
Nurses and medics murmur to each other in the hallway. The radiator hums and sputters as it tries its best to cool the room from the summers heat. His room is dark, but light trickles in from behind the thin blinds from street lamps. A large blue curtain is pulled in front of his bed to block most of the light from his open door. Faintly, he can see the shadows of legs and feet as nurses walk past.


They are talking louder now. It a big rush, like a lot of leaves whispering together until it becomes loud. They are talking about him. The medic with purple squares on her face had been the first person he had seen after waking up. She had dropped the tray she was carrying. She asked him if he needed something, or if he was comfortable.


The blue hospital gown he was wearing itched. Sasuke longed to rip it off, but then he would be naked. He turns his head to look at the clock, and flinches when he feels something brush along his neck. He reaches back to pull a strand of hair in front of his face. While he was sleeping. His hair had grown from curling a little over his ears to past his chin.


She was back. Warm chocolate brown eyes, curly brown hair that stayed close to her head, and chubby cheeks with purple squares on them. They are bright and colorful, and Sasuke wants to play with them. The rest of her is soft, but strong, muscles hidden under a poochy stomach. She is asking if he is alright.


The Hokage comes not long after she told him he would. He looks older than Sasuke even remembers. The Hokage tells him his family is dead, except for Itachi, who killed them and turned traitor. Itachi had done something to his mind, and Sasuke had been asleep for four months. They had already gotten rid of the bodies.


The Hokage leans back, a pensive look on his face, and Sasuke realized he had spoken his first word in over four months. He smokes his pipe and steeples his fingers.

"Sasuke, I know its hard, but it's true."

Sasuke doesn't say anything. The Hokage eventually leaves, and the Square lady brings him light food. Another lady, a high ranked medic, checks him over. They do this for the next couple of days. Sasuke doesn't speak again. He doesn't eat.

Square lady finds out he likes tomatoes, after he eyes the hospital ones on his tray, and brings the cherry ones from her gardens. Sasuke eats them. They awaken something in him, a feeling like he's done this before. It sweeps through his chest, and it hurts and feels good. He feels as if he should cry, but he feels as hollow as pin pricked egg. Nothing will come out.

Square lady is so happy when he eats she cries. A chubby hand reaches up and wipes away tears. Sasuke thinks it makes the purple squares pop. But her reddened eyes remind him of Itachi, and he throws it all up.

The Square lady comes back the next day. She has been crying again, eyes rimmed with pink. She tells him that he is physically okay, and the medics will release him back home very soon.

Sasuke doesn't feel okay.