Hey guys! I'm back with more IMAA. This is a pretty cool story in my opinion. It's all about Tony and Rhodey and that means no Pepperony! Well maybe a tiny bit..Who knows?

This should be a pretty long story with like 11 or more chapters. Lets hope I can do it. Oh, and sorry about the horrible title. I mean Friends Forever? I know it could be better, but it will make sense on why I used it at the end of this story.

So here is chapter 1 and I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I...I can't say it.

Tony: Say it.

Me: I just can't!

Tony: You are writing about my mother and know it's a sensitive topic..shall I go on?

Me: *Sighs* No, i'll just say it. IMAA is NOT mine!

It was a Wednesday morning.

Rhodey woke up feeling very cranky. It was a normal thing since he was only three years old, but he felt extra cranky today. Slowly, he slipped off the covers and left the bed. The boy then opened the door and light came pouring in.

"Morning, James. How'd you sleep?"

Rhodey looked up to see his mother, Roberta Rhodes, walking towards him with a smile that he could not mirror even if he tried really hard.

"Go away!" said the boy. "I'm cwanky!"

Mrs. Rhodes only chuckled at her sons' behavior. "You look very cranky. Maybe a nice bath will wash that away." She opened up her arms so he could be lifted up, but Rhodey was not pleased. He crossed his arm in an annoyed manner and stuck out his tongue.

"No way! I don't wanna bath!"

She shook her head and picked him up against his will. "Well after your bath and breakfast, you get to come with mommy to work today."

The three-year-old did not look happy at all. Although he was intrigued by his mothers' work, he was not excited. He didn't want to go somewhere new, not today. He wanted to stay home with his daddy and spend the day with him. Rhodey wanted to watch his favorite movie with him and play his favorite games. He wanted to do all of this before his father left for his new job that would take him far, far away. Where he wouldn't be able to do any of that and barely see him.

No, Rhodey did not like this idea at all.

"Tony, wake up."

Tony groaned slightly, before lifting his head and peeking out of the covers. He saw his mother standing in front of him with a smile on her face that he couldn't help but mirror. He loved his mother more than anything else and couldn't imagine his world without her. She was his light, best friend, role-model, and mother. Nothing could destroy the bond they had. Nothing.


"Come on, sweetie. You have to get up if you want to go to work with your father. Don't tell me you forgot."

The small genius had completely forgotten! For weeks now, he had waited for the chance to ask his father if he could go with him to Stark International. When he had found him getting ready for bed, his mother had urged him to ask, and that was what he had done.

"Oh yea," Tony said, jumping out of his parents' bed. "Let's go!"

His mother smiled widely. She then held his hand and walked him toward the bathroom so he could freshen up. I just hope Howard doesn't forget that he's there, Maria thought. Tony has been looking forward to this. I pray it isn't ruined.

"All done!"

Maria was pulled out of her thoughts by her son. She put on her I'm-proud-of-you smile and picked Tony up. She carried him over to the closet so he could get dressed.

"Good job! Now let's get you changed and fed. Then you can go with your father."



Tony and Howard had arrived at Stark International and were currently in the main lobby. Howard led them to the private elevator and they rode it in silence. When the doors opened, they were welcomed by a young female with brown hair and glass who was sitting by a desk next to a huge office that belonged to Howard.

She looked up from her computer to see who it was. When she saw it was only her boss and his son, her shoulders visibly relaxed.

"Good Morning, Trish."

"Morning, sir. Here is your coffee," she said with a smile. "And here is your juice box, Tony, just how you like it."

"Thank you, Twish."

"You're welcome. Oh, sir, the board would like to speak with you. When should I arrange the meeting?"

"I'll meet with them in an hour."

"Understood. Oh, and that lawyer will be here in a little while. Should I send her in immediately or have her wait for you to call her in?"

"Send her in immediately."

Trish nodded in acknowledgment before returning to her computer to make note of the things Howard had requested.

Howard turned to face his son. He reached for his hand and Tony gladly accepted. The inventor cherished his son and couldn't wait for him to grow up. He would take over Stark International and Howard couldn't wait to teach Tony everything he knew. He just hoped the young genius was as excited as he was.

"Come along, Tony. We have a long day ahead of us."


With that, Howard led him into the huge office, where the day would officially start (For him, anyways).


"Rhodey, we're going to be late. Hurry along now."

Young Rhodey reluctantly climbed into the car and into his seat. He did not want to go at all.

"Bye, James," his father said, grinning. "Don't cause your mom any trouble."

Why wasn't his daddy stopping his mother from taking him away. Was he happy that Rhodey was leaving? Did he not want him in the house? Surely that couldn't be the case. Right?

Roberta closed the door to his side and walked over to the driver's seat. Once she was in, the car began to move and as it gained speed, his father was gone from view.

A few minutes passed before anyone spoke.

"Are you excited to learn about what your mommy does?"


"James, this is an opportunity you should be excited about."

She paused briefly.

"Once you father leaves, I have to hire a sitter so I can continue working. I won't be there when you wake up. I won't be able to play with you or just take you to work, like now. So just try and enjoy this. Okay?"

Rhodey looked at his mother with sad eyes. Was this really how his life would be? He wouldn't see his parents often, much less together? He was only three and his life was changing so quickly. Could he handle this? He would have to ponder this question.

"Okay," he said while nodding. " I'll try to enjoy it. Pwomise."

"Then let's get started."

Rhodey peered out his window to see what his mother had mean't. They had arrived.

What did you guys think? Was it good? Now, I know that some things might not be accurate, but this is FanFiction! It's my story so yea... Though, if I do get several complaints, I will try and make it more accurate.

I am taking chapter requests! So PM me if you have any ideas for the chapters ahead. Not all will be used, just 1 or 2 because I think I have the story planned out.

Chapter 2 will be up in two days! Maybe less.

Oh, keep an eye out for an upcoming story for HTTYD!

Scribbles out! :D