OK guys, LazerWolf1 Just posted his latest Chapter. I'm gonna assume that he already picked up Team RWBY and AIDA from the theatre area so here's the next chapter. It's a bit short, kind of like an Omake, that involves what's happening with everyone else. So until RWBY comes back from Lazerwolf1, I can't really write anything. HOPE YOU ENJOY!

As Jaune was walking back to his dorm, he closed the portal and let the walls and computer slide closed. 'Wouldn't want anyone finding it like i did.' looking at the mask, he started feeling a pull towards it.

'Man this weird feeling again…is this because a version of me used this that I feel like this or is it something else?'

He shook his head to get rid of the feeling and left RWBY's dorm. He then open his door to see no one in the room.

'huh, no ones here. I guess that's good. Wouldn't want Nora to put this on.' He though with a shiver of dread. He put it away into his backpack and turned to leave the room only to see Zwei still following him.

"Zwei?! I thought you were going to stay in RWBY's Dorm room." Jaune says as he pats Zwei's head


"Yea I guess that would be boring…alright how about you come and watch me and my team train?" Jaune suggests as he stands back up


"OK then, let's go find them."

Leaving the room, he travels the hall until he sees them in the Arena waiting for him.

"Jaune, are you ok?" Pyrrha asks with worry

"Yea. Why?" Jaune asks confused

"Because you didn't text us back on your scroll about meeting us here." Ren says as he continues meditating.

'OH, that's right. I turned it off when I watched that one world with me getting owned.' he remembers with a slight depressing thought.

"Sorry, it died a while ago and I had to ask Ruby if I could borrow hers to unlock our door to charge it." He tells them. 'I'm not quite sure if I'm allowed to tell them about AIDA but until then, I won't say a thing about it.' "Anyways, who's ready for training?"

"I AM FEARLESS LEADER!" Nora shouts with joy as Ren gets up and stretches.

"OK, me and Pyrrha are gonna train to better my fighting style. Ren, you can try and increase your stamina and Nora, try to be more agile. You take way to many hits, and dodging will always be better than tanking." He says as he walks towards the arena. 'Great advice there Jaune...now if you could only follow them as well'

As Pyrrah gets into position, Jaune tries to decide what shield to use. 'Should i use my usual one or should i try out Ruby's?' He thinks as he looks at the watch. 'i guess there's no harm in trying it out. gotta practice with it anyways.'

Clicking the buttons on his watch, he watches as it transforms into the shield that he feels connected to. '...why do i feel so connected to this? Is it because Ruby made it or is it something else?!

"WHOA! WHERE did that SHIELD COME FROM!?" Nora shouts as the others look in shock.

"uhh...Ruby made it for me. She gave it to me as a gift of our friendship." Jaune says with a smile looking at it with pride.

"oh...well are you ready to spar Jaune?" Pyrrha asks with a curious look in her eyes.

"Ready as ill ever be." He says

As they get into position, their profiles appear on the screen along with their aura levels. They get into their stances, and right before the buzzer sounds off to start the match, Jaune's eyes glaze over, as if in a trance.

Within the fabric of space, The forces of the Multiverse are becoming stretched and pulled thin due to AIDA influencing the energy of them. Usually the Semblence of one Jaune Arc would be Aura Amplification. However, due to this phenomenon, it has transformed into something else entirely. In any situation, The fabrics of the multiverse will search out the perfect version of him to handle whatever problem he faces and infuse his Body and soul with the knowledge and experience that version has, similar to how we can do things purley on muscle memory alone. However, even though he instantly learns their techniques and skills, it doesn't mean that he can't forget them... after all, practice makes perfect. He will have to continuously practice and train his body to keep up with the experiences and skills that he wants to utilize. If the versions of him have intense techniques or powers that require different forms of energy such as Ki or chakra, his Aura will simulate and achieve the same techniques but will cause His Aura levels to drain faster. For every new skill or technique he learns from a version of himself, he goes into a trance to absorb the essence of the version he is using. In this instance he has taken the skills of Captain America.

Jaune, as if in a trance (which he basically is) Puts his sword away.

"Jaune?" Pyrrha asks in confusion. The buzzer sounds and he charges forward.

(Pyrrha's POV)

As i try to figure out why Jaune is putting his sword away, the buzzer sounds, signaling Jaune to charge at me. In shock at the speed that he is going, I put up my shield just in time to block his flying drop kick. However, due to the strength of the kick, I'm sent flying backwards. Doing a flip in order to land on my feet, i glance at the screen and sees that the kick caused me to go down to 90% while Jaune is at 96% and dropping slowly

'Seriously!? I know he has a lot of Aura from when i unlocked it for him, but how much does he actually have?!' I think as i look at him and the aura that surrounds his body. Performing a Kick up, he grabs his shield and tosses it at me while running towards me. I deflect the shield with my own by swatting it towards the wall. Looking towards Jaune, he performs a forward front flip over me. Due to me focusing on Jaune, i didn't notice his shield bouncing off the wall and slamming against my right side, damaging me and causing my aura to go down to 83%.

Throughout this pain, my only though was 'His shield can bounce off surfaces!?'

When Jaune lands, he performs a leg sweep on my left ankle. These two actions, caused me to slam into the ground. My Aura now reads 76% while his is at 87%. Jaune grabs his shield and attempts to hit my face with it but luckily i roll out of the way. As i get up and look towards Jaune, my vision is filled with his shield as he rams into me, sending me out of the ring. A buzzer sounds off ending the match.

(Jaune's POV)

'Darkness...Darkness is all that i see. I try to move my body, but i can do nothing. I strain my eyes to see something...ANYTHING! And then a single light in the center of the Darkness appears. It floats to me and i try to step away but i cannot. The single light goes into my head and i can see EVERYTHING. Multitudes of colors and sounds fill my head, watching as it flows and surrounds me. and then a single image appears. A man who looks like me, but much older. He wears a uniform that i do not recognize. I watch and learn as he fights and moves with his shield. A shield similar to the one i have now. I copy and follow his movements. Every step, every toss, every breath i follow to the letter. I BECOME him. He became ME! We are one of the same.'

The Darkness fades and the world comes back into view as i hold my shield in front of me as the buzzer sounds off. I shake my head and look at the screen and see my Aura at 82% while Pyrrha's at 64%. I look around to find Pyrrha on the ground in shock.

"...Pyrrha?" I asks nervously

"You beat me." She whispers

"What?" I ask, not hearing her.

"You beat me" She says with with a smile

"uhhhh" I say, not knowing how to respond to that.

"Jaune, you DID IT!" She says as she gets up and Hugs me in Joy.

"Uhhhh yep, i did it." i say through the pain of her crushing hug.

"How did you do all of that!?" She asks as she lets go of me. "It was incredible. Tossing your shield to rebound against mine, and letting the wall bounce it back to impact me, that...i don't even know how you did that! That takes a lot of calculating." She asks in wonder.

"I don't know! it just...came to me i guess?" I say, more confused than ever. 'First the Mask, now this? i seriously need to talk to AIDA.'

"Well whatever it is, i say we celebrate with PANCAKES!" Nora shouts as she hugs me followed by Ren patting me on the shoulder.

"hahahaha yeah ok, let's go celebrate." Jaune says as he turns the shield back into the watch. "Come on ZWEI" i Shout to him as we all leave the training room.

"BARK!" He barks happily.

(Ozpin's POV)

Drinking my Hot Coco, i watch the screens to the training rooms as Jaune and his team begin to leave.

'Hmmm, it seems Mr. Arc has improved his skills with his shield and hand to hand training. Miss. Rose obviously made the Shield, and his hand to hand could be attributed by Miss. Xiao Long's teaching. So why do i get the feeling that something's more different about him.

Looking at todays mail, my eyes glance at the Electric bill. ' oh boy, here we go. with so many female hunters we have at this school, it's a miracle we haven't been bankrupted.'

I rip it open and look at it. My eyebrows rise in shock at what i'm seeing. '...it went down?! How is this possible?! This has only happened when that student Sulli-' in that instant, my thoughts shut down. I move to my computer and pull up a screen showing the electricity all throughout the school. Finding the Room of his late student, it shows it as team RWBY's Dorm. '...Team RWBY...what did you find. I tried looking for what Sullivan worked on but i couldn't.'

As I was about to look into it, I remembered the list of bills I have in my mail as well as the paperwork for the festival. '...ill send a message for them to come to me later. I need to finish this before Glynda get on my back about it.'

(James Ironwood's POV)

I've been pacing back and forth waiting for some important intel to come in. The wait is killing me. The doors open and my agent Ciel Soleil comes through.

"Well, what's the news." I ask calmly, panicking on the inside

"The Report is as followed. His Name is AIDA. no last name. School is unknown. Records show no Birth certificate. He's is a complete unknown." she says in a small amount of worry.

I cannot even believe what i'm hearing. First the White Fang, Then the Breach, then i get charged with security for the festival (granted i did suggest and nominate myself to do it.), and now there is a complete unknown involved with Penny.

"...anything else?" I say with frustration filtering through my voice.

"...well...the only mention of his name was from a late Joseph Richard Schnee nee' Sullivan in his will." Ciel says not thinking its important but should tell him anyways.

"...you may go now" I tell her as she leaves. I sit in my chair and think for a moment. '...Sullivan. Your intelligence brought Gravity dust into the world, and you created what is known as the SDC. We all knew you were hiding something from us all. You practically said so in your will. Is this AIDA the thing you hid? Is he your son? Is he something else?'

He stands and looks out of the window towards Beacon Academy. 'Do you know what this is Ozpin?'

Penny didn't really have a lot of friends growing up. I mean why would she? She was built, created, made. So when she made Friends with one Ruby Rose, she thought it to be sensational! She even helped find her team. But then she had to leave. It was really hard for her when she met Ruby again. The fear of rejection was pretty much consuming her, so when she was accepted and told that she was alive...it was SENSATIONAL! The General decided to allow her some free travel in the festival, until the tournament started anyways. So when she knocked into someone and fell on top of them, she was excited to meet a new friend. That is...until she look him in the eyes. There was an instant connection that shocked her silent. within his Brown eyes it looked like 0's and 1's were crossing his eyes. But that couldn't be right, she was the Android, so maybe it was her own eyes. And that same boy, is her Boyfriend. Her fear is starting to grow again...about rejection. But if Friend Ruby was understanding, then she was sure that he can be too. She smiles with a small blush and wonders when she will next meet him.

And that's a Wrap for this chapter. See you next time on...MULTIVERSE EXTRAVAGANZA!