowd around Sora to introduce themselves and learn who he is one at a time. Palutena is finally up.

"So, you know Cloud?"

"Uh huh. We've crossed over before a couple times. I've been in his franchise, he's been in mine. We're good friends."

"I figured that's what it was. You and he look similar, but clearly different enough be from the same place. Oh. Right. I'm Lady Palutena."

"Goddess of Light, right? I got that much from Pit. You two are together?"

"Yes. ...Well...I mean not 'together' together. We're not like...a thing, but we're from the same...ya know...we're not seeing each other...just...why am I explaining this to you?"

Sora chuckles.

"Of course. I got a similar response from Pit when I brought it up. Touchy subject? I understand. Most everyone around here seems to be good friends with SOMEONE. And really good 'friends' with others."

He directs Palutena's attention to Daisy sitting next to Ike.

"I knew it was Ike! Er...I mean. Yeah. I get what you mean."

"So, apparently I'll be sharing a room with Pit."

"Oh my. You're in for a fun time. Hopefully, you'll be able to help with keeping his room clean."

"Wait...I have to be the cleanly roomate? Oh boy. This might be a problem."

"Hehe. Well, good luck."

"Can I pray to you for strength in these trying times?"

She tussles his hair and smiles. She moves back to the table for dessert and sits next to Samus.

"What did you think of him, Samus?"

"He reminded me of Cloud at first, but now that I got to talk to him; he kind of reminds me more of Pit."

"Yeah. I can see that. Ooo. Wii Fit has the right idea."

They both look back to see Wii Fit Trainer taking Sora's jacket and shirt off to examine his physique. Sora tries to cover up with his arms as WFT gives a wink of approval and a thumbs up. Sora swipes his clothes back as Samus returns to her cake.

"He's got more of lean build than I was expecting."

Palutena watches WFT and Sora do yoga poses and stretches.

"He's pretty flexible too, it looks like."

"I bet he's got agility to match my own. Who knows. He might make a really good Doubles partner in Team Battles for me. Or at the very least, a good training partner."

"Everyone's going to be asking for him to be on their team with how much Cloud has been talking him up. Even Bayonetta is eyeing him for a partner. And she never partners with anyone except Cloud."

"Sora's gonna be pretty popular around here for a while. I'm gonna give it a few weeks to let him settle in and everyone else gets their turn at him before I give him a fair shake though."

Palutena squirms her way over Samus's shoulder with a smug look on her face.

"Uh huh. Sure. And the fact that you'll have more time with Pit all to yourself has nothing to do with it, right?"


The blonde bounty hunter blushes as she chokes on her cake. She drank some milk to wash it down before defending her decision.

"Hey! I just want to make sure I've seen everything he has to offer me!"

"Oh my! How scandalous. EVERYTHING he has to offer? Have you no shame?"

She teases the flustered Samus who begins to catch on to her game and lets out a small laugh

"...Oh, shut up. You're the one who recommended we team up in the first place. I'm not gonna move on just because our team synergy needs work."

"Well, I can't have Pit relying on me for wins ALL the time."

"That'd be a good point...if you two EVER won."

That Godly ego gets taken down a peg by that statement as she slumps into her chair. Samus, realizing her mistake; puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Hey. I'm sorry. I'll tell you what. I'll do what I can to sell you to Sora as his best fit for a starting teammate. He's a newcomer. Lack of matchup knowledge combined with obscure team comp is sure to get you a FEW wins."

"...Thanks, Samus."

"Don't mention it. And afterwards, maybe we'll team him up with Pit for a while so you and I can knock some heads together if you want."

"You're a good friend, Sammy. And I'm sure you'll make a good girlfriend for my angel, Pit as well."

"Exactly! And don't let anyone tell you that you're...Wait! WHAT?! How did you know we were...I mean...um...I TOLD YOU TO DROP THAT SUBJECT!"

*Let the records show that if Sora does end up being in Smash Ultimate...I called it(Totally me, nobody else) There are going to be a lot of ships in this story. I wonder if anyone can guess them all. Feel free to tell me your ships. Who knows...might give me some ideas. ~wink wink~ I'm also not sure if I should include some...raunchier stuff. Again, up to you mostly.*