The Mikaelson family. One of the greatest and powerful family of the old world. A marriage between Esther and Mikael Mikaelson resulting to seven beautiful children. The eldest, Freya died due to an infection back in the village when the first born son, Finn was just a toddler leaving only him, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah and Henrik. The mother, being the powerful witch she was, thought her children all about magic and boy did Kol loved it. Between all his siblings, he was the best at this skill while his brothers handed swords leaving his baby sister being the girl of the house along with his mother, Esther.

Kol was filled with spirit. He dreamed of become the greatest witch this Earth has ever seen. He lived in a village with his parents and siblings. His eyes glowed every time his mother thought him magic. He knew that was his reason to live. But he didn't knew that his reason would change in a matter of time.

"Why aren't you with our brothers?" Rebekah, the only girl in the family aside their mother asked as she entered the room where Kol was sitting on the floor

"I'm trying to concentrate, Bex" Kol replied only to make his sister roll her eyes at him.

"You know Father will be angry when he finds out you stayed here doing your magic instead of going hunting with our brothers" Rebekah said as she held a basket filled with dirty clothes of her family.

"Father isn't here, is he? He would only find out if somebody tell him and you're not going to do that, aren't you, sister?" He asked back and his little sister sighed.

"I won't but please be careful around father" she replied only to make Kol look up at her raising an eyebrow.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something?" he asked angry as his sister kept him from continue his magical work.

"One day, you will thank me for caring" Rebekah replied and left the room leaving Kol alone.

He sighed in relief. He wanted so bad to continue his work. He didn't cared if his father entered in that exact moment. He didn't cared if Rebekah tells him. He didn't cared for anything else in the world. He wanted to become the greatest witch and he will.

That very same afternoon, the Mikaelson clan sat eating dinner that Rebekah and Esther made. It was an awkward silence as they ate the deer. Mikael was back and for sure had many, many questions. Kol continue looking down the whole time not bothering to face his father. He knew he did something wrong but he knew his dearest sister would never tell anyone what he did.

"How was hunting, my sons?" Mikael asked making Kol look up quickly. He tried to play it like everything was alright but of course, his father could sense terror in his son's eyes.

"It went well. Elijah here thought young Henrik a new skill" Finn, the older of his brothers, replied.

"That's nice" Mikael said and flashed a glare to his youngest son. Kol quickly noticed the glare and looked down at his food. He couldn't even bother eat. He was too scared too.

"Tell me, Kol, how was hunting?" Mikael asked and fear covered the young man face.

"Fine, I guess" he replied and his father let out a scoff making Rebekah nervous for her brother.

"What did Kol do, Niklaus?" Mikael asked the least favorite of his sons. He knew Klaus wouldn't lie to him. He was too scared to.

"Well, he, um, we" Klaus started to stutter and Mikael knew exactly what was happening.

"Liars!" he yelled frustrated and smacked the table they were eating at. His wife jumped at the sound of both table and her husband's yell.

"Father-" Kol began saying but was cut off.

"You didn't went hunting. Why?" Mikael asked and Kol looked at him filled with remorse? He didn't knew exactly what was he feeling.

"I was… working" the youngest male Mikaelson replied only to make his father scoff.

"Working on what? What could be more important than your duties?" he asked and Kol took a deep breath before facing his father once again.

"Magic" Kol replied simply. All his siblings lowered their heads. They new exactly what was going to happen.

Mikael stood up from his chair in the table and walked towards Kol. His son kept his eyes on the food he hasn't touched. Esther closed her eyes so warm salty tears wouldn't leave them. Mikael grabbed Kol by the neck so his eyes were met his.

"This is the last time this happens, do you understand me?" He asked his son as Kol's face turned bloody red as his lungs were out of air. He tried to nod but the strength of his father didn't let him. "I said, do you understand?" Mikael asked once again and Kol fought so words could come out of his mouth.

"I understand" he replied and Mikael let go of his throat and Kol held his neck begging the earth for air.

"This diner is over" Mikael said and left the dining room before storming off to what you can call his sleeping room.

"Are you okay?" Rebekah asked as she stood up to aid her brother.

"I'm fine" Kol replied and stood up.

"Please, just next time come with us." Henrik said and Kol flashed him a weak and sad smile.

"We'll see about that" he replied with his signature grin.

He wanted to prove he wasn't weak. He wanted to prove that his father didn't scared him even thought he feared him.

After that horrible dinner, Kol went into his what you call sleeping room and got himself under a quilt. He started wondering why the world was so cruel? What did it hurt so much to live? He asked himself over and over if everything was worth it. Was it? Will his life ever change for the better or will he always stay the same? Lonely and unloved.

Three villages from the Mikaelson's village lived a beautiful young girl with ocean blue eyes along with her mother. Davina Claire was the young girl every boy desired. She was pretty, strong and alike the Mikaelsons, very powerful. She didn't had a good life, tho. Her mother was very abusive of her and only kept her under her roof for Davina's power. She wanted to wed her daughter and get money in exchange.

Davina spends most of her days inside her home taking care of things. Cleaning, cooking, washing clothes… every chore a 'woman' should do. She would cry herself to sleep in the dark cold nights wondering what she did to her mother so the woman who placed her on this world would hate her. She just wanted that stupid little answer.

As the moon appeared and the stars shine in the very dark, Davina sat on her room writing letters. They didn't had a whom or what. She just needed to clear her mind and writing down was a good therapy for the young girl.

"Here" her mother said as she entered and handed an old kind of book to her daughter.

"What is this?" Davina asked taking the book from her mother's hands.

"You need to be stronger, my child, wiser and everything in this book will help you" her mother replied only making Davina more confused.

"What are you talking about, Mother?" she asked and her mother sighed before sitting down next to her.

"You have a gift, my dear. You have to embrace it sooner or later. You have to learn how to use it so you can teach your children one day and their children after that" her mother replied and Davina stared down at the old book.

"How can I embrace it?" Davina asked to her mother only to form the biggest smile across her face. That question make her mother so happy, proud, excited. Everything that Davina didn't knew her mother could feel.

"Read, Davina. Become wiser and with time, the power will do his thing. Remember, you owe me" her mother remind her only to make her frown.

A few months ago, Davina's mother arranged a marriage so Davina could wed a rich young boy from the village nearby. Davina hated the idea. She always wanted to be marry by love and affection. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with someone she cared deeply about. Her soulmate. She knew that rich boy wasn't the answer.

She prayed and prayed… and prayed. She cried endless times to her mother to think it twice. Her life would be over if her mother make her become a bride.

After all the tears and fights, eventually her mother gave in. She was so sick and tired of her daughter's cries that she called off the wedding but only after making a deal with Davina. She wouldn't marry the boy but she would be part of a sacred ritual that was passed into generations.

Davina didn't knew which ritual and what she had to do but everything was better than an arrange marriage… right?

"I know, mother. I swear I will make it up to you" Davina said and her mother placed a hand on her daughter's porcelain cheek.

"I know you will, my child" she replied and kissed Davina's forehead before leaving the room.

Davina took a deep breath before opening the book. She noticed it was a grimoire since it had magic written all over. She intend to loose sleep in order to get all of this information into her brain and she will. Everything for her freedom.