(Secret Government Facility. Musutafu, Japan.)

"This could cause a nation-wide panic! Or worse, a worldwide panic! We need to keep this a secret at all cost!"

"He's a living, breathing human being! No matter where he's from, we shouldn't keep him locked up like some kind of animal!"

"Why do I have to be here again?"

Whispers and shouts were thrown across and all around one large room in a secret government facility. The room had one large, round, and metal table with about 50 different seats around it. Most seats were currently occupied by some of the greatest Pro-Heroes the world had ever seen! 13, Eraser Head, Recovery Girl, Mt Lady, Cementoss, Kamui Woods, Backdraft, Death Arms, and All Might, among others, were present at this very important meeting.

"Because this is a serious discussion, and we need everyone's input. Sadly, that means you need to be here too." Kamui whispered that last part under his breath. Sirius, with her amazing hearing, giggled at that.

"Do you know how much of a panic he'll cause?! Remember what happened when Quirks were first discovered? People thought it was the end of the world! I say we keep him locked up until he can go back to god knows wherever he came from." Death Arms exclaimed while slamming his hands onto the table.

"Yeah, times were tough when Quirks first started showing up. But people learned to deal with it and overcome their fear. Who's to say they won't with him?" 13 asked.

"And we could simply not tell anyone! You know how the saying goes, what you don't know won't hurt you!" All Might's voice boomed around the room, causing some (especially Sirius) to flinch in pain.

"Okay, let's say we don't keep him locked up. Where will he go? And! What happens if he starts causing trouble? That'll be on our heads!" Death Arms countered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe you aren't thinking clearly." A new male voice stated. Everyone snapped their heads to the direction, and noticed a small figure standing in the doorway. He walked in, allowing the door to close and his identity to be revealed. "Hi everyone! Am I a dog, a bear, or a cat? I don't know, and neither do you!" He exclaimed joyously.

"Hello Mr. Principal/Nezu/Principal Nezu." The heroes greeted differently as he climbed into one of the tall chairs.

"Oh my, so many wonderful hellos! It's a pleasure to be here with you all to discuss this matter!" He smiled cheerfully. "It appears you all haven't come up with a solution, correct?"

"Yes Principal Nezu. We have been here for two hours!" All Mights smile and left eye twitched in pain. He was well over his limit for his muscled form, and it was taking everything he had to keep it working.

"When in the hallway I heard what you were saying Death Arms, and I do indeed share some of your concerns." Nezu informed.

"You do? Ha! See you guys, he agrees with me!"

"Yes indeed. If people were to discover his origin, then they may indeed panic. But All Might and Recovery Girl also raised some good points. As rude as lying is, its more rude to lock someone up when they did nothing wrong."

"Haha! Yes I did!"

"What do you suppose we do then, Principal Nezu?" Eraser Head questioned.

"Well he is a teenager, correct? And some of your concerns are about him getting in trouble when we release him, right? Well why not enroll him in UA High? We can keep an eye on him at all times while also simultaneously giving him an education!"

The heroes started mummering to themselves and to others about the proposed plan. For the most part, it was pretty solid. There would be an eye on him at all times and he could train alongside the others…although on the other hand it would be unfair to the other students. He didn't want to be a hero as far as they knew. So, what would happen if he exceeded above the other students? He would be stealing the offers from other heroes and agencies that belonged to the students.

"Okay, let's say we go through with this idea. What'll be his backstory?" Kamui asked while crossing his arms.

"We'll say he's from the American UA High. He was at the top of his class and transferred over because he felt he wasn't being challenged enough." Nezu informed. "Are we all in agreement."

More muttering could be heard throughout the room. After another two minutes everyone nodded with one another.

"Fine with me."

"You've got my vote."

"Fine, whatever it takes to get me out of here sooner…Ow! Kamui!"

"Whatever you think it best, I'll agree with."

"Of course my friend! Great idea!"

"So, where is the maniac anyway?" Eraser Head questioned. Grinning, Nezu turned around and clapped his hands twice.

"You can come in now!"

The door opened again and this time two figures appeared. Walking in, they revealed themselves and their appearances.

One was a teenage male, who was about six feet tall, maybe an inch or two taller. He was pale, with brown hair styled into a buzzcut, and brown eyes. He was a bit more muscular when compared to other teen males, such as Bakugou or Eijiro. His clothes were plain, black basketball shorts, gray and black sneakers, and a black t-shirt with a purple raven on the front.

The other figure was…well, no one knew the gender exactly, much like 13. Whoever or whatever it was had on a black and orange suit of armor. It was mainly black, with orange shoulder pads, boots, and long cuff like pieces of armor on the wrists. But the helmet is what stood out the most. The right side was black, while the left was orange. The black side had a black lens, while the orange had a red lens. It glowed brightly as who or whatever this thing was turned its head, as if scanning the room.

"Everyone, allow me to introduce you to UA High's newest student, Kevin Minton!"

"When do we start?" He asked with a grin.