Jason's POV

The aftermath of Octavian's little squabble was almost the undoing of my sanity. It wasn't just the press he went to, but anyone who would listen. Popping up on YouTube gossip channels, ragmags, the national news, even an interview in the Times. Luckily Reyna was all over it, she got the PR team in overdrive counter acting all of his allegations. Even getting a lawsuit prepared for defamation of character. A few days after the press conference of "Octavian was a jilted lover" she had Percy move everything into my personal home. The home I had never showed him, the home that Michael had made for us. I had the bed removed and a new one put in its place, putting the other one in storage. I wouldn't throw Michaels memory in the trash for anyone, but I wouldn't make Percy sleep on our legacy either.

Percy seemed to fit into place very easily.

"It's smaller than I thought it would be." He said looking around.

"Yeah well... I don't need a lot of space. Our bedroom is the big one in the back with the master bath. We have a guest room here with another bathroom attached. Then I have an office, a storage room, a small gym, and well for lack of a better word... a fuck room."

"A fuck room?" Twisting around he ran to the room I indicated. It wasn't much, just a room with a few bigger toys. A St. Andrew's Cross, a bed, a breeding bench and a handful of toys and implements on the walls and in a wardrobe.

"Why are the drawers empty?" He asked while searching through the wardrobe.

"Because those were toys you don't use on other people. Things that go in that pretty ass of yours. They were for lack of a better word tainted. I will buy new stuff just for you obviously."

"You mean they were michaels?"

"No, I didn't... Michael and I never did stuff like this. I only got into it after he died. It's not that I didn't like it, but he didn't like it. Said it was to impersonal, honestly I feel that it's way more personal but that's just me. Maybe it was in a way. It just didn't feel right having normal sex with someone after he died. Not until you, you are different."

"I'm special?"

"Oh yeah." I grabbed him by the belt loops and pulled him in for a kiss.

"So what was the room before?" He asked breaking away and licking my lower lip.

"A closet, Mike was very... he liked shoes." Percy laughed a little.

"So this is our room now... the fuck room."

"Yes, but I think I would rather christen the new bed with you. I bought it just for you and me. Come see." I took his hand and led it to the bedroom. It was resplendent right now. Reyna has the color scheme changed and the room painted before we moved percy in. Creams and blues littered the walls and fabrics. French doors were to the left side of the bed opening into a balcony. The garden was just beyond with a small pond. I lived just outside the city.

"The bed has carved dolphins on the headboard." Percy's face was this cute smugness that undid me in every way.

"I know, thought you would like a sea theme. I want you to be comfortable, this is your home too now. I know it's early and it was brought in by scandal, but I was already thinking about it. Even before Paris, I wanted to show you the house and see how you liked it." I sat on the end of the bed watching him take everything in. Reyna has some pictures I took on my phone of us printed and framed. They littered the walls and side tables along with things percy could call his own now.

"Its a little bit of a commute to the marina from here. Like an hour drive, my car will not last that long, we are going to have to carpool." Giggling he sat in my lap.

"Yeah, you will have a new car by then. Can't have my S.O going into work in a beater like that. It would look bad, I want to take care of you. "

"You do take care of me, I don't know what I would do if I hadn't met you." Warm lips found the top of my head as I squeezed his thigh.

"I need to talk to you about something that might scare you, I'm scared you will freak out. Please don't I just want to see which pages we are on in this." Pulling back he looked me in the eyes. Percy was a brave soul and very little scared him away.

"You can talk to me about anything Jason you know that." Touching my hair, he pulled the overgrown mix of blonde and grey out of my eyes.

"What are your thoughts on marriage? I'm not proposing right now I just... I'm used to being married. I like being married. Is that something you would want eventually?" I didn't get an answer right away. Hopping off my lap he pushed me flat on the bed and started kissing me.

"I would marry you tomorrow if you asked me, that's how much I love you. I can understand if you don't want to ask for a while, it might look bad with the scandal. Just know that if and when you ask the answer is yes."

Hands started to unzip my fly as teeth gnawed down my neck. I hoped that was the answer, but to get it while Percy was being so... dominant... fuck that was a turn on. Stripping us both naked he rummaged for the lube in the side table, I was waiting for him to hand it to me when he lifted my leg and threw it over his shoulder. Pads of fingers pressed to my hole, the lube still cold from the bottle.

"You take care of me so well daddy, right now I'm going to take care of you."

"Yes, please." I whispered against his lips as he popped the first knuckle inside. Slow circles relaxed the muscle as he pushed in little by little, too slow.


"Beg me."

I closed my eyes at the words.

"Please, take me. I need you, I need more." I gasped.

A second finger joined the tease.

"You have to beg better than that if you want this to go faster."

"Please, Percy, please! I need you in me please. I'll do anything."

"You beg so pretty Daddy. " a third finger shoved in next to the other two as he found the spot inside that made my legs jerk and hips buck. This man was Virgin when I found him, and now I'm begging for his cock.

Pulling them out he positioned himself between my legs and teased the hole with the plush pink head. I felt him push in slightly and then pull away. Looking up to see what he was doing he flipped me onto my stomach. Spreading my legs he he grasped my hands behind my back as he finally took me. Not holding them in place, more like holding them for leverage. Pulling at my hands so that I slotted onto him. It started slow, shallow. Building up so that sweat broke out over me. I wrapped my ankles around his backside to pull him deeper. I wasn't expecting to be on bottom when we started this, but damn if it wasn't oh so needed in this moment.

Percy stayed slow, but increased the harshness of his intrusion. Hard thrusts at a slow sinful pace. Part of me thought it was torture, the other thought he was trying his best not to cum to soon. Slipping his hands out of mine I felt him lower into my back. Kisses peppered my spine as he slid his arms under mine to hold us close together. I could feel the racing of his heart on my back as he gnawed at the nape of my neck breathing hard. My cock was trapped beneath me rutting against the cotton sheets making a wet spot. Moans and teeth overwhelmed my senses as the pace started to increase and become erratic. With a punch of the thrust hitting in just the right spot I felt the warmth spread beneath me coating the new sheets. I was over sensitized as he continued to thrust like a mad man trying to make it to the finish line. Biting my ear he asked if I came, I nodded and felt him pulse inside me. Stilling his movement as he melted against my back as if he had gone boneless.

"It's hard being in charge huh?" I chuckled as I turned over pulling him into my chest, the feeling of warm seed leaking front me in an unfamiliar way. I like bottoming, it just doesn't happen often.

"Well since you bought the bed with me in mind I figured it was only fair I topped. Plus now that I'm no longer a sugar baby that maybe things would be a bit more... equal."

"You wish in vain my love. You know you like it when I order you around." I felt him clutch to me tighter. Percy has his permanently warm skin that smelled like salt and sea that I couldn't get enough of.

"So you think Octavian will stop all this nonsense?"

"Honestly, I think he's just getting started. It's why I hired a kick ass PR team. They are doing their jobs though. Doing well with discrediting everything he says. It's not like we are lying, he is a jilted lover. Only instead of losing me, he lost my company. Not that he would have ever gotten it in the first place, but that's what he feels he lost. He didn't care about me."

"Think he will come after me?"

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"Is he dangerous?"

"In his own ways."

We were startled by the phone blowing up. Percy reaches for it and answered cheerfully mouthing that it was his cousin. Putting it on speaker phone he said his hellos and announced I was listening.

"Percy! Something happened! Do you know anyone who's good with computers?" Nico sounded panic stricken.

"I can find someone, I think Leo..."

"Listen someone hacked my phone and... well look on Twitter." Percy fiddled with his phone and gasped at the sight. Showing me the phone, the image of his cousins nudes popped up.

"Someone leaked your nudes? Why?"

"Someone trying to hurt my mom. The captions are making it look like her boss took them of me. Some of those photos are when I was 16! Those were long deleted but somehow they hacked into my trash folders. I don't know what my mom did, but they are making it look like I was fucking her boss at 16."

"What's your mothers name?" I said into the phone.

"Maria Di Angelo." He sobbed, he was crying now for sure.

Maria, my cleaning lady for the office. The one who's daughter died.

"Nico is Maria's son? You met Maria, why didn't you say anything!" Percy looked taken aback.

"I have only met Nicos mom a few times, our dads are related and they never married. My uncle got custody of him and she got Bianca. Nico and I are close but I never really talked to Bianca. Wait Bianca died? Why didn't you tell me."

"Not Everything is about you Percy, I was dealing with it my own way ok! Plus like you said you two weren't close and... and I'm still working through it. But back up, are you saying my mom works for Mr. Tie me up Tie me down? The one whose going through all this shit with an ex?"

"Yeah, he is."

"Nico, I want you to send me your info and I'm going to have my team work on this. We will get those pictures down in the next fifteen minutes." I stated calmly trying to figure it all out in my head.

"It's too late, my boss saw. I was fired. Not to mention Will is pissed thinking it's all true!"

"I will talk to him, explain it all to him. As for your job, I can fix that too. Send me your resume and I'll get you a job in one of my smaller companies. Even if it's just in the mail room, you will be the best paid mailroom clerk in New York. I will make sure your mother and her grandkids are safe and protected from this, I also would like to give you some severance money from your current job so that you don't fall behind on rent."

Silence filled the air, Percy was starting to tear up.

"You would do that?" Nico sounded amazed.

"Yes, Percy is important to me. He talks about you a lot, I know I only met you once but your mother takes care of me. She makes me breakfast, keeps me happy. I would hate to lose her as an employee. You are family, this is what family does." Percy's tears dropped at my words.

"Does she make you the breakfast sandwiches? The home made ones?" He sniffled.

"She does. I was sorry to hear about Bianca, I met her a few times, good girl. After she died I made sure your mother was taken care of, a new home, a raise, good private schools for the kids. That was without knowing who she was to you or Percy. If you can't trust what I say trust that."

"THAT WAS YOU! Percy if you don't marry him I will. I mean it seaweed brain, lock him down." Nicos voice was both more choked up and happier at the same time.

"Yes that was me, no need for all that I'm happy to help. I'm going to get off here so send me your info and I'll have it all cleaned up and I'll have my assistant get you a check."

"Thank you Mr... Jason. Thank you." And at that he hung up the phone.

"I think round two is in order, cause baby nothing makes me hornier than seeing you be good to me and my family." I was tackled to the mattress as the phone was cast aside.

"I told you I would take care of you in the beginning, I make good on my promises baby. Now about that round two..."