Chapter 4: same old crew

Beck's POV:

I want to ask her but I couldn't I soon found out Tori's daughter loved me she kept begging Tori to let her stay and no take her to preschool.

"Mia we have to go right now mommy's working." Tori tells her daughter in a calm voice "no mommy if I go Beck's goes to." Mia talked back " Beck can visit you later okay right now we have to leave or else mommy's going to be very upset with you, now get your shoes on mommy's going to count till 3… 1...2." And just like that Tori took her to school. She came backs that day I decided to ask her before she left to meet up with Andre to pick up her daughter "Hey Tori?" I asked "Yeah Beck." She replied "Is Mia Andres daughter?" "No Beck are you serious I already told you this...I can't talk right now I'm running late." She runs off frustrated.

Tori's POV:

I can't believe Beck is asking me this question I am sooo mad I meet up with Andre. "You won't believe it he doesn't even know it's his own daughter after she freaking said her name and I did tell him four years ago I want to punch the shit out of him Andre he's so annoying why is he even talking to her acting like he didn't know-" I was cut of by an angry Andre "Tori I swear that I'm going to go and punch beck in the face." "No Andre it's okay I'm fine." I said "let's just go and pick up Mia." I know he loves her so he would come down a bit I forgot how mad he can get at the face of Beck just leaving me. We go pick up Mia and I drive home "Hey Cat said we should go over for a little get together tonight she said you can bring Mia." "No Andre it's a good idea for Mia-" one again I was cut off by a yelling Mia who wants to go "fine I'll go." Ugh now to look for what to wear. I dropped off Andre at his house then went home to get dress and dressed Mia. "Should I even go to this party is it even a good idea Tori this is stupid don't do it." "Mommy why are you talking to yourself." "Uh I was thinking aloud Mia why don't you put on your shoes." She ran off she was wearing this pink puffy dress with gold on it and a jacket. She ran to my room and dragged me out. 20 minutes later and we got to Cats house there were a few people I didn't recognize and the same crew from high school my heart broke when I saw Beck with Jade, how could he pick her over his own daughter Jade looked at me and smirked. I walk over there and Mia ran out of my hands to Beck. "Hi Beck I mmit chu" Beck laughed and said " I missed you to Mia." "Who the hell is that brat." Jade said oh hell no "Jade my daughter is not a brat you leave her and me alone,I use to be scared of you and now you don't scare me." With that I grab my daughter and left.