This is the end. Thank you to everyone who read this thing and special thanks to those who faved, followed, and reviewed.

Shadow Says

Shadow walked into the studio. "Alright guys, what are we doing today?"

He was surprised to see that the studio was empty, and all the equipment was off.

"Hello, is anyone here?"

The director came around the corner carrying a box.

"Hey what's going on?" Shadow asked him. "Where is everyone?"

"The studio is closing down."

"Closing? Why?"

"Well when we showed all of your PSAs on TV, all the parents in the world decided to sue us."

"Sue us? For what?"

"Well gee, I don't know!" The director's words were drowning in sarcasm. "Maybe it's because your PSAs were full of swearing, violence, and half the time didn't contain a real message!"

"What? My PSAs were very educational! Why would anyone…" Shadow narrowed his eyes. "Wait, I know what happened. All the parents who sued us were people who grew up watching Sonic's piece of shit PSAs. And those corrupted their minds, making incapable of learning actual lessons!"

The director groaned. "Well, I know I definitely learned something from this experience."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"That you should never be allowed to do anything remotely related to children's programing."