It is July Tenth. you know what that means! MY NEW BOOK IS OFFICIALLY BEGUN! This is Detached, Raphael-Centric and one of my proudest achievements. I hope you all enjoy! If you didn't see the trailer on youtube search for JJ Hayweird and my chanell should pop up. You'll see 'Trailer' in the title of the right video!

Small note, anything in italics but not bolded is either a memory in a dream, which gets a bit confusing in this book but I think you'll catch on. I don't think there is any but if anything is in bold but not italics is writing, and anything in both as you see right now are AN'S!


And now… enjoy!

Raphael struggled against the thick metal restraints that held him suspended in the darkness. This was definitely not what he'd planned to do today, at all. He growled in annoyance and kicked a foot forward, making himself swing. Where the shell was he? This sucked. It was his own fault, of course, but it still sucked. He sighed and let himself hang limply from the clamps. He had no idea how long he'd been here, or where his brothers were, or if this was even something other than a dream. No, not a dream. A nightmare, stupid nightmares. A shock of pain ripped through Raphael's body and he grunted, clenching his teeth. But this wasn't a nightmare, this was real. Which meant that what had happened before this was real as well...

"Shut up, Mikey! I can't believe you sometimes!" Raph growled, pushing his brother away.

"It's not my fau-" Mikey's protest was cut off.

"I said shut up! You're always screwing up missions, getting us caught, I'm sick of it! Why don't you just grow up already?" Raph snarled, folding his arms in annoyance.

"Raph, that's enough," Leo said from where he and Don were standing. "It's not Mikey's fault and you know it." Raph spun to glare at his brother, clenching his fists.

"Not his fault? Are you serious, Leo? Did you even see what happened? Oh wait, you didn't because you were too busy making goo-goo eyes at Karai!" Leo flushed, glaring at him.

"That's not true, I-"

"Just shut up already, fearless," Raph growled, turning away in disgust. "I don't wanna hear it!"

"Raph, you're being unreasonable." Donnie butted in, earning himself a glare as well. "Sure, Mikey blew our cover by knocking over a trash can, but Karai came in after that. And you have no business telling us what to do, alright?" Raph snorted.

"Yeah, that goes to Romeo-nardo over there." he snarled, waving a hand at Leo. "geez, I can't believe you guys sometimes!"

"Raphael, that is quite enough!" Splinter said, slamming his cane on the floor. All four brothers spun, faces guilty. "If your mission failed then it is all of your faults, you are a team and you must act as such." Raph scowled.

"Well, I didn't sign up for this!" he snapped, stepping away from his brothers. "I don't need a team, or a leader, Sensei! I can take care of myself, I quit!" his brother's eyes grew wide as Raph spun around and stormed away. "Adios! See you never!" he snapped, glaring back at them. Splinter sighed, putting a hand to his forehead.

"Oh, my son...when will you see…" he murmured to himself, then turned to the other three. "What happened, my sons?"

"Well, we were on our stakeout when Mikey accidentally knocked over a garbage can, and then Raph freaked out at him, and then we were spotted." Don relayed, "and Raph thinks nothing can be his fault." he finished with a sour face. Splinter sighed, watching his son disappear into the sewers.

"Raphael just needs some time." he decided softly. "Do not worry, my sons. If he is not back by morning we will search for him." Raph snorted as he started running through the sewers, a scowl on his face. He was done with this team! All they ever did was watch, wait, and run away. Some fearless leader Leo was, he couldn't do anything right, ever! And how on earth could what happened tonight be Raph's fault, anyway? He snorted again in disgust and started to the surface, still distracted by his anger. They could try to get him to come home, but that wasn't going to happen. Not now and not ever. He climbed up onto a rooftop and started running, enjoying the feel of wind across his face. This was the life, no annoying brothers, no mother hens, just him and the city that never sleeps. Raph let out a whoop as he jumped across the alley, landing lightly.

"This is more like it!" he said aloud to himself, grinning. "And just what I need!"

"Indeed." a voice behind him said, and Raph skidded to a halt, eyes narrowed as his hands hovered over his sai. Who was that? Figures walked out of the shadows and Raphael held up his sai in defense. The foot, this day just kept getting better and better.

"I could beat you foot ninja up all day." he taunted with a grin. "Easy as pizza pie." none of the ninja attacked him, and Raph scowled. There was a ring all the way around him, but it would be easy to escape once he-

"You can? How interesting." the voice said again, and Raphael's blood ran cold. Shell. It was Shred-head himself! Raphael spun to face the man in metal as Shredder walked out of the midst of the foot ninja. "But I think you overestimate yourself, turtle." Raph narrowed his eyes.

"Is that a challenge, blade-boy?" He taunted, Shredder narrowed his eyes and unsheathed the blades from his gauntlets.

"You will regret those words, mutant." he growled, getting into stance. "You won't leave this rooftop unharmed." Raph gripped his sai tightly, watching the shredder carefully. In a flash, the man in metal darted toward him, Raphael barely had time to dodge to the side, let alone try to get a hit in. Raph jumped up over Shredder's helmet and landed lightly, spinning to kick the man. Shredder caught his foot and Raph's eyes widened, well crud. Raph tried to pull his foot away but Shredder flung him into the midst of the foot ninja, who instantly started attacking him. The red-masked turtle cried out in pain and he tried to get to his feet and fight, but there was too many and he'd been unprepared.

"Get offa me!" he snarled, punching one in the stomach. Then something hit the back of his head, hard, and Raphael's world dissolved into darkness.

Light suddenly filled the room and Raphael squinted, still hanging painfully from his wrists. A silhouette he recognized as Shredder himself walked in, and Raph glared at him. Once his eyes grew adjusted to the light, Raph saw Tigerclaw and Karai standing behind him.

"What do you want, Shredder?" he growled, swinging toward them and weakly trying to kick the man. Shredder chuckled.

"I told you he has spirit, Father," Karai said, nodding at her father with a smirk. Shredder crossed his arms, narrowing his half-blind eyes at Raph.

"Turtle. You will tell us where Hamato Yoshi is," he grumbled, Raph sighed.

"Oh, okay sure." he shrugged. "He's in nun ya."


"Nunya business!" Raph spat, smirking. Shredder growled and Raphael's head jerked back from the ringing slap he'd received. "Ow...geez. Anyone ever tell you that you have anger issues?" he snorted, shaking his head. "I'm not telling you zilch, Shred Head. Get used to it." Shredder growled in annoyance again.

"My daughter is right, you do have spirit." he snarled. "I will enjoy breaking it, so very much." Raph rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. My brothers will find me, Shredder. And probably kill you." he muttered, glaring at him. Shredder chuckled.

"I doubt very much that your brothers will find you." he hissed, grabbing Raph's plastron and pulling him to eye level. "Because you are across the globe from New York City and your family." Raph's eyes widened in horror. They must be in Japan, shell.

"Like that'll stop them," Raph said, feigning confidence. "Keep dreaming, Shredder. I'll never betray them." Shredder shrugged as if this did not matter, and Raph scowled.

"That is not a problem, freak." he declared. "If your brothers truly would look here and find you, they will be extremely outnumbered." he continued, "and if they do not look here, and you are of no more use to me, you would be perfect bait when we return to New York City." Raph grit his teeth in anger, glaring at Shredder.

"Master, would it be wise to begin the first trial run of Baxter's new serum?" Tigerclaw suggested. Raph scowled. What serum?

"Yes, you may begin." Shredder rumbled, turning to walk out with his cape billowing behind him. "Karai, come. We have much to discuss." Raph glared after them, then looked over to where Tigerclaw was filling a syringe with some liquid from a small bottle, Raph grimaced.

"What's that, painkillers?" he said sarcastically. "Great, my arms are killing me." Tigerclaw ignored him but sneered as he approached.

"You will learn the meaning of pain, turtle," he said softly, eyes narrowed. "And you will never forget it, either." Raph scowled and then gasped as Tigerclaw plunged the syringe into his arm, injecting the liquid into him. Within moments, darkness crept into Raphael's vision as he glared at Tigerclaw, trying to kick him as his movements grew weak.

Raphael blinked his eyes open, blearily looking around. Where the shell was he, again? Oh yeah, shredder's lair in Japan. Great, just great. He groaned and shook his head, peering around again. Figures that he'd screw up and get captured, shell, he was such an idiot. Raph frowned, realising that he was no longer tied up by his wrists. Instead he was seated on the cold stone floor, chains held his arms, neck and feet to the wall behind him, but he could move a bit. Like a dog on a leash. Raph grimaced. Suddenly, a door opened and Raph squinted against the sudden light, Shredder himself entered. Raph got onto his knees, as far forward as the chains would allow.

"I'll never betray them, Shredder!" he snarled. Shredder chuckled.

"I have no need for you to betray them, turtle." he snarled, "your father is dead." Raph's eyes widened and he fell back, hands shaking against the chains.

"You, you're lying!" he yelled, yanking on them again. "You're lying and I hate you!" Shredder didn't react, just watched as Raph tried to free himself. "Let me go!"

"There would be nothing for you to return to, mutant." Shredder snarled, "your father is dead and your brothers have joined me, you are nothing to them."

"Liar!" Raph yelled again, pulling harder on the chains as the metal cut into his skin. "They would never join you!"

"Wouldn't we?" a chillingly familiar voice asked, three figures walked out of the shadows and Raph's eyes widened, he sagged back against the wall, breathing quickly.

"L-Leo…?! Mikey, Donnie!" Raph gasped, staring between his three black masked brothers. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"We finally saw the light, just like you did," Leo said, shrugging. "Taking it easy on anyone is bad, we didn't need Splinter's ridiculous traditions, he was holding us back." Raph stared at him.

"Y-you betrayed our father?" his voice cracked slightly, "are you insane? And if so, why am I still chained up, let me go!" Raph yanked on the chains, hard, gasping as it cut off his air supply.

"We don't want you." Donnie said in disgust, "you're reckless and impulsive, and Baxter Stockman wanted to dissect one of the four of us, for research." Raph blinked, shaking his head.

"No, Donnie please no!" he pleaded, eyes filling with tears, "you can't do this! Mikey, tell them!" Michelangelo just looked at Raphael, remaining silent. "Mikey, please!"

"Why would I." the freckle-faced ninja finally said, "why would I ever help you?" Raph stared at them, not understanding. This couldn't be happening!

"Luckily," Leo said, pulling out a chain that had a small weight on the end, "Baxter didn't say what condition you had to be in when we handed you over for dissection, right Don?" Donatello nodded, pulling out a bo, and Raphael's eyes widened in horror as they closed in around him.

"N-No! Stop!" he gasped, "th-this isn't fair! I'm injured, I'm restrained! You can't just-" whap. Donnie hit Raphael across the face with the end of the bo, Raphael cried out in pain as he fell to the side, arms being tugged painfully. "P-please!"

"I've wanted to do this for a long time, Raphael," Leo growled, spinning the chain around to hit the back of Raph's skull. Raphael cried out in pain, trying to pull his hands up to shield his head, but the chains restrained them too much.

"Please stop…" Raph whispered as his brothers continued to attack him, "please…"

"Where is he?" Donnie whispered, leaning over the table, staring at the map of new york city. "We've looked everywhere, Sensei, where is Raphael?" the room was silent for a moment.

"There has to be a place we didn't look." Leo finally said, pushing Donnie aside to look at the map, eyes darting from side to side. "Maybe he left the city?"

"I've checked cameras in all the surrounding cities and states, but he wouldn't get caught on those," Donnie said, tapping his fingers. "I don't know anything, Leo!"

"THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING!" Leo yelled, looking up at Donnie with white eyes. "He has to be somewhere, Donatello!"

"Well then where is he?" Donnie retorted, "we've checked everywhere Leo, and there's no sign of him! Where on earth could Raphael possibly be?"

"Donatello, Leonardo." Splinter stepped between his sons to separate them. "You must not fight each other when one of your brothers is already missing, understand? Raphael has been gone for a week and you have better things to do than argue!" Leo and Donnie kept eye contact for a second longer, then turned away; Donnie back to the map and Leo to face the wall, arms folded.

"Dudes, Master Splinter's right." Mikey said softly, "we gotta focus on finding Raph."

"We've looked everywhere!" Donnie said again, staring at the map, which was a pincushion full of different darts. Multiple in every square inch, all over the city and surrounding area. Wherever Raph was, he wasn't in the city anymore. So where could he be?

"Raphael is not in the city." Splinter said, lowering his arms, though still glancing warily between his two sons. "Where would he have gone, my sons?"

"I don't know!" Donnie said, clenching his hands into fists on the table. "We live in the city, we've never left the city, why would he leave the city?"

"Maybe he meant it this time…" Mikey said softly.

"No!" Leo said, whirling around. "Raph wouldn't quit on us, Mikey! You know that!"

"Leonardo." Splinter warned. Leo scowled.

"He wouldn't! He has to be somewhere!" He said forcefully, "Raph would never abandon us! What if something happened? What if he's hurt, or, something!"

"Do not jump to conclusions, Leonardo." Splinter said softly.

"Sensei, what if Leo's right?" Mikey asked, "what if Raph got captured by the kraang or some human scientists or something? We have to figure out where he is, Sensei!" Splinter looked around at his sons. Leonardo was watching him with intense fire in his eyes, Michelangelo with fear, and Donatello was still staring down at the map as if he could see his brothers location there.

"I...I must meditate." Splinter said softly, "I fear you are correct. Raphael has either left the team permanently or," he added at Leo's outraged look, "or he has been taken from us by force." The old rat walked out of the kitchen, leaving his sons to stand in silence.

OOOOH! I didn't take very long to spice things up did I? Thoughts? Thank you for reading and please review!

Until Friday,
