Chapter 4 A Trail of Tears and Flames

It was just before 8:30AM when Frank walked off the elevator into his office hoping Sid had made some headway on Jamie's shooting just as he was steps away from the office door Garett opened the door.

"Frank I was going to find you."

"What is it Garett?"

"Well let me sit down than we'll get to it."

Frank and Abbie entered his office she hung his coat and he sat down waiting for information from his DCPI.

"Well Garett let's have it."

"I've been here since 7 with Sid he's informed me he's gone through every piece of information on every single person that had anything to do with the assignment every single person that knew about the operation is clean so from just a paper standpoint you're not looking at an inside job."

"Well that's something where are we on interviews?"

"Already scheduled according to Sid he will be going through each story twice."

"Fine now I know there's a media aspect to this there always is with you so spare me the spin and let me know what's what."

"Well Kelly Davidson of channel 10 wants an exclusive sit-down interview with you regarding the shooting not to mention all three major papers are running different variations of Close to Home headlines on all the covers so this is spreading like wildfire.

Frank clearly exhausted took a breath before figuring how to handle the current situation.

"Alright Garrett get those interviews handled I want a preliminary report by two as for the papers let the headlines roll and as for the Davidson interview invite Ms./ Davidson up here let her know it's off the record."

"You got it boss."

Once Frank was alone he took a look out his window hoping the perps responsible would be caught soon.

Once Frank turned around he picked up the phone and dialed his chief of D's

"Sam its Frank listen you probably heard about Jamie's shooting I need a favor.

Anything you need Frank I'm all ears.

"Thanks, I'll send you the details I have later but I need this case handled by the best kick it to the five-four hand it to Carver tell her she will be getting her point detective ASAP and have her red flag Danny's access to the case its only to be accessed by Carver my office and the team I put together."

"Got it Frank I'll be waiting."

"With that Frank hung up the phone hoping that he could make some head way in Jamie's case sooner rather than later.

Over at the hospital Eddie was sitting at Jamie's bedside hoping that there would be a change in his condition at some point today so far doctors had been by to check on him but that was just routine which worried there were times during the night she debated going off the grid and getting answers for herself but fortunately wanting to see Jamie alert got the better of her.

As far as Eddie knew there was still no movement on Jamie's case for now she just wanted Jamie awake but in the back of her mind she knew she had to have faith that Jamie would be okay.

Over at the five-four Danny and Maria were just coming back from court Danny was already on edge from seeing his brother in a coma and halfway through his third cup of coffee as he walked back to his desk.

"Danny you need to relax you'll end up joining your brother in the hospital."

"Baez you're telling me to relax when my brother is a coma hanging on by thread I'm about two seconds from burning this city myself and my soon to be sister in-law would gladly join me if it meant getting justice for my brother."

"Danny, I know you want to help Jamie but you going vigilante isn't going to help at all now cool it before Carver rips you."

"Fine but I want answers that's all."

"I know Danny you'll have them knowing your dad there's a plan in place hell he's probably knees deep into some action plan."

"I hope you're right partner I really do."

Back at 1pp Frank had been tracking down one of the people he wanted to head up the investigation into Jamie's case while he knew it was a long shot for his plan to work he had to give it a try.

After an hour of searching he finally found the information he was looking for.

Frank quickly wrote down an address and buzzed Baker.

"Baker be ready in ten we're taking a trip."

"Yes sir."

Ten minutes Frank and Abbie were on their way to Frank's listed destination he had already left Sid instructions concerning the reports that had already been gathered he was assured they'd be ready on his return.

After a relatively easy drive into the Bronx the SUV pulled up to a small two-story home.

"Baker give me half hour wait around the corner I need to do this alone."

Frank walked up to the door of the home and knocked twice hoping that the person he was looking for would answer.

After waiting a few moments, the door opened revealing none other than Jackie.

"Commissioner Reagan what a surprise." Jackie said fairly certain she knew why her former boss was standing on her doorstep.

"May I come in?"

"Of course." Jackie said welcoming Frank into her home guiding him into her living-room.

"Well this is a surprise commissioner what do I owe the visit to?"

"I know this will seem like an odd request but I'm sure you've heard about Jamie's incident I need your help."

Jackie was surprised at the request she didn't expect the commissioner to be sitting in her living-room asking for her help.

"Yes, I did hear about Jamie's incident I'm sorry what would you need from me?"

"I know you took a leave but would you be interested in making a return to the department as part of the special investigations squad that is being setup which would lead to a new post for you within the department."

Jackie thought about it for a moment truth be told she had been thinking about applying for reinstatement but it was for the intention of going back to the five-four now she has the chance to work almost anywhere and she'd be helping the Reagans people she considered family.

"Commissioner I appreciate the offer what would I be getting involved in?"

"Just the investigation you'd be working along side my office nothing you haven't done before I would also take your desired house into consideration if you came back to the force."

Jackie thought about the offer this would mean going back to the job she loved in the house she called home and she'd be helping out family her answer was clear.

"I'm in."

"Thank you Jackie I'll be in touch with you soon don't worry about the formalities I'll handle it."

Jackie handed Frank updated contact info and watch him leave not know what laid ahead for her.

Once Frank made his way back to 1pp he was met by Sid in his office.

"Boss I've put together all the reports from the interviews for you just waiting on your next order from al accounts this looks like a gang hit but we can't seem to come up with how Jamie was made."

"Thanks Sid once I go through these reports I'll have a team go through everything and decide what to do."

"Understood boss anything else you need?"

"Go check on Eddie down at the hospital I'll get to work on our next move let me know anything you find out."

"Of course, boss."

Once Sid left Garrett walked in seeing his boss going through reports.

"Frank, I got in contact with Ms. Davidson she's fine with an OTR chat for this afternoon."

Thank you Garett I'll be getting in touch with the five-four I'm modifying Danny to avoid the circus and the investigation squad will be put together by tomorrow."

Frank why modify Danny he's one of the best you've got."

"I know that Garett I just need this done by the book it won't be full modification just desk duty until we crack this."

"If that's what's best go ahead."

With that Garett left the office leaving Frank to the reports.

After about two hours of going through reports Frank wasn't any closer to finding out how Jamie was made he knew he would need answers fast especially thinking of Eddie and most likely ready to go on a warpath.

Once he was done going through reports Frank had copies of the reports sent over to the chief D's and prepared to call Carver to actually get started on the investigation.

Meanwhile over at the five-four Danny and Maria were about to head off to a homicide when Carver called both of them to her office.

"Baez Reagan a word please."

Both detectives walked in and closed the door behind them.

"Baez, Reagan I know you two have a call to work but plans have changed effective immediately Reagan you are on semi modified duty you are confined to your desk failure obey this will result in suspension."

"This is absolute bull."

Reagan don't shoot the messenger your modified status is above my pay grade and Baez if you stick your nose in this you'll be out of here understood?"

"Yes mam." Baez replied wanting to stick up for Danny but didn't want to alert Danny to her feelings just yet.

"Alright than Baez go work the new call Reagan your desk now."

Danny exited the office in huff slamming the door while Maria left behind him devising a work around plan to get answers.

Back at 1pp Frank was sitting down with Kelly hoping to quell the media storm that gripped the city Jamie's case had brought out both pro law enforcement groups and CPA who was arguing that the city was turned upside down for one cop.

"Well Frank I can't imagine the hell you're going through."

"I prey you never do Kelly."

While I know this is completely OTR can you at least tell how you are handling this so we don't see citizen deaths?"

"There won't be I've taken steps to prevent that my top priorities are to protect this city and find the people responsible".

"Frank cut the tough guy act its just us your son was shot how are you."

"I'm fine Kelly I've dealt with line of duty shootings before it's no bigger now."

"Frank say that with a straight face your son is in coma and you're telling me you're not turning this city inside out trying to find out who did this?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you Kelly."

"Frank I won't have my intelligence insulted I know you now cut the bullshit let me in."

"Fine you want the truth here it is if it were up to me I'd have called in the dogs ages ago I don't want to lose another son to this job but I'm the PC I can't do that I have to think of 350000 not just one but truth be told if I had my way the animals that did this would be rotting in hell right now."

Having let all that out Frank felt somewhat relieved.

"Look Frank if it helps I have contacts I can talk to I'll help you out I can't see you like I this I care for you too much to see you like this."

"You would do that Kelly?"

"Yes, Frank you of all people should know I go the mat for the ones I hold dear and you Frank Reagan are one of the select few."

"I appreciate that Kelly."

"Frank, I have to go but just know there is more to me than you allow yourself to see".

With that Kelly left the office leaving Frank alone with his thoughts he was hoping that everything he is doing helps bring him and his family peace.

That does it for this chapter next chapter will cover the investigation getting off the ground and some more romantic build for Danny and Maria plus Nicky and Jack's relationships get a bit more spotlight.