[Disclaimer: You know what this is. All you recognize is not mine, only those you don't.]


Chapter 5

Sebastian was just about headed to the bus stop near him to ride secretly till he arrived near the British Library somewhere in Euston Rd. He had had to ask an elderly couple for an estimated guess of how far and for how long the huge library was from where they were at.

The couple was at first mesmerized at him for a couple of seconds before they answered his query. They said it was just a 10-15 minute ride away from here and pointed him to a bus which will pass by near the library. He murmured a small thanks and a small soft smile to the helpful and wonderful couple and proceeded to the bus stop.

That's when he saw a fairly huge SuperMarket across the road.

Making a split decision, he walked towards the building.

Halfway on his walk towards the SuperMarket, Sebastian gathered and pushed out a pulse of EP around him in a very thin wave around and away from him for about a hundred meters with the command to sense everything in the covered area and after that, return to him with the results.


A skill has been created due to certain actions!

Area Probe - Lvl. 1 (1%)

A spell that detects and probes everything around the caster and gives back feedback information.

Cost: 150 EP

Range: 100 meters

Additional 50 meters every level gained to the skill.

Sebastian silently dismissed the notification and continued to walk his way towards the building without any pause or outwards clue of what he did.

The skill informed him of 26 life forms and the geographical mental picture of the probed area. The mostly unnoticed mini-map on his HUD-like vision glowed a little.

Inspecting it, Sebastian saw that instead of shadowed areas that he haven't explored or walked to cleared in a circular pattern, indicating the newly scanned area of his skill.

With that accomplishments done, Sebastian timed his skill casting when he walked into a middle of two sizable decorative plants, and when he was sure no one was looking at him with another Area Probe, he activated Invisibility and continued towards the entrance of the market.

Completely undetectable to the humans around him, Sebastian successfully entered the market.

Looking around informed him the place was packed with buyers and employees. Searching around with his eyes, he saw the door leading possibly to the stocks area.

When he was at the front of the swing doors, he cast Area Probe to check if he was correct. The skill informed him he was right and that there was no life form detected 100 meters around from him.

Frowning in thought, Sebastian decided to activate the area sensing skill constantly to level it up and for him to sense his immediate surroundings every second. It's not like its denting his EP.

Entering a fairly wide hallway, Sebastian proceeded towards the end of the hallway where the entrance to the stock area is, which was guarded by a sickly looking, balding, pale uniformed security guard sat on a chair facing him. Said security was sleeping and looked like even falling on the floor wouldn't even startle him awake, what with how much uncomfortable his position was and the drool running down his chin, making a sizable wet patch on his uniformed shoulder.

Passing by the snoozing guard quickly, Sebastian roamed his eyes around and smiled.


'So I have 72 normal books I think that would help me, and then 483 Skill Books. Never thought I could find that many in just 2 hours.'

Mentally scrolling through his Inventory, Sebastian took note that he was fairly alone at the very back of the moving bus and, feeling confident of his seclusion, took out a random Skill Book.

A slightly glowing red clored book appeared on his right hand titled 'Art of Precision: A guide to stop unnecessary movements.'

Frowning unbelievably on the nonsensical title, Sebastian just internally shrugged and prompted the selection screen to pop up and accepted the absorbing of the Skill Book.

Looking forwards for a split second just to be sure no one was looking his way, he watched as the red bound and glowing book lost the glow and rapidly decomposed of color and turned into a flattened paper colored thing, and rapidly folded itself into a small flying origami bird of some sort and flapped it's way inside his chest and kinda just went inside like some ghostly entity.

'Hmmm. I wonder if it always need to be in my chest?'Summoning another Skill Book out of his Inventory, Sebastian was just about in the process of absorbing when he heard the conversation of the three teenagers six chairs in front of him.

"I mean seriously, how'd that happened? It didn't even lasted 8 minutes and a whole stockpile of goods and whatnot was stolen? I mean, how the fuck? There's no CCTV footage of anyone entering and exiting," the boy holding the phone they were assumably watching the news from stated disbelievingly.

"But they said CCTV footage inside the stockrooms sort of disabled and greyed out all at the same time. I bet it was an inside job or something, who else has access to the CCTV to disable them and steal almost all of the things inside? What's really bugging me though, is how'd they stole it that fast and where did they go after? Another exit, perhaps?" the tall teen said in reponse to the other, peering over his friends head from their backs, peering at the still playing feed of the massive heist which happened over 3 hours ago, making quite a trending topic on all media platforms.

"Eh, I think it's just the malls marketing strat," stated the smaller of the three, boaredly scrolling on his iPhone.

"Don't be stupid, this is actually bad for their business what with..."

Sebastian tuned the conversation out, his curiosity sated.

Looking outside his window, he surmised he has a bit of a time on his hand before he arrived at Charring Cross.

With nothing better to do and not feeling like wasting time, he determined to absorb as much Skill Books as he can to past the time.


Catching the small origami on his fist before animating, he crushed it on his hands.

Dismissing the notification, Sebastian stood up from his seat and walked up front towards the door of the bus.

Exiting the bus, Sebastian searched for a specific pub. He almost got lost because of the crowd and his small stature but luckily he saw a sign saying Trafalgar Sq., and deemed himself close to his destination.

A few more maneuvering and shoving his way forward, Sebastian found himself in front of an accumulation of energy forming a sizable and shimmering dome that is keeping The Leaky Cauldron from the sights of mortals or Muggles.

Sure enough, not a single person is gazing the pubs general direction. No one even neared the dome, like they are unconsciously avoiding it.

Finding it fascinating, Sebastian studied the dome. Using Observe gleaned nothing from it, not even a question mark or even errors.

Squinting, Sebastian saw that small fragments are breaking off from the dome from time to time only for it to regenerate from sucking back new energy from the environment. Finding that qurious, Sebastian tried another tactic.

Raising his right hand, he pressed it on the dome, quietly surprised by the neutral temperature and the watery substance-like feeling. Frowning from the lack of outcome, he quickly determined to probe it with some of his own EP with the vague intent of probe, learn, what, how, and more much diverse intentions subconsciously.

A few moments and unintelligible and incomprehensible information came back but he instinctually knew what it is and instinctually replicated on his own.

Not even a second more and he has a dome of his own around him that he confirmed that is big enough even if he stretches his hands and feet around himself.

He was about to smile in silent triumph when he found a new addition to the dome he never saw on the original one. His dome has small strings manifesting energy tentacles attaching themselves to everyone close enough around him. With a bit of searching for some sort of meaning and purpose, he subconsciously underatood it as a unique manifestation of the domes effect. Instead of pumping a huge amount of energy half a kilometer from the dome to affect muggles, his could be controlled consciously or subconsciously.

Grasping the ingenuity of this, he knew how he can benefit more with this new skill.

Not only could he use it to mortals or muggles only, but he could now also use it on magicals unlike the original.

[A/N: So hi, im back, but not? This was the last unfinished draft I left before making a sgort hiatus move. I just wanted to post this to let you guys know Im still intending to post and continue this.if you notice this is a short chap. Thats because I originally intended it to be longer to finish the second part of the last chap, but eh.So yeah, Im still alive ahahha.-Zikzakzoom