I hope you enjoy this!

Warning! There's scenes of graphic death (maybe). theres also sexual themes i tired my best not to make graphic.

I hope you enjoy it!

See ya because I am off to work!

The sun was high in the sky and its heat was unforgiving against his bare back that now riddled with whip marks that were bleeding. Ardyn Lucis Caelum, how hard he has fallen from grace.

The once great healer who was chosen by the crystal to save the world from the starscourge. He was once a prince, he was loved by all and had a lover he wanted to make his queen.

Now he was chained on the scaffold at the town square of his home insomnia. He was on his knees with his head down and his arms were on either side of his body, the cuffs were cutting blood circulation and with each movement he attempted they would cut his wrists.

The crowd gathering throwing insults and demands for his death. The people who once cheered for him were now scorning him. Some threw rocks at him but he paid little mind to them not even to the priest in the black hood.

He was thinking about his Serenity, his beautiful angel who still loved him even after all the events that had occurred. Ardyn then thought about the plight of the mages. An innocent tribe who only wanted to help the aid the sick and help the poor. He wondered if it was his affiliation with them that lead to them being hunted down and slaughtered. And yet, Serenity still loved him. He felt undeserving of her love, he was her death because she willingly gave herself to him after she had accepted his proposal of marriage. Because of that, Serenity was labeled a 'daemons bitch' and sentenced to die as well as he.

Ardyn begged for her life, she was innocent and did not deserve to meet a painful death as burning. His pleas, his heart wrenched pleas, fell on deaf ears.

A sharp rock made contact with his forehead and it jostled him out of his thoughts.

"Commence with the sentencing!" The hooded man announced, he grabbed Ardyn by his hair and forced his head to look out into the crowd, "Watch accursed as your bitch dies!"

Ardyn's eyes widened when he saw that the hooded men had made a makeshift stone slab just feet from him. The had already placed chopped wood and dry hay around the stake and all they had to do was bring Serenity.

Ardyn's surprise turned to anger, they were going to make him watch the death of his beloved!? No sooner he thought that did he finally see her. She was dragged out into the open by two larger hooded men on each arm. Serenity was wearing a grimy white dress that was bloodstained and she was barefoot. Her beautiful skin was now marred with cuts and bruises, her injured leg was making her walk with a limp and her hands were bound behind her back.

"Let her go!" Ardyn roared, struggling against the chains once again, "she is innocent!"

The man holding his head sneered at the man's plea, "And you were meant to be king?"

Serenity was forcibly tied to the stake violently, one of the men wrapped a rope around her neck to make her look at her lover. Even her face was bloodied, tears ran down her fear ridden eyes but she did not make a sound for fear of another beating.


"Send her back to the darkness from where she came!"

The fire was lit, Serenity looked down at the flames in pure horror and Ardyn made a sound that was not a human scream.

"No!" He trashed against the restraints violently, he did not care that his wrists were bleeding, he did not care, "Somnus you bastard! Bastard!"

Ardyn watched Serenity coughing violently as the intoxicating smoke polluted the air. The flames had yet to lick her bound body and she was already feeling to cruelty of her impending death. She still looked at him, her neck bleeding from the rough rope, she still had the love for him in her eyes. And despite the circumstances, Serenity gave her love a soft smile.

Sadly, the life in her eyes faded as she finally succumbed to the smoke, her head fell limp to the side. The people cheered as the flames began to surround the woman. Ardyn's jaw slacked, his eye filled with sorrow and tears fells down his eyes.


Ardyn, in his grief, failed to notice his executioners blade swinging towards his neck.


He opened his eyes when sleep evaded him once more and reached for the only comfort he had left in the dark world he wandered. He only felt a cold spot when he remembered that his wife was far away from him.

Ardyn chuckled to spite himself, he had been joking when he said that being apart from his beloved wife would bring back bitter memories of their past lives but he did not know that it would truly happen. Bitter memories indeed.

'Now that I recall, I did not smell oil.'

For some reason, Ardyn could only seem to remember the bad memories of his past life. He clearly remembered his first execution, his and Serenity's. He remembered how everyone cheered when her body was consumed by the flames and he remembered the blade as it hit his neck to decapitate him. The end of the great healer and the white mage.

Or so they thought, Ardyn found himself in the beyond when he was told that he was denied his right to the afterlife and he woke up in a shallow grave no sooner after that. At first, he thought he was alone until he looked over to a patch of dirt that looked freshly dug. Ardyn desperately dug through the dirt expecting to see the charred remains of his love. But instead of remains or ash, he found his Serenity unconscious but intact and alive.

He rolled on his back and starred at the canopy curtains, they were still from lack of artificial cool air.

"What a tacky design," Ardyn mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes once more.


In Tenebrae, serenity was tossing and turning in her large bed, the blanket was long discarded from the kicking of her legs.

She was dreaming that she was surrounded by fire and Ardyn was watching with tear filled eyes but he could not save no matter how hard he tried. Serenity could not run because her legs and arms were still as if they were bound by rope. She could not breathe because something was wrapped around her neck.

Serenity was close to hyperventilating in her sleep when a small hand touched her cheek. Almost immediately, her eyes shot and she grabbed the wrist in a vice grip. She could not see anything at first but once her eyes adjusted to the night, she clearly saw that the one who woke her up was Lunafreya.

"What are you doing here?" She growled, her grip tightening.

Lunafreya flinched at the pain but did not make a sound to it, "I heard you crying."

Serenity let go of the child's wrist and sat up on the bed, her white nightgown gave an illuminating glow in the moonlight, "I was crying?"

Rubbing her sore wrist, Lunafreya nodded, "yes, I know you wanted to be left alone but… I just could not just stand by and let you suffer."

The woman rolled her eyes, "Are all you oracles like this?"

"We always helped those in need. Be it the blight or just a simple nightmare," The young child sat next to her guardian, "Do you wish to talk about it?"

Serenity gave a bitter chuckle, "Lunafreya, my nightmare was not as simple as you think. It is not for a young one's ears."

"I…. don't mind."

The former mage sighed and gave Lunafreya a pat on the head, "Look future oracle, you have a long road to travel before you can stomach such atrocities I dream of."


"Trust me."

With that said, Serenity laid back down and threw a sheet over her, "Isn't it past the future oracles bedtime?"

Lunafreya gave a sheepish nod but she did not move, "May I… stay here with you?"

"Do you have a reason?"

"I can't sleep, one of my dogs are not here so it's hard to sleep."

Serenity looked at the young girl, she did not see the girl who would be the next oracle the people would leech off, she saw a little girl in a sky-blue nightgown who was scared to go to sleep. For some reason Serenity felt something tug her heart at the sight, it felt almost familiar.

"Do what you want. I don't care."

Lunafreya gave a small smile and crawled to the other side of the large bed, she let out a soft sigh of relief when she draped the silk sheets over her body.

It was quiet with only the sound of the Tenebrae breeze offering some noise. The cool wind felt nice and it offered aid in helping Serenity sleep. But the added warmth from her unexpected guest was also nice, not that she will ever admit it.

Umbra gave a small growl when he saw the mage for the first time, she looked like a holy woman in white but there a dark aura surrounding her. The little grey puppy had returned from being missing and found his mistress walking the trails of the garden.

Naturally, he yapped in excitement and ran to her but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the petite girl who was walking behind Lunafreya.

"Oh dear," Serenity said in faux sadness, "he does not like me."

As if to confirm it, umbra's growl grew louder when he was held in Lunafreya's arms. Serenity was still not the least bit fazed.

"So where has your dog been?"

Lunafreya gave her companion a scratch behind his ears, "I could tell you but…."

"I may work for the empire right now but when it comes to matters of the heart," Serenity said after she took notice of the little blush on the little princess's pale cheeks, "It is our secret."

To add to her teasing, she placed her pointer against her lips in a shushing position and gave wink.

Lunafreya set umbra down and looked around to ensure that they were alone. When she saw no one, she finally spoke, "Umbra and Pryna, my other dog, have been sending messages to my friend."

"The crown prince Noctis?" The mage asked.

The blush on Lunafreya's cheeks began to grow until it crept to her ears, she gave a sheepish nod, "Yes ma'am… I know it is dangerous but..."


The girl's voice stopped at her throat as her empire appointed caretaker gave her a harsh shush. Serenity looked over her shoulder and glared at the magitek trooper approaching them from a distance.

"How about you and I go to the terrace? It about time for tea and I have always wanted to try Sylleblossom tea."

Lunafreya nodded and obediently followed the woman in white out of the garden.

They settled on the cast iron table with the plush chairs, tea and sweets were already on the table and Serenity gave the child the assurance to speak.

"But…" she was hesitant at first since she did not know if the trooper was gone or not.

"Do not worry future oracle, that thing was here for me not you. Go on?"

She waved her hand because she wanted to hear more.

"Alright… I do know that it is dangerous to do so but," Lunafreya gulped as she looked down and her folded hands, "He is my only friend."

Both puppies who were nestled at her feet gave small barks in protest, "My only human friend I mean."

The puppies made sounds of satisfaction and went back to their naps, "And I miss him. We have only known each other a short time but it was enough for a lifetime of memories."

"And you fell in love with the eight-year-old prince?" Serenity asked with a smirk before placing the cup to her lips, enjoying the sweet mint like flavor of the tea and very much enjoying the blush that was painted on the child's face.

"He is my friend! And I am older so…"

"It's only a four-year difference future oracle," Serenity added, "There is a twelve-year difference between my husband and I."


"Yes, I am rather young but I love him as much as he loves me."

"I see."

The tea party was silent for a good while, the soft breeze felt nice.

"I believe it is time to go back inside, we can't have the future oracle sick now can we?"

Lunafreya nodded and stood up along with serenity and they walked inside the fleuret manor.

A year had passed but it felt like day for serenity.

So many things had happened during that year.

She had caught the newly turned thirteen-year-old Lunafreya forging a covenant with Gentiana. She felt a bit sad that the young girl chose to do such a thing but brushed it off.

Ardyn had sent her many gifts, mostly dresses and beautiful love letters. He would say that every day without her was worse than death. Serenity would give a soft chuckle at that. He had told her about the goddess Shiva going on a rampage near the border but that was taken care of. That confused the mage because she had just seen Gentiana. But she just assumed that it must have been one of her many forms.

And lastly, Serenity found herself being pursued by the ever so moody Ravus. He would follow her during the many walks she would have with Lunafreya, claiming that he was only looking after his sister. Serenity would think nothing of it until he approached her one night and shoved a bouquet of sllyblossoms in her hands before running off. She would keep them out of pity because she knew very well that it was just a crush from a sixteen-year-old boy.

Lunafreya also found herself becoming quite attached to Serenity despite the mages warning about not forming one. But Serenity was nice to her even though she was distant and never called her by her given name. and plus, she made sure that the magitek troopers were never around. Lunafreya was aware that once Serenity was gone, the troopers will come and take her place. So every day, she treasured the time they shared.

"You like looking at the moon as well?"

Fifteen-year-old Luna awoke from her slumber after a troubling nightmare when she decided to take a small troll in the garden, she found Serenity sitting on a blanket near the terrace where they would have their tea time. Serenity wore a white thin strapped dress that fell to her knees, her hair was down and she was bare foot. By her side was umbra who surprisingly grew to like the woman while Pryna kept her distance as always.

Serenity was looking up at the full moon and gave a soft sigh of melancholy when Lunafreya approached her.

"It is passed your bedtime future oracle," the mage mumbled as she ran her fingers through her hair, "what are you doing here?"

"I apologize but I could not sleep," the princess said softly, "I thought a walk would help me when I saw you. You enjoy looking up at the moon as well?"

Serenity patted hand on a spot on the blanket as an invite for Lunafreya to sit, "I do. My mother used to tell me when I was younger that the full moon was the symbol of birth and death but to never fear its mysterious beauty. My youngest sister was born when the moon was high in the sky, it must have been a sign…"

"You have a sister?" Lunafreya was curious about her caretaker's life since she mostly kept to herself.

"I had a sister," Serenity said in the past tense, "She passed when she was eight."

"Oh… I am sorry, I did not mean to..."

"It's alright, she used to love looking up at the moon. Ever since she her passing, I would look up at the moon every month and hope to see her face," She said softly, 'Or at least not forget her face, I barely remember my parents faces anymore.'

Lunafreya's soft voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "This reminds me of the stories the second oracle once said, when you look up at the moon when it is full, you will see the faces of departed loved ones from long ago."

"I see," Serenity muttered, "Well my moon gazing is done for the night."

With that said, she stood up and walked back to her room.

'That story was only know to the tribe, did that bitch steal our stories and pass them off as her own?'


The time has come, Lunafreya was appointed as oracle.

At sixteen, she was the youngest in history. Soon she will travel the world to heal those inflicted by the starscourge.

Lunafreya held her trident in her hands as she walked to the statue of the first oracle to receive her blessing, she wore gown of pure white and her hair was down. While she did not look like she was, her eyes were looking for the one person she dared to call her friend.

But serenity was not there.

Serenity had left that morning when the announcement came. There was no goodbye, no hug nor memorable gift. The mage made good on her word to not form an attachment with the new oracle. It saddened Lunafreya's heart and decided to keep her in her prayers.

As the ceremony was commencing, Serenity, wearing the same clothes she wore when she first arrived, waited for the train to arrive to take her back to Niflhiem. She could care less about the coming of a new oracle, it was just another poor girl who let people leech off until she was nothing more than a corpse.

'She's on her own now,' Serenity thought, she turned to hear cheering and petals of sylleblossoms were scattered.

A sign that Lunafreya had received the oracle's blessing, she was now the oracle.

The train arrived right on schedule and Serenity walked in, she placed her suitcase by her side as she sat down in the first-class lounge of the train. Her time in sunny Tenebrae was over and she was going to go back to the cold darkness of Niflhiem. But none of that mattered, she was finally going to be back in the arms of her husband after four years.

How she missed her eccentric husband and that silly hat of his, Serenity gave a soft chuckled when she thought about it. She had given him that hat when they were traveling together right after they met because it was hot and Ardyn was sweating more than she was. It surprised her that he kept it even after two millennia she did ask him why and his answer was the same, it was gift from his love and that he would rather die than throw it.

'Rather die,' Serenity chuckled and tucked in her knees, 'Only Ardyn can make a joke like that.'

The train shifted and began to move, Serenity took one last look at Fleuret Manor before it disappeared the moment the train entered the tunnel.

Gentiana watched from afar as the train left, her hands were folded and her eyes remained shut.

"The mage whose heart is filled with hatred runs back to the arms of the accursed."

Her eyes opened, a hint of sadness in them.

"Her hatred has clouded her eyes as she did not see the truth."

Lunafreya stood before the crowd and vowed to not rest until the darkness was vanquished once and for all.

The train arrived at the station and serenity stood to leave, she picked up her suitcase and arrived at the doors. She was the only passenger so there was not hustle.

The doors opened and to Serenity's surprise and glee, there stood her husband, his arm open in expectation and there was smile on his face. A warm and genuine smile.

"Ardyn!" Serenity ran out of the train and threw herself in the arms of her husband, burying her face in his chest.

The force of Serenity lounging to him almost made him step back a bit but Ardyn was quick to regain his balance and he embraced his wife in his strong arms. He buried his nose in her ebony hair and breathed in her scent, he could smell the sylleblossoms and her own scent of lavender and peppermint.

"I missed you my love!" He heard her declare against his chest.

"And I you, let us never do that again."

Serenity looked up to stare in Ardyn's golden eyes, "I'll never leave you."

Hearing that innocent and yet passionate declaration was enough for Ardyn to cup Serenity's face and place his lips against hers. Serenity gave a soft moan and closed her eyes so she could only focus on her husband. She wrapped her arms around the man's neck in an effort to deepen the kiss which was reciprocated gladly.

Their clothes were scattered in a trail leading to their bed, they made love slowly, their hands traveling all over their bodies to imprint their touches and they stared into each other's eyes as their bodies moved in a sensual dance only they knew. Ardyn wanted to pin his wife on the bed and take her possessively but he did not as he wanted to make their reunion last. He wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned down to kiss her passionately, his lips giving a small quiver. Serenity ran her nails up and down her husband's spine and gave a small smirk when he shuddered from the pleasure of the scratches.

"MM... My darling you are testing my restraint," He said in a throaty whisper.

Serenity giggled softly, "You just now noticed?"

"Careful my dear, you know how that gets me."

"I do," She wrapped her arms around Ardyn's neck and pulled him closer, "And I adore you for it."

An animalistic sound resonated within Ardyn's throat as he let the beast of desire take over his body, serenity cried out as he gathered her in his arms and increased the pressure of his thrusts. Even though he gave in, Ardyn was still very careful not to injure his wife. He did once when the blight he absorbed briefly took over his body and sprung out of control, Ardyn never forgave himself when he saw Serenity hold her injured arm when he came back to his senses.

"Ardyn!" Serenity gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders.

He stilled and let out a beast's roar before falling limp on his wife, he was careful to add too much of his weight on her. Once he regained his breath, Ardyn rolled on to his side after pulling out of serenity and gathered her in his arms. Serenity had passed out from the bliss of their lovemaking so he just played with her hair.

"My dear Serenity," He whispered, it had a sense of regret, "As much as I am happy that I still have you…. You did not deserve this. Worry not, it will be over soon and you and I can finally rest."

'And you can finally see your beloved sister.'

Serenity gave a soft whine in content rested her head against her husband's chest.


Ardyn awoke from his slumber to find that Serenity was no longer in his arms. He rose up and saw that their discarded clothes were gathered and folded, they were placed on the silver vanity with care. He scanned the area and found her, clothed in a short white robe of the finest silk, sitting at the window seat staring at the moon. Her hands were resting on her lap and in them was a cup of chamomile tea he knew from the scent and the fact that it was her favored flavor of tea. The robe was loosely tied and it was threatening to untie itself if Serenity were to move and her legs were delicately crossed.

The light from the moon gently illuminated Serenity's body, her skin while fair had a soft tint of brown and robe gave it a soft glow. The light made the garment see through so it left little to the imagination.

"Darling?" His voice, still laced in fatigue, called out to her to gain her attention.

Serenity heard him but she still looked up at the moon, she was humming an old Lucian tune to herself. An old and long forgotten song about life and death. The one wrote the song expresses the life of one they loved and the grief they felt when their loved one was gone in eternal sleep. Such a sad song, it was shame that it was forgotten.

She turned her head when her husband called her, "I thought you were still asleep."

"I was until I realized my wife was gone," Ardyn rose from their bed and threw on a pair of black pants before he went to join Serenity in her moon gazing.

"I still do not understand your fascination with the moon my dear," He said as he also looked up at the bright astronomical body.

"… I wish I remembered why. But I find it comforting anyway."

Ardyn said nothing and placed a small kiss on the woman's ebony hair, "If it makes you happy, I have no objection. Just try not stay up too long again."

Serenity gave small nod and took a sip from her tea.

Serenity is physically nineteen, she just meet Ardyn when she was fifteen.

please a review after reading^^