Welcome to my newest Blue Bloods piece entitled Touch EM All, while I do currently have two other open stories within the bluebloods fandom which you can check out (I will return to them shortly). This story is one I just had to put out hopefully it is enjoyed by all.

While I do normally tend to keep my stories fairly lite in nature this one will have its heavy themes so consider that as you read.

This story does have its Jamko elements and there will be plenty (They are a central pair), a fair part of this story will also be devoted to Danny & Maria as well as Jack and to a small extent Nicky.

Disclaimer: I do Not own bluebloods all characters belong to CBS no copyright infringement intended I only own the plot and any original characters that may appear.

Here are some important notes to keep in mind as you read:

Jamie and Eddie are engaged both are still at the 12th Eddie passed the Sergeants Exam they are still partners.

Eddie has inheritance money that was untouched.

Linda's death did happen

Nicky has graduated and just finished academy she works the 12th with Kara as her T.O. she is in a relationship that interconnects with Jack's story arc

Jack is a freshman at JohnJay

Erin is married to Abby they have been for four years for the purposes of this story Abby doesn't have kids and adopted Nicky at 17 Nicky refers to Abby as mama

Sean is 13

This story takes place starting in late July

That should cover everything anything else will be explained in story.

Chapter 1 Help from the Inside

"I'm meant to be where ever you are next to me" the lyrics to "Running Home to You" swirled through Maria's head she couldn't get the song out of head more importantly she couldn't get the person who those lyrics reminded her of out of her head not that she wanted to anyway.

Maria had realized that she was actually in love with her partner and close friend Danny Reagan.

On one hand she felt like part of a weight had been lifted off her shoulders having admitted she was in love with Danny even if it was just to herself but on the other she still felt weighted down because she was still debating on how to go about trying to close the deal with Danny even though she had floated several ideas in her head one of which was what Maria referred to as the inside option" which involved getting Jamie and or Eddie to help woo Danny.

Maria had already formulated the skeleton of a plan that involved Jamie and Eddie unbeknownst to anyone she had already drafted a letter requesting a change of partner going on the assumption that Eddie and Jamie would be willing to help.

While Maria thought of going for broke and asking Danny out on her own for her she felt like that asking Jamie and Eddie would account for any variables in the situation especially the one thing that worried Maria the most which was Danny being willing to date after Linda's death which was why she was borderline set on going for her Jamie Eddie plan.

The two had been doing paperwork for most of the day and hadn't been called out on a case luckily so they both took this rare opportunity to catch up on paperwork which Carver had been on them about partly because they were falling behind and partly because as the five four found out a couple of weeks ago Carver would be transferring to the one-six to be closer to her family since her mother required a bit more care in her advanced age.

The squad was told a new CO was already chosen and would be announced publicly any day now from the second Carver announced her move the rumor mill went wild as to who could replace Carver there were even whispers that Eddie would be head of the five-four seeing as she scored the highest mark on the exam not to mention she was a soon to be Reagan.

While Danny did his best to squash any rumors that Eddie slept her way to her spot it didn't stop a few people from taking shots one of which resulted in a tour CD which was kept in house by Carver out of respect.

Maria was on her last stack of reports while she tried to come to a final decision on Danny needlessly to say after weighing the pros and cons one last time Maria decided it was best to enlist the help of Eddie and Jamie to help with Danny.

Maria than proceeded to look at phone realizing it was 1:45, knowing Jamie's tour schedule this week she knew that he was on a split tour and she'd be able to catch up with him.

She sent him a quick text hoping he'd answer.

M: Jamie if you're free can we meet up for lunch?

Five minutes later Maria got a response back

J: We can meet up at the diner a few blocks from the 12th in twenty

Maria texted back instantly

M: Done deal bring Eddie thanks.

With that Maria got up without Danny noticing letting Carver know she was heading out for lunch and would be before the end of her break.

Maria took her car from the lot and headed for the diner.

A short while later Maria made it to the diner where she saw Eddie and Jamie in the process of ordering.

"Hey Maria sit we're about to order." Jamie called allowing Maria to sit and join the duo.

"Thanks for meeting me guys I won't be long."

"No problem Maria what's up?"

"Nothing much I can tell you guys over food lets order food first."

The trio ordered burgers and sodas and as Maria watched Eddie and Jamie engage in their usual swapping which she was envious of she wanted that type of connection hopefully she'd be able to build that with Danny.

As the trio engaged small talk Eddie noticed Maria was spaced out with a look she had seen millions of times but she waited for Maria to bring up the reason for the trios gathering.

"Jamie, Eddie I guess I may as well tell why we're here."

"Shoot Maria."

"Well to be honest Jamie this will probably shock you the most Jamie I'm in love with my partner your brother."

Jamie took a quick second to process what he had just heard he had a feeling Maria had a thing for his brother but never said anything for fear of being wrong or making Danny feel uneasy.

After a few moments Jamie finally came to and asked Maria the question that both he and Eddie had been thinking.

"Alright Maria so you're into my brother how do Eddie and I fit into whatever you called us about?"

Maria took a breath before answering.

"I know you guys have your wedding coming up in a few weeks and I wouldn't want to stress you guys even further, but this is something that I can't hide anymore it would mean everything if I was able to be with Danny he makes me feel like no one ever has I want to see if there can be anything more than a work partnership between us."

Both Jamie and Eddie saw the sincerity in Maria's eyes they both knew that look and there was only one thing to do.

"Maria don't worry about it we can balance the wedding prep and helping you with Danny hell its about time Danny had someone that was willing to make him whole again".

"Thanks Jamie you guys are amazing."

With that the trio finished off their lunch and went their separate ways.

As Jamie and Eddie made their way back to the RMP Eddie thought she should voice her concerns about playing cupid to Jamie.

"Jamie are you sure we should be playing matchmaker for Maria and Danny?"

"Eddie don't worry about it there's nothing to worry about hell my family indirectly played cupid with us and look at us now."

"Yeah but we were different Danny lost the love of his life you don't find love like that easily."

"Eddie have a little faith sometimes lightning can strike twice I promise you at out wedding Danny will be walking in with Maria on his arm trust me."

"I hope you're right Jamie I really do."

Jamie and Eddie continued their tour not knowing that the journey to the alter would require quite a bit of faith.

That does it for this intro chapter the next chapter will cover Jamie and Eddie wedding prep a look into Jack and Nicky's lives and possibly an event that will shake the entire Reagan family to its core.