Hello guys! I am just stuck on this Mukuro X Allen ship and I can't stop thinking about them. I hope you enjoy this story!

Yaoi Warning! BOY X BOY! If you don't like this theme, please do not read :D

I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and D. Gray-man and the characters. :3

The mist guardian was in his room while the rest of the family is having tea outside his window in the courtyard. Mukuro was trying to finish reading reports from Chrome, filling the room with quiet sounds of papers rustling. He was about to take a small break after one of the documents to drink his cup of coffee, until the 10-year bazooka crashed through his window and landed in front of his table. "…This is not good," Mukuo twitched.


After the large cloud of smoke clears, Mukuro realizes that he is no longer in his room. He is outside surrounded by trees and sitting on a boulder instead of his chair. "…Hmm…where am I?" Mukuro said while dusting off his pants as he stands up. "Looks like I might be in Europe…this view is unfamiliar," Mukuro mumbles as he overlooks a couple of cities and towns. 'Well, I should at least try to find civilization to pass the time until the bazooka brings me back,' Mukuro wonders as he walks towards the direction of the closest town, hoping to find some answers as to where he is.

Once he entered the town, he noticed the 19th century style buildings and clothing around him. 'Have I traveled back in time? This looks to be maybe China back in its time. Hm…I should try to blend in, since with these clothes I stand out too much,' Mukuro thought as he looks down at his Vongola suit. 'But I do not have currency of this time…should I pickpocket someone? Fufufu…' Mukuro chuckles to himself.

The mist guardian strolls around the town "window shopping" aka. looking for rich aristocrats to "spare" their change. He then spots an upper-class woman dressed in silk and gold about to board her carriage. 'Oh, you would do just fine,' Mukuro smirks as he rushes forward, sprinting pass the woman and her maid and into a small alley where he hid himself from view. After he heard the carriage with the upper-class woman leave, he held up two wallets to inspect. 'I should be good with this,' Mukuro smirks as he tucks it safely away.

He was about to exit the alley when suddenly an Akuma emerges from the ground with its hand and smacks Mukuro swiftly across the street. Mukuro flinched from the slight pain, but quickly compose himself and lands on his feet and his right hand sliding on the floor to balance himself. He straightens himself and looks up at the Akuma with interest. "Impressive…you actually caught me off guard…but now you will die," Mukuro smirks evilly as he summons his trident and sprints towards the Akuma. In one swift move, he broke off the Akuma's arms. A loud shriek was produced by the creature that shook the surrounding brick buildings and it collapses onto itself. Mukuro jumps quickly away while covering his ears to avoid damage by the screech and bricks. "Fufufu…I know you are not dead yet…" Mukuro chuckles, staring intently at the pile of bricks.

"Hey! Are you okay?" a voice yelled. Mukuro turns his head slightly to the direction of the voice, not taking his eyes away from the pile. He felt a presence land behind him, "Phew, I'm glad I made it in time! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just wish this creature would not play dead with me…"

"It's playing dead?"

"Yes, and my patience is running thin," Mukuro said as a dark shadow lingers over his eyes while he steps closer to the pile. He slowly raises his trident high and swiftly hurled his weapon into the pile. The pile trembles and the Akuma bursts out screeching with the trident stabbed through it's skull, but it is still alive. However, Mukuro did not have the chance to finish off the Akuma, due to the unknown person behind the mist guardian summoning a huge hammer and smacked it on top of the creature.

The Akuma explodes and Mukuro summons his trident back to his side. "Thank you for helping us take out the Akuma. Who knows what would happen if that Akuma was free to wreak havoc," the presence step closer to Mukuro.

Mukuro slowly turns around, his bangs falling over his right eye. He sees a handsome red-headed young man with the hammer…

"Hey there! Are you okay?" the red-headed man smiles.

Mukuro slightly smiles back, "Yes, I am fine. Thank you."

"No problem! Hey, you look very capable of taking down Akumas. You wouldn't happen to have an Innocence, would you?"

"I do not know what you are talking about unfortunately. My strengths are mine alone. Now if you excuse me…" Mukuro said as he walks by the red-headed man and towards a nearby clothing shop.

"I'll see you around, then? My name is Lavi! What's yours?"

Mukuro stops and slightly turns his head to glance at Lavi with his sapphire blue eye and replies, "Mukuro."

"Nice to meet you, Mukuro!"

"You as well," Mukuro lifts his gloved right hand up as farewell and continues his way into the nearby shop to change his attire.

After a little while, Mukuro walks out in a black eyepatch over his right eye and matching black gloves and a white dress shirt with a couple buttons open revealing his collarbone and a bit of his firm chest as a loose tie hangs around his shirt collar. He is also wearing a long black trench coat with a high collar to block out the cold winds, black fitted pants with two dark blue belts, and long black boots. 'Hmm, with this type of fashion in this era, I can get away with dressing how I usually dress back home,' Mukuro thought. 'Well, I better try to find food and shelter for the time being.' Mukuro walked around the town and found a small inn that would accommodate him for a night or two. He is slightly amazed that the bazooka made it easy for him to communicate and understand people who are speaking a different language, because he knows for sure that he does not know this country's language.

A couple of days passed and Mukuro is still waiting for the bazooka to wear off. He is at the point where he is thinking of taking up a job to pass the time faster. By the fifth day, he went off adventuring, hoping to maybe find a job or to fight some more monsters to ease his boredom. The mist guardian knew he wandered a little to far when he came across a cavern on the side of a cliff, surrounded by waterfalls and a lake. 'Hm…what is that? Well, I don't see a reason to not check it out,' Mukuro rubs the side of his neck, knowing that either his curiosity or boredom will be the death of him.

Mukuro jumps a 100-meters down to the lake, but he lands gracefully on his feet. He slowly walks over to a massive stone door and caresses the engravings on it with his gloved fingers.

"You are not from around here, are you?" a voice was heard from the stone door. "Your aura and entire being feels very foreign."

Mukuro slowly withdraws his hand and smiles at the door, "You are right. I am not from this world."

The voice slowly materializes itself and a young woman stems out from the stone door. She stood in front of him with her arms crossed. "Then where are you from?" she eyed him closely.

"I am from an alternative universe. I was transported here by a bizarre device and I have no means of getting home."

"I have not heard of a device that can teleport people to another universe," the deity stood unfazed.

"The device is called the 10-Year Bazooka. It is created to transport people 10 years to the future. However, it looks like instead of transporting me 10 years forward, it has transported me to another universe. Also, with the 10-Year Bazooka, the effects should only lasts for 5 minutes, but I have been stuck here for a week."

"That is such a stupid story."

"Believe it or not is up to you. But I am standing in front of you and you do not recognize my being. Perhaps I am not even human," Mukuro smirks.

The deity glares long and hard at Mukuro knowing that she does not sense a human standing there but a foreign being.

"Anyway, I stumbled here by accident and was mesmerized by the surroundings. May I ask…what are you?"

"I am Fo. A guardian deity who protects this location and the people here."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Mukuro. I am looking for a place to be my next lodging, until I figure out my next move."

"Mukuro…what is behind your eyepatch?"

"Oh, this?" Mukuro places his hand over his eyepatch and smiles darkly. "The six paths of Hades. I am an illusionist back in my world."

"...Illusionist, huh."

"Yes. I control illusions. I apologize for being off-topic, but…there are monsters in this world who are pretty dangerous and even though my trident can pierce them, it would not kill them."

"You need an anti-Akuma weapon in order to take down those killing machines."

"An anti-Akuma weapon?" Mukuro brings his hand to his chin as he ponders about the red-headed man who he encountered. "Is it a weapon that can destroy those monsters in one hit?"

"If the exorcist wielding the weapon is powerful enough, then yes."

"How can I obtain a weapon like that?"

"You can't just obtain an anti-Akuma weapon! You need an Innocence to choose you in order for you to earn the power to fight against Akumas."

"I see...Chosen huh? Is there a way for me to find more information on these types of weapons?"

"How about you try to join the Black Order first?"

"The Black Order? What is that?"

"It is an organization that works to defeat the army of Akuma."

"Hm...are you saying that you trust me to join such organization?"

"I do not trust you at all. Hence, I will test your strength," Fo said as she leaps towards Mukuro at full speed.

They immediately engage in battle that lasted the rest of the day. Mukuro fought Fo with just his trident, not revealing his power of illusion yet.

The deity knew that Mukuro was holding back and she was super annoyed. She did everything in her power to defeat him, but he is very experienced in combat and she could not find any openings and he fended off her attacks with ease.

She knew it was time for her to patrol the forest when night fell, but she was occupied with fighting Mukuro.

After Mukuro dodges her last attack, she looked at him, "You know how to fight. How come you are not using your illusions?"

"My apologies if I have offended you. I just did not have the reason to."

"You are very interesting. I will report you to the branch chief after I do my rounds."

"I appreciate it. I will be staying here for a bit until you come back," Mukuro smiles as he finds another boulder to rest on it while wiping down his trident.

Mukuro took a small nap near the stone door as he waits for Fo to be done. He woke up to foot-steps coming towards him. He open his eye and sees a slender man with a beret and white coat with a rose cross on his left chest. Mukuro smiles a bit as he looks up at the man.

"My name is Bak Chang. I am the Branch Chief of the Asian Branch of the Black Order. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you as well. My name is Mukuro, but I am sure you already know that," the mist guardian slowly stands up. "I am also sure that Fo filled you in. I want to join your organization."

"Is there a reason why you want to join the organization, Mister Mukuro?"

"I seek the power to destroy those monsters, but I was told that I need to be chosen for it. So, I want to learn everything that I need to know about this world and these Akumas in the meantime as I wait for myself to be chosen by these Innocences."

"I heard from Fo that you are a formidable foe."

"I just have a lot of experience in hand-to-hand combat."

Bak looks at Mukuro closely before holding out his right hand, "Then I would like to welcome you to the Black Order, Mister Mukuro."

"Thank you," Mukuro shook Bak's hand with his gloved one. "Please take care of me."

"It's getting very dark and late. Let's get you to your room so that you can rest for the night. Tomorrow, we will get you clothed in our uniform and our assistant branch head, Sammo, will show you around afterwards. For the time being, you will work in our science section."

In the morning~

Mukuro woke up to sunlight shining though his window. He is reminded of his own room back in the Vongola mansion. "Mm..." Mukuro gently stretches in his bed when he heard a light knock on his door. He slowly gets up to put on his eyepatch and walks over to the door as his hair flows behind him.

Once Mukuro opens the door, there stood a large and tall old man with white hair and beard. "Good morning, Mister Mukuro. My name is Sammo. I will be your guide today. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Nice to meet you, Sammo. I am feeling okay, thank you for asking."

"That is good to hear! Are you ready to go get your new uniform?"

Mukuro smiles a little and nodded with a yawn, "Yes. I am ready."

Sammo smiles back at Mukuro and guides him to the head office where Mukuro changes into the standard Asian Branch Science Division uniform with fitted-black pants and white dress shirt under a lab coat. Mukuro kept the buttons on top of his dress shirt unbuttoned to reveal his sharp collar bone and firm chest. The mist guardian also switched out his black eye patch for a white medical eye patch.

"You look good, Mister Mukuro! Let's get you some breakfast before I show you to the Science Department."

"Did you hear? We are getting a newbie in our section!" Rikei said as he is eating breakfast with his friends.

"Yes! I also heard that he is from overseas!" Rohfa smiles.

"I wonder how he's like?" Shifu ponders as he eats his rice.

"Oh speak of the devil! Look at who Sammo is with!" Rikei pointed at Sammo who is showing Mukuro the cafeteria.

"This is where you can get your food. Everything here is covered, so feel free to eat as much as you like."

Mukuro nods and walks over to kitchen to order himself breakfast.

"Psst! He's pretty good-looking!" Rikei winks at Rohfa.

Rohfa blushes at the comment and looks down at her food, "Stop teasing me!"

I hope you guys enjoyed this! Please comment and follow!