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Sorry it's been awhile! Firstly Advent Exploits (and its sequels…) took over my life in a way I wasn't expecting it to - a really awesome, amazing way but it did take over - and secondly I've had some health problems I've been dealing with. This story is not forgotten though so here's the next chapter…. Hope you like!

Layout note – in a heading the first initial of a character refers to that section being in their POV.

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/ B-b-B /

The events of the previous two days caught up with Barry the second he walked into his apartment, with bone-deep, overwhelming exhaustion almost causing him to drop to his knees. He managed to make it to his couch and then just passed out. He woke several hours later surrounded by darkness and the growls of a hungry stomach.

Grabbing whatever he could out of the fridge to make a sandwich he thought how relaxed he felt and knew it was down to his session with Caitlin. Not only did his body feel pleasurably sated but his mind was at ease as well. After the anxiety and dread the nightmare had caused him it was good to feel so light and relaxed.

He wondered if it was too soon to email her?

The session had been intense in every sense of the word. They had been through so much in what was actually a short amount of time. As a speedster time moved differently for Barry, or rather it felt like it moved differently. But even he could admit that what they had been through versus the amount of minutes it had taken would make any comparison graph look insane. It felt like they had made progress though, real progress.

He knew the nightmare had made him react strongly, perhaps even too strongly, but the way Caitlin had understood, the way she had helped him through it was nothing short of amazing. She let him get it all out of his system and then talked it through calmly and offered advice; she showed compassion and understanding without blame or fault. She didn't hold his feelings against him or try to push them away as trivial.

Barry was still a little worried about what Iris had said about Star Institute but at least with Caitlin warned she would be able to be careful in any interactions she had with them through the programme. And once the dust had settled with Iris he could maybe see what her source had actually said, see if it had been twisted in any way and actually meant something else.

That worry couldn't hold a candle to his excitement for their next session though. He hadn't lost control, hadn't let his speed affect himself or his partner, in what had to be one of the – if not the – best, most powerful sexual experiences of his life. With Caitlin he was doing exactly what the programme had offered him; mastering control of his abilities in intimate situations. The possibilities this opened up for his life was endless – he no longer had to worry about being alone and not being able to be in a committed relationship.

He wondered what Caitlin thought about that…

Barry glanced at his phone, sitting innocently on the countertop but knew it was too early to message. First thing in the morning, he promised himself, then he would email. And find out when he would see her next and what they would be doing.

Cleaning up his mess and shutting of the lights, he headed to bed properly. With the memories of Caitlin fresh in his mind, the way she looked, the way she felt, the feelings she inspired in him, Barry knew he wouldn't be having nightmares tonight. His dreams would be sweet and full of his beautiful icy partner, he was sure.

/ C-c-C /

She should have put it in the laundry as soon as she got home, but instead it was still wrapped around her shoulders, encasing her in his scent. Cursing herself for being all sorts of a fool didn't help. Caitlin couldn't take Barry's shirt off.

It was a comfort in so many ways.

A reminder of Barry and how he seemed to want her, both physically and emotionally. There was no denying the passion he felt for her, not when her work shirt was in ruins from his hands. And the fact he'd wanted her to have his, showed a caring that went beyond just what they could do for each other's bodies. She supposed she should be annoyed at his actions, maybe even outraged on a feminist level of some sort, but Caitlin had never been desired like that before. She had never had someone want her so bad that they couldn't contain themselves. The way her body felt when he touched her, it was almost indescribable, and that Barry seemed to feel the same in return was something she wasn't sure she wanted to put an emotion to yet; it was far too dangerous to let herself hope.

Put that together with her inability to hurt him with her ice and that he'd helped so much with her learning why her powers triggered and being able to start to control said powers, and Caitlin knew she'd see Barry as her own personal hero for the rest of her life.

But that line of thinking led to some much more difficult considerations.

Caitlin tried to list them all in her head, playing with the fabric of the shirt sleeve, creasing and smoothing it as a distracting comfort; Barry only knew her because of the programme, and they only had a limited number of session together through said programme; She needed to be able to control herself in all situations and not just with one amazing man; The nightmare he had about Star Institute performing meta testing might be based in fact; He obviously cared a lot about this other person and was possibly doing all this to go back to them; and, Caitlin was finding it harder and harder to think of him and what they were doing objectively.

She needed to talk it through with someone but she wasn't sure Cisco was a good choice for this. He knew about the programme of course and had been a huge help in keeping her calm and confident about it. He didn't always agree but he had always been supportive, especially since seeing how she'd become slightly more confident in her physical attitudes of touch since the sessions had started. But Caitlin was pretty sure if she went to him to ask for a sounding board about how her emotions were becoming involved and conflicted because of the programme he would tell her how he was right to mistrust it from the start. Or he'd freak that she wanted to talk about girlie stuff. It could go either way really.

She supposed she could ask Liza from a drink, see if she could bring it up in ambiguous conversation and get some general advice.

Her fingers tingled and Caitlin looked down to see ice mist around her hands, a physical manifestation of her troubled thoughts. Instead of willing it away thought Caitlin focused in on it, trying to send it this way and that. She was alone in her apartment, she couldn't hurt anyone. With Barry's shirt wrapped around her it was almost like he was there with her and she just knew he'd whisper encouraging words, help her play with her powers this way to garner more control.

As her fingers moved and an icy mist spread in the air, Caitlin's mind went to a very naughty place, imagining just what type of play she could experience with Barry…

She needed to get back to the science of this. She needed to get back to her rules and regulations. She needed to not let her objectivity be ruined by feelings of lust or ….

No, just lust. She wasn't even going to consider any other feelings.



Hoped you like! Please let me know any thoughts in a review, I am so grateful for any feedback.
