Betty's POV

I couldn't believe how well and how terrible things were going. Tallboy had just been exiled. Penny was gone. Something about tonight told me that they wouldn't be gone forever, but I was happy to take the wins where I could find them. It appeared that Jughead felt the same way.

We had retired to Pops for an evening meal and Jughead was tearing through his burger and fries as though he hadn't eaten in a week, as per usual.

"Betty," Jughead said, interrupting my thoughts. "You've barely touched your cheese fries."

I looked down at my mostly full plate and sighed.

"I guess I'm not feeling particularly hungry," I say, bringing my eyes up to meet his. "Not that you'd know the feeling."

I smile and he smirks in response.

"Is there any reason behind that feeling that I should know about?" he asked, leaning in and placing his hands over mine.

Yes. I was worried about what was to come. I knew for sure this wasn't the end. There was still so much I needed to do…

"Not at all," I say, instead of voicing my thoughts.

Jughead had enough to worry about recently; he definitely didn't need unimportant concerns clouding his thoughts.

"Okay," he conceded, going back to his last few fries.

I picked up a fry and nibbled on it, watching him devour what was left on his plate. He was something special. I was lucky to have him in my life. It was sudden… but so spectacular. I couldn't comprehend it.

So… why did I feel the overwhelming urge to be away from him tonight? I wanted to be alone. Gather my thoughts… make some plans…

"Well," he finally said, "if I may interrupt your mooning-"

"I wasn't mooning!" I say with a smile.

"Okay, longing gaze, then," he countered, taking my hands again, "shall we head home?"

I smiled. "I really do love you, Jug. I think… even when things seem like they're coming at us from every angle… I appreciate you being there."

His eyes warmed and he squeezed my hands tighter. "I love you, Betty, I do. You can't imagine… I don't even think I could explain it."

He shakes his head in awe.

"Try," I tease.

He chuckles and pulls my hands to his lips. "We have loads of time," he whispers against them. His hot breath conflicted with the cool air, giving me a chill. "It's infinite, actually…"

"Starting with tomorrow," I finish for him.

He leans forward and places a soft, gentle kiss on my lips.

"Let's get you home, Juliet, before Lady Capulet brings out her sword."

I smile and take his hand as he leads me out of the diner and out to where he parked his bike.

If I went straight home on that bike, one he drove insanely fast, I wouldn't have enough time to myself. I desperately just needed to think. Without anybody else around.

"You know what," I say, "I don't really feel like getting whip-lash tonight." I laugh as he turns to me, brow furrowed. "I think I'll ask my mom to come pick me up."

He chuckles. "I can walk you. The bike is safe here."

"No!" I quickly say, stepping back. "It's too much of a risk. Plus, I don't want you to have to make a double trip…"

Something in his eye told me that he didn't believe me.

"Betty, do you not want me to take you home for some reason?"

I was quick to shake my head. "No, Jug. I just… really think you should go home. My mom can pick me up." The doubt on his face was evident. I stepped up to him and placed a hand on his cheek. "I'll stay inside the diner until she gets here. Go home."

He looks into my eyes and sighs. "If anything was wrong… you'd tell me. Right?" I nod. He placed both hand on my shoulders and smiles wistfully. "Then, I suppose I'll let you off the hook. This time."

He places his lips on my forehead before pulling back and holding me at arm's length. "Please, go wait inside the diner. And text me as soon as you get home, alright?"

I nod gratefully. Perhaps he sensed that I really just needed five minutes alone. I needed much more than that, though.

"I will, Jug."

He grabs my face in his palms and pulls me in for a quick kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Betts."

"See you."

With that, he backed away, watching as I re-entered the diner before mounting his bike and speeding off.

I watched patiently from the diner door until he was safely out of sight. Then, I opened the door and started walking.

I needed the fresh air and time to myself. I was thankful that Jughead always seemed to understand what I was feeling, without me having to voice it.

I kept my hands in my jacket pocket as I walked the empty streets, lit dimly only by the dull streetlights.

The cold didn't bother me much. It wasn't going to be along walk; just long enough to refresh me after a long day. I had forgotten to check the time before I left. It would be too risky to take out my phone in the black of night to check.

Being robbed was the last thing I needed, not that I ever expected that.

Which is why what happened next sent a cold chill down my spine.

I heard the words first.

"Keep your mouth shut and turn right. Start walking."

Then, I felt it. Something cold and stiff against my back.

A gun.

I took a deep, shaky breath and made a move to raise my hands.

"Don't fucking move, Princess!" the voice yelled. Whoever this man was, he was clearly not joking around.

I held back the scream that had been building up in my chest and followed his instructions.

He led me down about two alley-ways before finally instructing me to stop.

"On your knees," he said quietly.

I whimpered. I hadn't even noticed I was crying until I felt the heat of my cheeks.

"Now!" he yelled.

I immediately lowered myself to the ground. The gun was no longer against my back, but I wasn't naïve enough to think it wasn't still turned to me, ready to fire.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, lifting my head.

"Eyes down!" he instructed.

I did as I was told. What was happening? Knowing Riverdale, there was no way in hell this was a random attack. It couldn't be.

"Alright, enough," a softer voice said.

One that I instantly recognized.

"Penny?" I ask through my tears.

I couldn't help it when my eyes flicked up to meet hers. I also saw the guy. Tallboy.

"What are you doing?" I ask, half coughing through my shock.

She leaned down, her eyes filled with scorn.

"I came back for my slab of flesh."

My eyes widened. I had to get out. I couldn't. Not with a gun on me. I was outnumbered, unable to even reach for my phone.

I had to do something.

"You don't want to do this," I say, trying to put on a brave façade through my tears and aware that neither of them were fooled. But I had to try. "They'll know it was you. They'll come after you."

"Who?" she laughed, grabbing a piece of my hair between her dirty fingers. "Jughead? You little boyfriend isn't as mighty as he makes you believe. Besides…" she trails off, standing up and next to Tallboy. "After this, he probably won't want you anymore."

"What?" my brow furrowed. I could feel my heart accelerate.

She smirked. "He may be a lowlife, but I doubt even he would want scraps. But this will do as a message to him."

I blinked. "Please," I said, resorting to begging. "Please, don't do this. I'm not a part of this!"

"That's where you're wrong." She turned to Tallboy. "Grab her."

Before I could comprehend what was happening, I was forcefully brought to my feet. A pair of overly muscular arms hooked around my own, keeping me captive.

"I just want my piece," Penny said, pulling a knife out of her pocket. My breathing picked up. "You can do whatever you want to her once I'm done."

Tallboy chuckled behind me. I was frozen. I wanted to scream. I wanted to fight.

But I was paralyzed.

Then, I felt the blade.

A/N Should I continue? This idea just came to me this morning and I couldn't get it out of my mind. Let me know if even one of you is interested in the story line!