"Yaaaang" Ruby whined to her older sister, her brow furrowed in concern. "Hurry up! The ice is already melting!" Ruby was riding on the back of Yang's motorbike, the white haired girl draped over her and the large storage section. Ruby had a bag of ice pressed against Weiss's forehead, well her other arm was there to support her head and neck. "Im going as fast as I can Ruby." Yang retorted, a complete lack of annoyance in her voice. "You don't have a helmet Rubes. Besides, im already speeding. If I go any faster ill get a ticket."

Ruby sighed at that. "I know-" she dragged the word on, turning the attention to the girl in her lap. "im just worried, what if she got the shit kicked out of her?" She asked, a curious hm being her only response, seeking more information. "I mean- everyone knows to avoid the allyways. Most of the time when someone turns up there a dead body, but she is alive!" Ruby frowned, gently removing the icebag to feel her forehead. "Im just worried she had a run-in with the White Fang."

Yang shrugged casually at that "Hold on Rubes." She took a sharp turn into the driveway, Ruby yelping and holding the girl tightly against her chest, the bag of ice going flying and scattering the icecubes along the driveway and sidewalk. "Aah Yang a bit more of a warning next time please" she whined in shock as her sister got off her bike. Ruby checked to make sure the girl was still okay, and that was when her mouth went wide.

The winds had blown her hair to the side, and her pointed ears were once again clear as day. "Woooah Yang look" She says in child-like amazement as she gets off the motorbike. "She has ears!" She says in a hushed tone of voice, holding out her head slightly to better show it off. Yang took off her helmet, leaning in for a private inspection. "Heh, so she does." She put the helm under her arm, walking towards the house and unlocking it via her keychain. "Maybe she is a part of the White Fang."

Ruby scoffed at that, following suit. "Oh you cant prove that." she said defensively, carrying the girl inside with surprisingly little problem. Ruby looked at the stairs in dismay, but thankfully Yang read her body language. Yang grabbed the girls legs, and helped carry the girl upstairs. "I don't mean anything bad by it Ruby." Yang clarified. "You know the situation better then anybody. An elf shows up in a place notorious for criminal activity in a city overrun by crazy activists and racism? Seems a bit too coincidental if you ask me"

Ruby once again scoffed, even as they reached the top of the stairs and the weight was shifted entirely over to Yang. "You cant prove that!" She responded swiftly, briskly walking towards her room and opening her door. "I checked her, she has no White Fang logos on her. They carry the things everywere they go! They even cover there victims in the logo!" Yang shrugged nonchalantly "Maybe she got kicked out? Or got toppled by another group." she suggested as she started settling the unconscious girl into Ruby's bed.

"Yang Xaio Long." Ruby put her hands on her hips as she stood in the doorway, blocking the girls way out. "Are you seriously trying to argue that this girl is a criminal for no reason other then her ears?" Yang stood infront of Ruby, her arms crossed over her chest. "Its not that, you saw were we-" Ruby lifted her hand up to silence her "Ah ah ah ah!" She shouted, forcing her sister to pause. "Incidents happen all the damn time around here! You don't assume every person limping out of the darkness is a criminal, yet your arguing against this girl! If I didn't know better, i'd say your as racist as she is!"

Yang scowled slightly at that, reaching one hand out and shoving Ruby to the side. Well not exceptionally rough, her strength meant Ruby let out a rough grunt when she hit the wall. "Im *not* racist. Im nothing like my mom." Yang said defensively, a hint of anger in her voice as she walked threw the doorway and made her way downstairs. "I have Blake, remember?" Yang spoke in a drastically less agitated tone on her way down, but the negativity was still there.

"That's exactly my point!" Ruby insisted, running downstairs after her in a flurry of steps. "If you can find love in a confirmed former White Fang member, then why cant you give the benefit of the doubt to someone who could very well be a victim OF the White Fang?" Yang sighed as she opened the fridge, taking out an entire ice-cube tray. "Look, sis, I really don't want to talk about this right now." She said, cracking the tray with one hand and pulling a bag out of the drawer, pouring the entire tray of ice into the clear baggie. "Besides, Im on working hours."

Yang casually tossed the bag to her little sister, who caught it with both arms. "Why don't you go fangirl over the elf girl a bit? I got a few more Pizzas to deliver" Ruby frowned as she looked down at the bag, not saying a word as her sister walked around her. "Ill try to be home early." Yang said as she opened the door, turning and giving a sisterly smile to the red clad optimist. "Don't do anything too crazy well im gone okay?"

Ruby nodded at that, trying her best to mirror the smile despite her worries. "Ill be safe, don't worry. Im a big girl!" Ruby flexed her arm, causing her sister to giggle on her way out. "Ofcourse you are. Love ya Rubes." "Love you too, Yang!" Ruby responded, sighing the nanosecond the door was closed. "Guess im on nurse duty." Ruby ran up to her room with the ice, gently putting it against the girls forehead before running to the distant bookshelf. "Better get researching till ya wake up hm?" Ruby spoke to the silent girl, smiling wide and childlike as she swiftly finds the book she was looking for. Pinching the spine, she pulled out a pale green book and read the title; 'Elves; The Documentary'. "Its time to find out what you are exactly~" she cooed in excitement as she flipped open the book to the list of chapters.