Their interactions started out small. Passing by each other on the way to work, seeing the other at the coffee shop, little things that would seem normal to any passer-by. It was after the ninth day that they eventually introduced themselves to the other. It happened at the local coffee place that the shorter of the two got the guts to do so.

The shorter one was Percy Jackson. He had short, unruly black hair and sea-green eyes. Percy had been a Marine for the past three years and had no intentions to retire at any point in the near future. Currently Percy was headed to talk to the person that had been staring at him for the last three minutes. He walked up to the table and sat in the chair opposite of the person.

"Hi. I'm Percy. I couldn't help but notice you staring at me for three minutes so I decided to introduce myself." The other person at the table turned red when they found that they had been caught staring.

"S-sorry, I didn't think that- I didn't mean to-" they sighed embarrassed, putting their head on the table in defeat. They mumbled something that Percy didn't hear.

"Sorry, could you repeat what you said? I didn't quite catch that."

"I'm Gabriel. It's nice to meet you."

The two talked and eventually decided to go out on a date the following Friday night.

They had been going out for five months when it happened.

Percy was abducted.

Gabriel had noticed when he walked into their apartment and found it a mess. Of course the place was normally a mess, but what he came home to was worse than either him or Percy would allow. He looked around the place in search of his boyfriend.

"Percy? Are you home?" He called out, not knowing if this was a joke or not. It wasn't. When he reached their bedroom, he found a message written on the wall in blood. It told him to call NCIS and that only Agent Gibbs' team could work the case. He called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" the person asked.

"My boyfriend's been abducted and there is a message written on the wall in blood!"

"Where are you? what does it say?"

"I'm in the apartment complex just off of Harbor Avenue and South Street. The message says that only someone named Agent Gibbs from NCIS and his team can work the case. What does that mean?"

Tony threw another paper ball at McGee, only for it to go off course and hit Gibbs as he walked to his desk.

"Sorry Boss." He said, ignoring the looks Ziva and McGee gave him.

"Grab your gear, we got a missing Marine." was the only answer he got. As they did that, Gibbs walked passed Tony and slapped him upside the head, and Tony flinched.

When they arrived at the scene of the crime, they encountered a pacing Gabriel. He looked like he had gotten no sleep for the past day and was only running on caffeine. He was repeatedly running his hands through his hair and was obviously having a nervous breakdown.

Gibbs turned to his team, "DiNozzo, McGee, photos. Ziva, talk to the roommate."
They all split up to do their assigned tasks. While Ziva was talking to Gabriel, he got a call from someone.

"It's from Percy, should I answer it?" He asked after looking at the screen of his phone.

"Put it on speaker." Doing so, he answered the phone, "Percy?"

The person on the other side chuckled, "Not quite. Don't worry, your boyfriend is fine, for now. Now Percy, say hello to dear Gabriel and the team here to help you." There was silence on the other side until a small, barely audible sound was heard. "My bad, I forgot I had gagged him, never the less, he is alive and you have three hours 'til our next call, and I expect everyone to be present when it happens."

He hung up the call and looked at the man tied up at the other side of the room. The man, Percy, was relatively unharmed, aside from a large bruise forming on his head and a cut on his arm that was for blood to write on the wall. He was tied to a chair by his arms and legs, and was gagged so he couldn't make any sound for anyone to overhear by accident.

"So Percy we have three hours to ourselves, What should we do?" The man walked over to a table that was hidden in the shadows and picked something up. He turned around and Percy saw the knife he held in his hand and started to pull against his bonds. Seeing this, the man smiled crazily.

"Don't worry, this will only hurt a lot." He brought the knife down, and muffled screams sounded throughout the room.